patriarchal blessing? (feels like a dumb question)


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Could someone please explain what a patriarchal blessing is? I’ve been a member for 11 months and feel dumb asking, cuz I feel I should have had it figured out by now. the word Patriarchal means "of the father", so I originally assumed it was a family thing. But I’m becoming to realize that in this case its more “of the Father"(meaning heavenly father) so I know the short answer to my question is it’s a blessing (from God) that every member is to receive.,

But I’m looking for the long anwser- who what where when why and how. Who gives the blessing, when(&where), why do ya need one, and how is it given.

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Who gives the blessing, when(&where), why do ya need one, and how is it given.

1) A Patriarch (It's an office in the priesthood, not just any father Bible Dictionary: Patriarch, Patriarchs), there should be one in every stake.

2) You don't 'need' one inasmuch as it isn't a saving ordinance.

3) By the laying on of hands by one with authority (a patriarch).

For a little more detail (make sure to click on the Additional Information, Church Magazine Articles and Additional Online Materials):

Patriarchal Blessings

Edited by Dravin
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Patriarchal Blessing ?

Has anyone received theirs ? I am interested in getting mine.

Next fast Sunday, after personal preparation I am going to ask for an interview with the bishop.

I am temple worthy therefore I am worthy for a patriarchal blessing-right?

What should I do to prepare ??

What questions should I expect ?

Any other advice ?

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Could someone please explain what a patriarchal blessing is? I’ve been a member for 11 months and feel dumb asking, cuz I feel I should have had it figured out by now. the word Patriarchal means "of the father", so I originally assumed it was a family thing. But I’m becoming to realize that in this case its more “of the Father"(meaning heavenly father) so I know the short answer to my question is it’s a blessing (from God) that every member is to receive.,

But I’m looking for the long anwser- who what where when why and how. Who gives the blessing, when(&where), why do ya need one, and how is it given.

A patriarch, which is a certain position in the priesthood is authorised to give these blessings, in which they recieve revelation on advice, admonishments, sometimes commandments, and sometimes predictions for the person being the given the blessing, which is predicated on their faithfulness to God.

And i've seen enough to know that there is power at work in these.

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I’ve been a member for 11 months and feel dumb asking, cuz I feel I should have had it figured out by now.

Haha, don't feel bad, I've been a member for 9 years, an active investigator for several years before that, and not only did I just figure out what it is in the last 6 months, but I had never heard of one until a year ago! :eek: So now I am trying to figure out going about getting one. I feel scared of it and also kind of frustrated that I didn't know about it years ago, seems like everyone has gotten a lot of guidance through the tumultuous 20s from theirs and I am sad I didn't have mine.

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Haha, don't feel bad, I've been a member for 9 years, an active investigator for several years before that, and not only did I just figure out what it is in the last 6 months, but I had never heard of one until a year ago! :eek: So now I am trying to figure out going about getting one. I feel scared of it and also kind of frustrated that I didn't know about it years ago, seems like everyone has gotten a lot of guidance through the tumultuous 20s from theirs and I am sad I didn't have mine.

They are amazing to the faithful... and are worth the effort.

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It is worth the time. Consider it a more formal form of personal revelation from God to you. It will give you strength and encouragement in this life.

Another thing that I like to remind people is that those blessings are not just for this life but those things can come to fruition if faithful during the millenium before the judgement.

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It's amazing actually. Two of the things I struggle with most in my life are specifically mentioned in my Patriarchal blessing. These things weren't even struggles at the time that my blessing was given to me at the age of 16.

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I agree with bytor2112, the interview is pretty much like a temple recommend. I received my patriarchal blessing a few years ago and it has been a big blessing in my life. I would definitely recommend asking your bishop if you can get it. However, some bishops will make younger members wait until they are older and more mature until they will allow them to receive their blessing. This is so the person receiving their blessing will appreciate it more and not take it for granet.

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Patriarchal Blessing ?

Has anyone received theirs ? I am interested in getting mine.

Next fast Sunday, after personal preparation I am going to ask for an interview with the bishop.

I am temple worthy therefore I am worthy for a patriarchal blessing-right?

What should I do to prepare ??

What questions should I expect ?

Any other advice ?

This is an exerpt from a Q&A in the New Era May 2002:

"Study. The more you understand what a patriarchal blessing is and why you receive one, the more you will be able to appreciate its significance. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your parents or bishop.

Keep the commandments. Living righteously will allow you to feel the Spirit. It is through the Spirit that you will understand your blessing. And, like any blessing, the fulfillment of promises made to you in your patriarchal blessing will depend on your faithfulness.

Talk to your bishop. Your bishop or branch president will interview you to determine your worthiness. If he feels you are prepared, he will give you a recommend to receive your blessing. It is your responsibility to make an appointment with the patriarch.

Fast and pray. Fasting and prayer are good ways to make sure you are spiritually prepared to receive your blessing. If you feel nervous about receiving your blessing, pray for the comfort of the Holy Ghost. As well as praying for your own preparedness, it is also appropriate to pray for the patriarch, that he will receive the inspiration he needs.

Learn humility. The blessings and promises you receive in your patriarchal blessing will only be possible if you are willing to live worthy of those blessings. Prepare yourself to do whatever the Lord asks of you in your blessing.

Keep your blessing sacred. Remember that your patriarchal blessing is your personal scripture. You may wish to invite your parents to be present when you receive your blessing. If you choose to share it with others, only do so with close family members.

“A patriarchal blessing is the inspired and prophetic statement of your life’s mission together with blessings, cautions, and admonitions as the patriarch may be prompted to give. … Receive your patriarchal blessing under the influence of fasting and prayer, and then read it regularly that you may know God’s will for you” (Ensign, May 1986, 44–45).

—President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994)"

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Patriarchal Blessing ?

Has anyone received theirs ? I am interested in getting mine.

Next fast Sunday, after personal preparation I am going to ask for an interview with the bishop.

I am temple worthy therefore I am worthy for a patriarchal blessing-right?

What should I do to prepare ??

What questions should I expect ?

Any other advice ?

Receiving my patriarchal blessing was a awesome experience. I had only been a member for five months when I received it and it blew me away. My husband and I had ours done at the same time (on the same day so we were able to hear each others) and are blessings were totally different. Even the tone and the word usage the Patriarch used was different. My blessing help strengthen my testimony that Heavenly Father knows me and cares about me. I am currently going through a very hard trial and my patriarchal blessing has help me keep my faith up and know that everything will work out.

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This is an exerpt from a Q&A in the New Era May 2002:

"Study. The more you understand what a patriarchal blessing is and why you receive one, the more you will be able to appreciate its significance. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your parents or bishop.

Keep the commandments. Living righteously will allow you to feel the Spirit. It is through the Spirit that you will understand your blessing. And, like any blessing, the fulfillment of promises made to you in your patriarchal blessing will depend on your faithfulness.

Talk to your bishop. Your bishop or branch president will interview you to determine your worthiness. If he feels you are prepared, he will give you a recommend to receive your blessing. It is your responsibility to make an appointment with the patriarch.

Fast and pray. Fasting and prayer are good ways to make sure you are spiritually prepared to receive your blessing. If you feel nervous about receiving your blessing, pray for the comfort of the Holy Ghost. As well as praying for your own preparedness, it is also appropriate to pray for the patriarch, that he will receive the inspiration he needs.

Learn humility. The blessings and promises you receive in your patriarchal blessing will only be possible if you are willing to live worthy of those blessings. Prepare yourself to do whatever the Lord asks of you in your blessing.

Keep your blessing sacred. Remember that your patriarchal blessing is your personal scripture. You may wish to invite your parents to be present when you receive your blessing. If you choose to share it with others, only do so with close family members.

“A patriarchal blessing is the inspired and prophetic statement of your life’s mission together with blessings, cautions, and admonitions as the patriarch may be prompted to give. … Receive your patriarchal blessing under the influence of fasting and prayer, and then read it regularly that you may know God’s will for you” (Ensign, May 1986, 44–45).

—President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994)"

Thanks so much for posting this. It's very helpful

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How is the blessing recorded?

Tape recorder was used when I had mine. Every blessing is stored by the church, I guess mostly for those that have been lost.

They all are tape recorded. Then the Patriarch transcribes them and then sends them on to Utah.

My Patriarch was blind. So when we first met, he told me that he wanted to hear a bit about me, he had some set questions. Then he said that because he is blind, and recently so, his wife will be the one to transcribe the tapes. If this bothered me, say so, and he will set it up that the patriarch from a neighboring stake will give me my blessing.

I felt that because Father has seen fit to keep him healthy and just take his eyesight from him, there really was no reason not to have his wife transcribe the tapes. I had my best friend with me, and she was witnessing the blessing in real time with me.

I was 49 years old and headed into a divorce when I received my blessing. After the blessing and before we left the meeting house, he took me by the hands and told me that Father was so very proud of me, He knew I had the strength to endure the hardships, trials and stumbling blocks that were in my path. That He knew if I just kept faith, I would not become bitter and revengeful. This is NOT part of my blessing, this is what was told to me after wards.

I made it to the car before I broke down crying. I told my friend that there is proof positive that that man, the Patriarch, walks with God. Yes, I was enduring hardships, I was battling every hour with bitterness and wanting my revenge against my estranged spouse. I was terrified of becoming a horrible, shrewish, bitter woman. Now I knew, without a doubt that God heard my pleas. He had just answered them.

Prior to getting my blessing, my Branch President gave me some scriptures to read. Then the Patriarch gave me some others to read when I called to set up an appointment. I wish I had kept them, so I could tell you which ones.

Go to your Bishop and tell him that you want to get your Patriarchal blessing. Then when you call the Patriarch to set up a time, ask him if there are any scriptures that he recommends you to read.

I didn't fast before hand, because I had a 4pm appointment, and it was a 2 hour drive to get to the stake center to meet him, I didn't want to faint on him or before I got there. I did read and re-read the scriptures that were given me. I also wasn't expecting any great revelations or the sky opening in a blaze of glory. I was concerned that I wouldn't remember what was said.

Every thing that is done in the Church is recorded and kept. Baptisms, Baby Blessings, Sealings, Marriages, Deaths, Births, when the men recieve the Aaronic & Melchezidek priesthoods, etc. We are fortunate that if one loses thier patriarchal blessing, they can get a copy of the original. Same goes for all of the other recorded events.

Edited by Iggy
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