Burn a Koran Day? =:0


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I think of it this way: The people of the middle east served as a repository for science, philosophy and history during the Dark Ages of Europe. Having this knowledge available lead to Western Civilization's Renaissance and our own age of enlightenment.

We are now able to return the favor, but war and politics keep getting in the way. If only the United States and Great Britain has agreed on Florida as the site of the Israeli home state, we would not be having this problem with the world of Islam. Heck, the Floridian Israel could have already annexed Alabama and the Mississippi Strip.

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During wartime the state exercises somewhat greater censorship rights for the purposes of national security. The current "War on Terror" is indeed so incendiary that good citizens are willing to self-censor. Then there are those camera hounds that take advantage of the difficulties to grab those 15 minutes of fame that they otherwise could never hope to find.

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Knowing how the Muslims of the world tend to react, this could actually be a good thing. I'm never one for death and massacre, but it's not me doing it after all. I can see the headlines now:

"Leadership of Westboro Baptist Church Burned Alive!"

"More Members of Westboro Baptist Church Found Dead!"

"Last Surviving Westboro Baptist Church Member Placed In Protective Custody."

Probably won't happen, but it would certainly eliminate a huge nuisance.

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This is the same pastor, who a year ago (according to NPR) plastered "No Homo for Mayor" on his church's marquee. I read that he has "postponed" the event until further notice. Probably had every news outlet in the wolrd ignored him he would have gone away.

He has a congregation of 50. He has to do something to build the flock.

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I don't feel like going back there, but when I first heard about it I went to Dove's website and read about their rationale.

One of the first reasons why Islam is evil (the pastor's written a book devoted to that subject)? It's a religion supposedly revealed by an angel.

I wonder how this man thinks about the Book of Mormon and the LDS faithful?

Interesting thought Matthew

Ya... there is scipture that does mention not to believe any other gospel revealed by an angel.Mohamed didn't claim just any angel delivered the Qur'an to him either.He said it was the angel Gabriel.I'm not gonna say it was or wasn't....honestly don't know.

I only have one question about the Qur'an that I'd like an aswer to but nobody will answer my question from over there.I even sent a person an email once. :(

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CNN: Pastor calls off buring Qurans

I dunno. I find it interesting that 1,211 anti-Semitic incidents across the US in 2009 barely make a blip on anyone's radar, despite 29 of those being assaults on people. But someone threatens to burn an Islamic holy book, and good people across the world come out of the woodwork to voice opposition.

My initial not-fully-thought-through gut reaction, is this disparity is because outside of Israel, it's hard to find any sect of Jews being violent anywhere about anything. Whereas we find sects of Islam causing rioting in the streets and commiting acts of violence and murder in numerous countries across the world.

What do you think?

Maybe if we where at war with Israel, and we where being publicly anti-Semitic, people would pay more attention to the assaults.

War is bad. War is stupid. See signature for what I think about life.

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Maybe if we where at war with Israel, and we where being publicly anti-Semitic, people would pay more attention to the assaults.

War is bad. War is stupid. See signature for what I think about life.

Depending on what you mean by on Earth and by common it's not necessarily the case. Oxygen makes up something like 47% of the Earth's Mass unless I'm misremembering and the internet is steering me wrong (quite possible). Don't know how things might pan out if you do it by atom count*. Now hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe , by quite a far shot compared to O.

*For instance the atomic mass of O is close to 16 and H is close to one, so a molecule of water is, by mass, mostly O. However if you are counting atoms then water represents a 2:1 ratio in H's favor.

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Depending on what you mean by on Earth and by common it's not necessarily the case. Oxygen makes up something like 47% of the Earth's Mass unless I'm misremembering and the internet is steering me wrong (quite possible). Don't know how things might pan out if you do it by atom count*. Now hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe , by quite a far shot compared to O.

*For instance the atomic mass of O is close to 16 and H is close to one, so a molecule of water is, by mass, mostly O. However if you are counting atoms then water represents a 2:1 ratio in H's favor.

Actually, we where both wrong; nitrogen is the most common element in Earth's atmosphere. whoops.

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CNN: Pastor calls off buring Qurans

I dunno. I find it interesting that 1,211 anti-Semitic incidents across the US in 2009 barely make a blip on anyone's radar, despite 29 of those being assaults on people. But someone threatens to burn an Islamic holy book, and good people across the world come out of the woodwork to voice opposition.

My initial not-fully-thought-through gut reaction, is this disparity is because outside of Israel, it's hard to find any sect of Jews being violent anywhere about anything. Whereas we find sects of Islam causing rioting in the streets and commiting acts of violence and murder in numerous countries across the world.

What do you think?

I think a big reason that this became such a major issue is the fact that it puts the lives of American soldiers at risk. Muslims are a lot more defensive of their religion than most other people of faith, and even the more moderate ones can become violent if the Koran is defiled. That's why the Army has started to put a lot of emphasis on cultural awareness when we do our training. A single act of disrespect can turn an otherwise peaceful village/tribe against you rather quickly. It's how their culture works.

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Two wrongs do not make a right, and Quran burning is stupid and dangerous. On the other hand, the hypocrisy from many in that other Abrahamic religion is flabbergasting. Christians in Gaza Fear for Their Lives as Muslims Burn Bibles and Destroy Crosses - Associated Content - associatedcontent.com

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In a somewhat similar vein (didn't want to resurrect the Mosque thread just for this):

. . . Rauf returned to New York on the eve of Sept. 11, to pronounce that unless his mosque gets built near Ground Zero, Americans might expect from the “Muslim world” a new wave of destructive fury.

We used to call this kind of stunt a protection racket. The message here is one of implied violence. Not that Rauf himself would do anything violent, mind you. He’d just like his audience to know that if Americans don’t knuckle under and get with his program for Ground Zero, he can’t be responsible for whatever devastation the “Muslim world” might inflict on his behalf. ”My life has been devoted to peace-making,” he told CNN’s O’Brien.

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However if you are counting atoms then water represents a 2:1 ratio in H's favor.

Let's hope no media hound from talk radio stirs up the H's into teabag fervor in order to oust the oxygen atoms from their bond. Just because the people whom the media hound represents are silica based lifeforms, and would not suffer, rest assured we carbon basers would.

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Actually, we where both wrong; nitrogen is the most common element in Earth's atmosphere. whoops.

I wasn't talking about the Earth's atmosphere. There is a lot more mass beneath your feet than there is above your head*. :)

* Talking about the Earth, including everything you can see in the sky is cheating.

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I think the FBI got to that "pastor" and told him to cut it out or they will bring up some past bad things he's done and go after him. I believe he was kicked out of Germany. Maybe the FBI threated to send him back. It's interesting the pastor has not gone into detail why he's not going to burn the books. That makes me think the FBI has some bad things on him and if he doesn't shut up they will go after him.

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September 11th should be a day of solemn rememberance and not one for crackpots and politicos to use as their own fodder. Whenever a Quran is burnt, it is the same as burning the Book of Mormon or the Bible, for what one does unto the least of thee one does unto the Greatest.

I wouldn't agree, Moksha, because burning of books might be an act of non-intellectual barbarism, so happened in Germany under nationalsocialistic dictatorship, but books are unfortunately not always of the same worth , and the worth of one book might be different to another book. I wouldn't like to state even more precisely what I mean, but I think one might see things how I see things.

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I think the FBI got to that "pastor" and told him to cut it out or they will bring up some past bad things he's done and go after him. I believe he was kicked out of Germany. Maybe the FBI threated to send him back. It's interesting the pastor has not gone into detail why he's not going to burn the books. That makes me think the FBI has some bad things on him and if he doesn't shut up they will go after him.

So now you're a conspiracy theorist, too?

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