The Best Diet???


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Guest mirancs8

That looks like an unhealthy diet. I think runway models are a bunch of chainsmoking smoothie drinkers.:)

Not just unhealthy but man just looking at a man with jeans on that tight makes me what free him from that uncomfortable bondage!!! ...well wait a minute maybe that's his thing ;) Can a man even have room in that tight of pants. :D Can you just picture him strutting in a pair of jeans that tight? Question should be would anyone want to picture that lol!!

I only hope they are stretch jeans at least.:lol:

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  • 1 month later...

This is what I do everyday.

• I eat vegetarian. No fast food, no artificial drinks, no starches/carbs (no coffee too — that was a toughie for me..)

• I eat under 500 calories a day

• I run 60 minutes in the morning

• I run 60 minutes in the evening

• I do 30 minutes yoga

• I do 60 minutes strength training

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I should add that this is what works for me and my body. I would not recommend others to adopt my methods in any shape or form without consulting their physician first to determine what calorie intake and exercise regimen is best suited for their body. But if you're interested in being more active and feeling healthier, start with 15-20 minutes a day of some sort of cardio and cut-out fatty/starchy/high sodium foods. You'll feel healthier and look healthier.

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I suggest everyone read Dr John Amen's book, "Change your Brain, Change your Body." He recently did a 3 hour PBS program, and it was so interesting I purchased the book. I'm about 1/2 way through it and highly recommend it. He shows that we need to focus on healing our brains, so that our bodies can also heal. Our brain controls everything, including hormones, etc. The problem with most diets is they are "one size fits all", but Dr Amen explains that there are at least 5 major brain issues that occur that can affect weight, health, etc. There are some therapies and diets that work great for some people, but won't work on others because they have different issues.

Highly recommended!

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This is what I do everyday.

• I eat vegetarian. No fast food, no artificial drinks, no starches/carbs (no coffee too — that was a toughie for me..)

• I eat under 500 calories a day

• I run 60 minutes in the morning

• I run 60 minutes in the evening

• I do 30 minutes yoga

• I do 60 minutes strength training

You eat under 500 calories a day???? Don't you know you are starving your body and brain? The brain alone requires at least 300-500 calories a day. You might be slim, but you are asking your body to do things it can't do forever, simply because it doesn't have the nutrients and healthy calories it requires to do those things.

I have no problem with vegetarians. But you need to up your calorie count to at least 1200 per day, just so your brain and body don't end up feeding off your organs and muscles in order to stay alive. I knew of a girl who died from lack of potassium because she did extreme dieting like this. This is on the level of bulimia, seriously.

I do agree with the importance for exercising and eating healthy calories. One can eat 500 calories of sugar, but will not get the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other health benefits from a 500 calorie salad.

Edited by rameumptom
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  • 4 months later...
Guest danialclarcke

I heard power pop is as bad if not worse than sugary pop. In my experience, I hate diets, so I'm not in them, but I feel better if I remember to buy the bags of frozen vegetables and then eat a lot of steamed vegetables every day and whole grains. I can eat junk food, but as well the first things I do not think you're tired or hungry. Furthermore, the more exercise, I want more fruits and vegetables.

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  • 3 months later...

best diet I have come across would be raw food diet plant based nuts/fruit diet my wife is a vegan since 15yrs old and so are most of my kids , talk about strength and energy and healthy skin its quite simple eat no process food and dairy(it is quite a struggle for some(me) to convert too being a vegetarian then towards vegan but I find the more veggies/fruit I eat something like 70%raw veggies and 30% meat but slowly getting there:)

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I just hit my 6th week on low carb diet and wow I didnt really feel I needed to lose weight but my wife wanted to try something before we went on vacation next week. I lost 20 lbs im 6' 3" and started at 193.4 lbs, weighed myself today and im at 172.8 lbs. I have been a steady 190-195 lbs for the last 6 years before the diet.

I was pretty sceptical at 1st so I am amazed at the amount of wt I lost. I didnt have a gut or anything but its cool to be able to see my stomach muscles again havnt seen them since highschool lol. Im hoping to put on a good 10 lbs of muscle but have been lax in my excercise because I hurt my back in december and keep messing it up again before it has time to fully heal. So im waiting a while before I engage in any strenuous activities.

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Week 1 we tried for 0 carbs to reach what they call ketosis. If your body has no carbs to burn for energy it burns stored fat for energy instead.

Second week we went for 15-25 carbs a day just to make sure we had reached ketosis.

From then on we did 25-50 carbs a day with lots of protien chicken, pork, eggs, etc.

Linda's Low Carb Menus & Recipes - Recipes

Is the main site we used for recipes they have a lot of good stuff.

Id like to say our diet consisted mostly of salads with spinach, fruit, almonds(many diff flavors), chicken, steamed vegetables, steak and bratwurst, tuna, tillapia and cheese/sticks and pork rinds/flaming. Pretty much all our meals were some combination of the above prepared in diff ways.

For snack craving we bought the sugar free popsicles and sugar free fudge pops, sugar free jellos with the canned whip cream and lotta fruit, egg crepes with sugar free jams were really good also.

Make sure to have 3 meals a day and then make sure to have 2 good snacks between eat whenever your hungry but eat only till you dont feel hungry.

If you have trouble eating to much find your basal metabolic rate mine was about 2100ish cals a day. Use any calculator online to find out yours. Then use this as a guide to keep your caloric intake at level with your bmr. This diet is not about lowering your caloric intake but starving your body of carbs so its forced to burn fat instead.

Good luck to you if you decide to try it im sure you will be surprised with the results just as I was didnt seem like it could be that simple or that you could still eat so good and lose weight like that still.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The best diet is one with a balance of proteins, carbs and healthy fats. First, though, everyone should know their basal metabolic rate and their daily active burn. For those of you saying, "Huh?" read this:


Understand your body, it's needs and how to intelligently supply those needs. My personal rule of thumb is three plates (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with lean protein, a complex carb and a lot of fruits/veggies (salad) with one or two healthy snacks in between. I posted a picture in the P90X thread to give you an idea.

There are different camps and philosphies (paleo, primal, vegetarian, vegan, etc). Whatever you choose for yourself, you need all three macronutrients in your daily diet (proteins, carbs, fats) along with your daily allowance of micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and water).

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  • 1 month later...

Well there are lot of diet plans but in my opinion raw food diet is best for health. vegetables and fruits are also best diet food because fruits have vitamins and vegetables have carbohydrates which are useful for weight lose. So everyone should eat vegetables and fruits only because these food are beat for health and fitness.

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Edited by Shown
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Well there are lot of diet plans but in my opinion raw food diet is best for health. vegetables and fruits are also best diet food because fruits have vitamins and vegetables have carbohydrates which are useful for weight lose. So everyone should eat vegetables and fruits only because these food are beat for health and fitness.

I have to agree with Shown..I have heard about this way of eating, but didn't really know much about it until recently. Four weeks ago I came across a very interesting article in a health magazine explaining this way of eating. It even had recipes that really grabbed my attention as they were so easy & so do-able! So, I forged ahead with giving this a try. It wasn't hard at all as I have always been semi-vegetarian anyways, but the big surprise was how delicious the food was & how easy it was to do. I have been on it for three weeks now, feeling so much better, more energy, less coughing/phlem (cough/phlem had been due to wheat & being lactose intolerant), etc. I'm amazed at all the incredible recipes that are available & believe it or not, I am not missing any of the previous health robbing foods that I used to eat!!

I have another post on here "Are you a Raw Foodie" where I have posted some raw food recipes. They are just a small example of the incredible & scrumptious recipes that are available.

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Guest Hallmark
Posted (edited) · Hidden


Benefit: Weight loss


Benefit: Longer lifespan


Benefit: Cardiovascular strengthening


Benefit: Weight loss


Benefit: Feeling fuller for longer


Benefit: Reduced risk of heart disease


Benefit: Improved immune function


Benefit: Improved memory

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Edited by Hallmark
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks members for posting these suggestion for the healthy diet. This kind of the discussion

is best source for the healthy information that can help in selection of the healthy diet.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited) · Hidden


Good info indeed i like your post and also agreed with you.

In my opinion vegetables are must be included in daily diet.

Thanks for nice sharing.....

Edited by abeera
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  • 1 month later...


Low fat, low carb, high protein — there's a diet plan of every flavor. And if you're one of the millions of Americans who struggle with weight, you've probably tried them all, likely with little success.

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