Hey I am new :)


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Hi from Norway... what country?

So officially:

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Hello! Congrats on getting baptized! I was baptized on October 28 06 and it has been a wonderful experience! I am the only member on my side of the family and it has been a struggle. I am blessed to have my husbands side of the family because they are all members. I am sure you will make lots of friends in your ward and get to know more people!

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Welcome Hells to your new gospel family. I was the only member of my family in the Church for nearly 15 years before my sister joined the Church. My church family more than made up with the support I needed during those lonesome years when I couldn't get my own family to understand the choice I made when I chose the LDS church. When your family witnesses the change in you, they will eventually appreciate what the Church and the Gospel does for you in your life and, who knows, may even want a piece of the action for themselves. Take care and God Bless you. Enjoy your baptism.

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Hey there

I am Hells and I have recently found the gospel and the truth within this church.

I am 27 and I have no other family in the church so this is a completely new experience for me.

I get baptised on the 23rd so I am excited and aprehensive all at the same time :)

Hells x x

Congratulations!!!! but i really must ask you if your name is spelled as you wrote it? and if so what does it mean in what country?:huh:

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My name is Helen but all my friends call me Hells

I was supposed to be baptised on the 23rd, but it is now the 30th of this month instead, that way I will have had times to overcome my 'vices' and my aunt will be able to come along too, she knows it means a lot to me even though she doesnt believe herself

Thank you all for your warm welcomes


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My name is Helen but all my friends call me Hells

I was supposed to be baptised on the 23rd, but it is now the 30th of this month instead, that way I will have had times to overcome my 'vices' and my aunt will be able to come along too, she knows it means a lot to me even though she doesnt believe herself

Thank you all for your warm welcomes


Helen huh? that makes sense; Well i can tell you i also had many vices to overcome. And now they have all been overcome i relize how stupid i was. because the spiritual companionship gets stronger and stronger and more wonderfull the more virtueous, honest,clean, we become. {It is sssooo true!}


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Conosco Giuseppe ed apprezzo tutte le sue iniziative su WEB (conosco solo queste).

Constato che gli Italiani sono, come al solito, latitanti. Questo potrebbe essere anche un buon segno: "Hanno troppo da fare per perdere tempo in Internet". Io non mi esprimo e continuo a dare il mio contributo per una maggiore presenza di Santi in Rete.

Apprezzo anche gli sforzi che molti Santi fanno per comunicare con una lingua straniera (io lo faccio in molte occasioni) e penso che la presenza di persone di madrelingua possa aiutarli a migliorare la loro comprensione e capacità di espressione.

Ah! Dimenticavo. Fornire indicazioni per l'iscrizione ed uso del forum esclusivamente in lingua Inglese scoraggia di molto la partecipazione dei Santi Italiani.

Sarebbe possibile fornire una versione del forum completamente in Italiano? Io sono disposto a fare il lavoro necessario se serve!

Mariano MARINI

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Gosh, and here I was expecting an exciting story about being named hells. But your welcome anyway.


You are right, but I made a mistake into my first post!

I was thinking to post into "Italian forum" topic.

But if you want an exciting story I can satisfy you.

I have a 27 years old son, unmarried, mission done, ready to married. Just only one miss: "a girl"!

So Helen (I'm not enough friend to call her Hells) will be a good candidate but .... where she came from?

Mistery and suspense.

To be continued ....:D

Sorry for my bad English.

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