mary magdalene


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So can someone explain who mary magdalene is. I know she is the first one that Christ appeared to after his resurrection but I get confused cuz ya hear rumors that she may have been Christs wife. Also i've heard that she was the prostitute brought before Jesus when he said he who has not sinned let him cast the first stone... I'm just not grasping the links and would like an explanation. Thanks

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From my personal reading I think historians have gotten confused about Mary Magdalene. I personally do not believe she was the prostitute brought before Christ. We do not know if she was Christ's wife or if Christ was even married.

You can answer this for yourself through study and prayer.

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I dont think we are sure or know if Mary Magdalene was a prosititute or If Jesus was married to her or not . We are not told. All we do is assume that, theres no proof. BUt I do think he was married to her but theres no proof Its speculation. And the answers to that question really doesnt matter. We dont need to know all things.

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There is no specific scripture that identifies Mary Magdalene as the prostitute that went before Christ. That seems to have always been one of those thoughts that come from 'man'.

As far as Jesus being married -- again we don't have scripture that identifies him as being married.

While studying the scriptures regarding Christ's ministry the verse that caught me by surprise was Luke 8:2

And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils.

Elder McConkie says of this verse: Among the women were some he had healed of various maladies, particularly casting out evil spirits. "At some unrecorded time she was healed by Jesus from severe physical and mental maladies, and from he body the Master -- of the seen and the unseen -- cast our seven devils. Hers was no ordinary illness, and we cannot do other than suppose that she underwent some great spiritual test -- a personal Gethsemane, a personal temptation in the wilderness for forty days, as it were -- which she over came and rose above..."

She was a faithful follower.

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from what i've read and heard, mary magdalene was NOT the prostitute that Jesus saved from being stoned. she was FROM magdalene, a town and had seven(?) demons cast out of her by Jesus.

as for Jesus being married to her, lots of debate, but what the heck, lets fuel the flames, lol.

according to LDS beliefs, to reach the celestial kingdom of heaven, you must be married, even as HF is married. does it make much sense that Jesus would be denied this highest kingdom of heaven, be part of the Godhead, and be there as a bachelor? does that somehow seem inconsistant?

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from what i've read and heard, mary magdalene was NOT the prostitute that Jesus saved from being stoned.

As I understand it, this bit of nonsense about Mary Magdelene being a prostitute was put forth by the Church in the 7th Century AD. The Vatican has since devalued this position.

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But could it really be done by proxy? I'm giving the lesson in my YW class today, and this quote is part of it:

President Spencer W. Kimball told the following true story:

“A few years ago a young couple who lived in northern Utah came to Salt Lake City for their marriage. They did not want to bother with a temple marriage, or perhaps they did not feel worthy. At any rate, they had a civil marriage. After the marriage they got into their automobile and drove north to their home for a wedding reception. On their way home they had an accident, and when the wreckage was cleared, there was a dead man and a dead young woman. They had been married only an hour or two. Their marriage was ended. They thought they loved each other. They wanted to live together forever, but they did not live the commandments that would make that possible. So death came in and closed that career. They may have been good young people; I don’t know. But they will be angels in heaven if they are. They will not be gods and goddesses and priests and priestesses because they did not fulfill the commandments and do the things that were required at their hands.

“Sometimes we have people who say, ‘Oh, someday I will go to the temple. But I am not quite ready yet. And if I die, somebody can do the work for me in the temple.’ And that should be made very clear to all of us. The temples are for the living and for the dead only when the work could not have been done. Do you think that the Lord will be mocked and give to this young couple who ignored him, give them the blessings? The Lord said, ‘For all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men are dead.’ (D&C 132:7)” (in Conference Report, Japan Area Conference 1975, pp. 61–62).

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Nice story or I mean quite the story. :)

Would this couple, if they desired, been sealed if they had lived and would that sealing been valid had they lived worthy? People grow precept upon precept. Just becuase one might not want to follow a certain commandment now, dosen't mean he will remain that way.

Edited by marts1
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He didn't need to be married during His time here to be exalted.

But H- did to fulfill the law. I also think the Pharisees would have made a big stink about H-s bachelorhood had H- not been married (same argument stands for every person in the Old and New Testaments if their marriages are not mentioned in scripture). It is not lawful for a man to be a bachelor by choice by a certain age if one is an Orthodox Jew, particularly if he is going to take a podium or assume responsibility in the synagogue (and thus all the arranged marriages). No one ever argued about J-sus' right to teach in the synagogue.

We do not know who his wife or wives were (polygamy was an acceptable Jewish practice during H-s time, just as it is for Yemeni Jews today) and since it did not matter much to name H-s wife or wives, then it does not matter at all now.

Wingnut and others are right (as are you), the entire point is of H-s marriage is pure speculation. Considering the nature of the Law and the many conversations he had with the Pharisees, I believe H- was, but it is also not that important or necessary for my salvation.

Here is the ready deconstruction for the whole argument of whether H- needed marriage in this life for H-s exaltation: H- was already a god. H- was already a member of the G-dhead. H- was already exalted. Marriage for J-sus was not a matter of H-sown exaltation, rather it was a matter of law.

As has been mentioned, Mary was of Magdala and a close follower and friend of J-sus. We do not know much other about her except what is mentioned in some of the Apocrypha or early Catholic tradition and since some of that is wonderfully imaginative and fantastic it is not of much value to Latter-day Saints or very credible and so we do not go beyond what Talmage taught and stay happy with that.

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But H- did to fulfill the law. I also think the Pharisees would have made a big stink about H-s bachelorhood had H- not been married (same argument stands for every person in the Old and New Testaments if their marriages are not mentioned in scripture). It is not lawful for a man to be a bachelor by choice by a certain age if one is an Orthodox Jew, particularly if he is going to take a podium or assume responsibility in the synagogue (and thus all the arranged marriages). No one ever argued about J-sus' right to teach in the synagogue.

That's why I'm inclined to believe that Christ was married while on earth. I just don't think it's important or anything we really need to know.

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. . . How do you know that?

Not in the NT. The synoptic historians were pretty good about including all the smears and if these "smears" were included the Catholics would be making hay out of it (more justification for bachelor, celibate priests and all that).
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But H- did to fulfill the law. I also think the Pharisees would have made a big stink about H-s bachelorhood had H- not been married (same argument stands for every person in the Old and New Testaments if their marriages are not mentioned in scripture). It is not lawful for a man to be a bachelor by choice by a certain age if one is an Orthodox Jew, particularly if he is going to take a podium or assume responsibility in the synagogue (and thus all the arranged marriages). No one ever argued about J-sus' right to teach in the synagogue.

Not true. It was the norm, but not prerequisite to be married at a certain age. In fact, one of the greatest Jewish preachers of the early 2nd century AD was a bachelor.

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