Obama's Mosque Remarks Reverberate


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"There is beauty all around . . ."

(oops--made it worse)

When I was in the MTC, someone in the branch presidency told us that anytime we couldn't get our minds off of girls we should start singing a hymn. So the next time I saw that really cute sister going to Finland, I sang at the top of my lungs


Oh, and by the way :threadhijacked:

Edited by MarginOfError
MOE can't type.
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Well, we either have religious freedom or we don't. If we do, let them build. They haven't done anything wrong. They will have all kinds of watchdog groups waiting for any kind of mistake, impropriety, or the slightest terrorist link. I think we're safe.

If we don't have religious freedom...well dang. We're in trouble.

Honestly, I think it is kind of cool that in America this sort of thing can happen. If it couldn't, we wouldn't be America.

I agree, if we really care about religious freedom, we'd let them build that mosque/community center. Those terrorists don't represent all Muslims, in fact the majority of them condemned the attacks.

With LDS temples, eventually those who had the NIMBY attitude back down and realize that in the end, the temple is a good thing. Sometimes there has to be a compromise between the church and the city, but in the end, the temple gets finished.

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If they have a legal right then let them build it. This is just another thing to get our minds off the real problems - the economy, bad education, healthcare problems, where the hard core terrorism comes from (Saudi Arabia), etc...

Immigration (against the Mexicans), gay marriage (against the gays and lesbians), and now this thing (against the Muslims.) Always against people and it takes our minds off what should be our real objectives - dealing with far more important problems.

Live by the sword die by the sword. Far better to live by the constitution and die by the constitution. You will love longer and happier that way. If they have the legal right, let them build it.

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Out of curiousity, did he get excommunicated for donating money against that California Proposition?

Excommunicated from the cadre of social liberals and big-government types who suddenly became enamored of self-rule by the states once Prop 8 was on the ballot?

I don't think so, no. :D

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Wouldn't it be nice if we could just say:

"Fine. Build the thing. But know (and remind your co-religionists) that if another American dies due to Islamic extremism on American soil, federal marshals will demolish that mosque within forty-eight hours."

(Yeah, yeah, it'd never work. But it's fun to dream.)

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from the article:

factory is too close then why in Brooklyn is the mosque being opposed in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn? Is that far enough?” said Mahdi Bray, the executive director of Muslim American Society Freedom.

Officials said the ground zero mosque controversy is just one of many attempts to prevent mosques from being built all over the country, and that it may have emboldened other protestors.

Protests have been held on Staten Island, and California, and Tennessee, Wisconsin, Alabama and Florida.

“The building of mosques and the resistance to buildings of mosques has increased throughout America as well as the destruction and vandalizing of mosque in Florida with a pipe bomb,” Bray said.

It is this kind of thing that worries me, if not for their sake, then for the sake of my own religion.

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Wouldn't it be nice if we could just say:

"Fine. Build the thing. But know (and remind your co-religionists) that if another American dies due to Islamic extremism on American soil, federal marshals will demolish that mosque within forty-eight hours."

(Yeah, yeah, it'd never work. But it's fun to dream.)

You may be angry at Muslims for the terrorist acts they have done but you can't blame every single Muslim for it. When I compare the extremists to a completely different religion I am serious. The extremists may be of the same religion but the things they believe are as different from mainstream Muslims as Baptists are from Catholics. Not every Muslim is a terrorist. In fact most of them are very good people. I think this comment is a bit over the top, and reminds me of some of the things that were done to our church in the early years.

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In my more rational moments, Tarnished, I generally agree with you.

On the other hand: Arguably, it was external pressure from the Missouri government that led Joseph Smith to finally, convincingly denounce the Danites and impose ecclesiastical sanctions on the ringleaders. It would be interesting to see how quickly the extremists would disappear if their more mainstream colleagues would just say "these guys are trash and they're going to hell" rather than the "gee, that's too bad--but maybe you Americans should take this as an opportunity to rethink your [pick one of the following:] Support for Israel / allowing your culture to be broadcast electronically throughout the globe / allowing your citizens to say whatever they want about The Prophet".

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“My objection is ground zero. This is a holy place. It should remain as a holy place,” added Steven Goldberg of Bayside.

This has to be the most twisted consecration ever: This was previously the World Trade Center and as such was part of Camp Mammon. I don't like misplaced sentiment turning the commercial into the Holy. Like saying the holiday buying at Wal-Mart is in honor of the baby Jesus.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, called for an investigation of those who are protesting the building of the Ground Zero Mosque on Tuesday. She told San Francisco's KCBS radio:


Calls to investigate the funding for those proposing the $100 million "Cordoba House" have fallen on deaf ears, though, as New York's Mayor Mike Bloomberg has described such an investigation as "un-American."

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Then, add my name to the list...:P

I wonder we should allow the Nazi to build a shrine next to the Jewish Holocast memorial. Or perhaps, or allow the Japanese come to Pearl Harbor to put up a memorial for their dead who died on 7th of December? :)

Hemi? You follow international politics at least as much as me and probably more. You know the US has more to worry about than whether a group puts up a mosque in the Twin Towers area. ;)

China owning ridiculous amounts of US debt, for instance - Enough to cause hyperinflation if they decided to dump the debt.

The withdrawal from Iraq resulting in genocide by one group against another (Not unlikely, since absolute ruthlessness is the only thing that will restore the rule of law).

The Iran/Israel issue.

Russia's threat to American allies, such as Georgia and Ukraine.

This whole Mosque thing is a bunch of posturing by groups that both need to grow up. The people doing this weren't responsible for the September 11th attacks any more than all Christians were responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombings.

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Remember, with China and they know it, they "cannot' dump the dollar. The dollar right now controls their economy and we can shutdown that pipeline and they would suffer for it more than us. You are now looking at a new Chinese people and not the old guard childish bantings by clinging to power by force agency. This is why they had to back off in selling off anything in seeing amount of goods we import and purchase from this region.

New York 911 area is more like a holy shrine location now with many New Yorkers. You can put it in the same class as the USS Arizona. This is why, it should be left in the hands of those who live there to determine what should be built around the twin-towers location. If I was the Mayor, I would just ask the people to get a concensus what the people would feel is appropriate.

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I respectfully disagree.

I think you are making the classic American mistake - That everyone wants a liberal democratic society and that the power of the people always wins out. That is a dangerous hubris as June 4th, 1989 can attest.(Look it up).

That was only 21 years ago, Hemi. There are powerful people in the world that can't give two hoots about having a liberal democratic society. Those people have an awful lot of control.

I would urge you to be wary. It is entirely possible that I'm wrong. I don't claim special revelation. I do, however, urge caution when assuming what a country will or won't do.

Remember, with China and they know it, they "cannot' dump the dollar. The dollar right now controls their economy and we can shutdown that pipeline and they would suffer for it more than us. You are now looking at a new Chinese people and not the old guard childish bantings by clinging to power by force agency. This is why they had to back off in selling off anything in seeing amount of goods we import and purchase from this region.

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It has nothing to do with American mistake or see what had happen in the past, this is personal. Right now, it is more of a internal appeasement we are seeing.

Wait... What? Who's being appeased and how? And... Err... What's personal?

I think I might not understand what you're saying with this post.

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