Do Dogs go to Heaven?


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They do not choose between good and evil. There is no reason for them not to go to heaven. They only obey instinct.

All this shows is that they are outside the law.\

They had no part in the fall but received the effects of the fall.

Through the redemption of Christ all will be made alive in Christ

even they which are not subject to the laws of redemption.

Even the severely retarded or (impeded in some other way) human who cannot repent.

Paul has much to say I believe on this subject I believe.

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As John Doe and I have both stated before..if there aren't steaks in heaven we just aren't going.

Although the resurrected Lord did eat fish with his disciples. I am not sure he needed to do so for his own health or if He even wanted to necessarily.

Will I desire a steak in my resurrected state?:cool:

If so, How long would it take to shed away from this desire.

If I smoked would I desire a spud or would I navigate to a state where that was all people did?

Edited by JohnnyRudick
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They do not choose between good and evil. There is no reason for them not to go to heaven. They only obey instinct.

Are they created for automatic celestial glory? How does this compare with the earth (D&C 88:25-26)?

And again, verily I say unto you, the earth abideth the law of a celestial kingdom, for it filleth the measure of its creation, and transgresseth not the law— Wherefore, it shall be sanctified; yea, notwithstanding it shall die, it shall be quickened again, and shall abide the power by which it is quickened, and the righteous shall inherit it.

And look at Abraham's account of the creation where "the Gods saw that they were obeyed" by elements of the earth.

I think there's room in these verses to believe that the earth acted in accordance to celestial law and is not acted upon (there are clearly some laws that act upon the earth, but that does not exclude the other). And if the earth can be judged for obedience, there's no reason why a dog can't either.

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No, dogs do not go to heaven. But cats can.

You see, dogs don't have free agency. They blindly obey any command their master gives them, no matter what. They do so not because they're especially "good", but because they are programmed to.

Cats, on the other hand, do have free agency. They can be (and often are!) disobedient little buggers. However, when they choose to be good, they can be downright angelic. If they make good choices during their nine lives, and repent of their sins, cats can go to heaven. :)

Free agency makes the difference because you only get credit for being good if you choose to be good.


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No, dogs do not go to heaven. But cats can.

You see, dogs don't have free agency. They blindly obey any command their master gives them, no matter what. They do so not because they're especially "good", but because they are programmed to.

Cats, on the other hand, do have free agency. They can be (and often are!) disobedient little buggers. However, when they choose to be good, they can be downright angelic. If they make good choices during their nine lives, and repent of their sins, cats can go to heaven. :)

Free agency makes the difference because you only get credit for being good if you choose to be good.


No, no. Cats are actually more based on instinct rather than choice. They are the programmed ones. Dogs actually make choices every day. Do I jump up on the table and eat the food that is there? Do I dig a hole in the yard? Do I sit when told or is disobeying more satisfying than the treat I may or may not get? Do I lick my master's face in the morning to wake them up or should I wait patiently by their bed? Do I jump on the couch that I am not allowed on when my master is gone?

Programmed...HAH! Dogs obey commands because they think they are going to get something for it, and some because they are good dogs and want to make their master happy with them. But they are not programmed, far from it.

If dogs make good choices then they can go to heaven, cats though...that's iffy. They are like pre-programmed hunting machines, can machines go to heaven? I think not. :P

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Programmed...HAH! Dogs obey commands because they think they are going to get something for it, and some because they are good dogs and want to make their master happy with them. But they are not programmed, far from it.

Amen! Try owning a border collie. They're smarter than many humans I know.

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Amen! Try owning a border collie. They're smarter than many humans I know.

Same with my weimaraners, they are both smart in different ways. My male is smart in that he figures out how to get to food, and he is very quick at picking up tricks we teach him, and very very bright when it comes to understanding human language. He has figured out conversations my husband and I have and then acts upon them.

My female is smart in a different way, she has figured out that she can sit on chairs like people do and that chairs and stools and other things are great for stepping on or sitting on and getting closer to the counters, or the table, or whatever else she is interested in. She has figured out that she can wrap her paw around the neighbors fence boards and pull them off, and then get out of the yard that way.

It is sometimes scary with both of them around, I never know what they are going to get into, or out of, or figure out next. I am just waiting for them to figure out how to open their kennels while we are gone at work.

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lol, I grew up with a Collie, I think that's the kind of dog I'd get if I were to do it again, something smart enough to save the kids if they... fell down a well or something.

We had a collie when I was a kid, really sweet dog, but sooooo much hair! There are a lot of smart dog breeds, it really depends on what you want in a dog. But collies are good dogs.

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