Do you have a website/blog ?


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Do I have a blog? Lol. I have a personal family blog, which is private. I have two cooking blogs in which I participate, both of which I started with friends. I have a blog in which I occasionally (like maybe twice a year?) write fiction. I participate in a photo challenge blog. I have two photography blogs of my own -- one that is just practice, miscellaneous, etc., and one in which I am building a portfolio as I work toward launching a business.

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i dont blog, my wife does under the name Moriah Jovan. we have several websites besides her blog. One is for her counted cross-stich business Effervescent Designs, one for her first book The Proviso, and one for our publishing company, B10mediaworx. B10mediaworx publishes and sells books, and also converts files into assorted e-book formats so authors can sell them.

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Guest mormonmusic

I have two websites, one for my work as a music teacher and another that promotes my band to event planners. However, I think it might be considered solicitation, so I won't post the link.

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I have a Livejournal that I've kept active since 2003, which, is a super duper long time for me! I also have a food diary on Blogger and I keep my pets' pages updated to share with other animal lovers.

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I keep a blog on here- though not really all that consistently. I have a deviantart, facebook and myspace page, and I participate on a roleplaying forum where one of the "roleplays" is really just me posting up a book I'm working on one little bit at a time. Other than that, I don't really have a webpage of my own or anything.

The site where my book is being posted is The Better of the Bad - Home , but it's in a section that is only visible to members of the board, so if you want to read it, you'll have to join :P. My user name there is Kendra.

My deviantart page has a lot of good pictures, and my story is being posted up there by chapter too (don't have to join to see it). My user name there is Dippt. Dippit on deviantART

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I have a live journal blog, which is friend locked and not something I would be sharing here.

I also have two blogger blogs, one of which is my own personal blog that I also have locked and the other of which is a blog that I have intended to do more with regarding our journey with infertility. Neither of which I will be sharing here.

One thing I like about this site is that I can post annonymously as I have not used any of my usual internet handles, however because of that I will not be sharing anything that ruins that anominity.

Now that being said I have to say that I really do love blogging and love reading other people's blogs.

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