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Hello. I have a problem with the Jehovah's Witnesses .. they often call at home, please help me. they are losing ground as I possess a document on the new converts and apostates .. They seek to recruit. They said only the Jehovah's Witnesses are assured of surviving the destruction of our wicked world. Come on, come join us .. they annoy me to tell me about this passage and TG .. all the wicked and those who do not accept the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses are destroyed! The love of God can then settle between his children ...

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Tell them to go away or you will phone the police and press charges. Either that, or keep a lot of BoM's around and give them to every JW that comes to your door. Don't negotiate or say you will do anything for them, just give them a Book of Mormon and slam the door.

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I suggest you be kind and Christian-like, even if they are not. Call the local Jehovah Witnesses Hall, and nicely ask the leaders there to take you off their visiting list. Explain that you already are a faithful follower of Christ, and are not interested.

And if they show up again at your door, tell them you will agree to talk with them, but only if they spend an equal amount of time listening to you teach them concerning the restored gospel (First Vision, Book of Mormon, etc). That normally has them scattering for the hills.

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Again, we ask people to be respectful and not bash our religion. Let's give the same courtesy.

Good point, if I were being harceled by a couple of Jehovah Witnesses, I would ask if we could discuss it peacefully over an ice cold Coca-Cola.

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Sorry, not the place to vent frustrations. My bad.

lol especially as this one could cause a marital, just invite them in, show them love, because ultimately in your heart you know they are wrong, doesn't matter what they threaten you with:) personally I show anyone who knocks on the door the same courtesy I would want them to show our missionaries when they knock on their door, but I do also offer them a Book of Mormon:)

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