Seen a good movie at the cinema?


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The last movie we saw was How To Train Your Dragon 3D and loved it! We'd like to see something this weekend but haven't heard any reviews on what's showing. We checked out Rotten Tomatoes and Iron Man 2 had decent ratings but Robin Hood had poor ratings. Those were kind of the two that I was interested in seeing. Has anyone seen either or both? Which would you recommend or would you recommend something entirely different?

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The last movie we saw was How To Train Your Dragon 3D and loved it! We'd like to see something this weekend but haven't heard any reviews on what's showing. We checked out Rotten Tomatoes and Iron Man 2 had decent ratings but Robin Hood had poor ratings. Those were kind of the two that I was interested in seeing. Has anyone seen either or both? Which would you recommend or would you recommend something entirely different?

I actually just read a review on Robin Hood. The woman who wrote it is one of my favorite bloggers, and a top 5 mom blogger, according to the WSJ. She's LDS, a mom of four, and lives in Alaska. Granted, she's got a "thing" for Russell Crowe, but she loved Robin Hood. I had heard that it is by far the most violent of any Robin Hood movie ever made, but she noted that there's a lot of fighting (think Lord of the Rings), but most of the actual gore is cut-away, with the exception of a final battle at the very end. The PG-13 rating is due to that scene as well as a scene at the beginning of Prince John and "his woman" (as she put it). This film is supposed to be a prequel (comparable to Batman Begins) about how Robin Hood came to be Robin Hood. She mentioned that there are some historical inaccuracies, but overall it was "definitely worth it."

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Oh where's the 'groan' button when you need it?

You mean, where's the "BOOOO" button!?


OK thanks for sharing, Wingnut. Cos I really want to see Robin Hood. The trailers look fantastic but when hubby read its reviews to me the other day, I was a bit bummed.. So I'll have to tell him that it does have some good ratings from bloggers.

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I don't pay too much attention to reviews. I see what I want. There have been movies that got rave reviews that I didn't care for and vice versa.

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You mean, where's the "BOOOO" button!?


OK thanks for sharing, Wingnut. Cos I really want to see Robin Hood. The trailers look fantastic but when hubby read its reviews to me the other day, I was a bit bummed.. So I'll have to tell him that it does have some good ratings from bloggers.

If you send me a PM, I'll send you the blog that I'm referring to. I don't want to post it here only because I left a comment on it that would be easily identifiable based on what I wrote above.

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I like Robert Downey Jr. But I've been watching his movies since I was a little girl.. Iron Man 2 looks like a great movie for weekend entertainment. For this movie, it's going to be about finding a good day when there won't be a lot of families with little kids, to watch it.

Date Night looks light it might be funny. Apart of me also wants to see Nightmare On Elm Street because I'm a big horror fan. But I doubt I'll see either of those. At least, I don't see hubby buying full priced tickets for them at the cinema.

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Date Night looks light it might be funny.

The only thing that looks funny about that to me is the actors. The story looks awful. Either that, or whoever put the trailer together did an awful job at picking the good parts of the movie.

My mom is going to go see Letters to Juliet today. I'm waiting to see what she thought of it.

A friend of mine who served her mission in Milan went to see it, and she was excited to see familiar sites/sights. She said, "Letters to Juliet was pretty good except for the end maybe."

Until she posted that (on FB ), I'd never even heard of it.

Edited by Wingnut
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Guest mormonmusic

I loved Avatar. I think they created a world that was original and lush compared to what we're used to -- it was the coolest thing to behold.

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OK haven't gone to the cinema yet but I'm really really leaning towards Robin Hood. A special thanks to Wingnut for that blogger review. She's got a knack for blogging. I think if I consider all her points, I won't be disappointed the least bit if and when I go see RH. Thanks.

Any more recommendations are still welcomed.

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I loved Avatar. I think they created a world that was original and lush compared to what we're used to -- it was the coolest thing to behold.

Lol. Did you miss that whole thread dedicated to Avatar? :P

I saw it in 3D around the time it was released on the big screen. Its CGI graphics were astounding and literally blew me away. BUT, I was terribly disappointed by the story-line. I found it to be unoriginal and even a mimic of previous story concepts (ie. Fern Gully, one example). Still, I won't deny it wasn't worth watching. The experience you have seeing it on the big screen in 3D is amazing. You can't get that at home..

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The last movie we saw was How To Train Your Dragon 3D and loved it! We'd like to see something this weekend but haven't heard any reviews on what's showing. We checked out Rotten Tomatoes and Iron Man 2 had decent ratings but Robin Hood had poor ratings. Those were kind of the two that I was interested in seeing. Has anyone seen either or both? Which would you recommend or would you recommend something entirely different?

recent movies i've enjoyed are avatar, sherlock holmes (that one was surprisingly good), invictus, the princess and the Frog, and blind side.... Dunno if any (other than avatar) are still playing in theatres.

I still need to see alice in wonderland.

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I took my youngest son to see Disney's "Oceans" a couple of weeks ago. Wow! Beautiful cinematography and some really unusual views of some of God's most interesting creations. Pierce Brosnan wouldn't have been my first choice for narration, but apart from that it was a real delight. I encourage you to see it in theaters to help remind Disney that there's a place at the box office for movies in which nothing explodes and no breasts are displayed.

On the other hand: Iron Man 2 == awesome.

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OK Pam, I will NOT even "hint" the unmentionable :]

I really enjoyed Sherlock Holmes as well. I was at the video store not too long ago and wanted to see The Princess and The Frog, that looks so cute. Haven't seen Alice In Wonderland but read so-so reviews on it. The only reason we check and go by Rotten Tomatoes is because most of the time their reviews are right on target for me and hubby.

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OK Pam, I will NOT even "hint" the unmentionable :]

I really enjoyed Sherlock Holmes as well. I was at the video store not too long ago and wanted to see The Princess and The Frog, that looks so cute. Haven't seen Alice In Wonderland but read so-so reviews on it. The only reason we check and go by Rotten Tomatoes is because most of the time their reviews are right on target for me and hubby.

I love rotten tomatoes good site :thumbsup:

I"m really hoping that the Prince of Persia (and hopin they use a lot of authentic parkour), despicable me, and Tron Legacy are good. Trailers for the new shrek movie look good so hopin to that is as well too.

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