err.... Global Government anyone??


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Would Glenn Beck refuse a global theocracy of LDS leaders?

If I were him I wouldn't like the idea (not refuse), because they're still men, and all men are susceptible to the abuse of power. Theocracy is still tyranny, except it's done in the name of God (not by God Himself, eg Islamic caliphate) as opposed to for the welfare of the people (socialism/communism), or as a matter of national sovereignty (fascism/totalitarian monarchy). The only time I'd find any form of totalitarianism a good idea is if Heavenly Father and Christ were directly at the helm. I doubt Glenn Beck would disagree with me.

Not to mention, I doubt the GA's would shoot for such a power grab. Unless of course it was commanded to be so by Heavenly Father Himself, at which point I think we'd have had the Second Coming anyway. This is a pretty pointless hypothetical.

Edited by PrinceofLight2000
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Be aware this scare of one world government is to get people to turn against our Federal government and make it smaller, there by giving big business more power to abuse the people.

Your theory would work if the government wasn't capable of its own abuse, which is inherently monopolized and totalitarian. Not to mention big G and big B have been in bed with each other for decades. Wasn't it MMS who placed BP as a finalist for a safety award prior to the oil spill? Considering the amount of money Obama's campaign received from BP, I wouldn't be surprised if MMS was strongarmed into looking the other way for quid pro quo reasons as well as BP's green agenda.

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Be aware this scare of one world government is to get people to turn against our Federal government and make it smaller, there by giving big business more power to abuse the people.

Ahhh....big business already has more power.....and the federal government are the biggest most established criminals ever! And that goes for any country!

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Yes he would

even ask him yourself

call him when he has his radio show

That might put him between a rock and a hard spot. When trying to court potential followers to unite in politics under the generalized banner of God, it would not look good to give an endorsement for such an LDS-centric idea, yet I have in real life heard such an idea espoused many times by my fellow LDS. In essence that would be a damned if you do and perhaps literally damned if you don't scenario for Glenn.

BTW, I would trust an LDS Theocracy much more readily than I would any corporate oligarchy wonderland put forth by secular conservatives, letting religious followers have their minute in the sun, then back to unscrupulous business as usual.

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That might put him between a rock and a hard spot. When trying to court potential followers to unite in politics under the generalized banner of God, it would not look good to give an endorsement for such an LDS-centric idea, yet I have in real life heard such an idea espoused many times by my fellow LDS. In essence that would be a damned if you do and perhaps literally damned if you don't scenario for Glenn.

BTW, I would trust an LDS Theocracy much more readily than I would any corporate oligarchy wonderland put forth by secular conservatives, letting religious followers have their minute in the sun, then back to unscrupulous business as usual.

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Moksha's been playing too much Bioshock. :P

Also, I guess you missed my response to your hypothetical. I doubt Beck would refuse the idea, but I don't think he'd find it a very good one either unless the Second Coming had occurred and Christ was directly in charge.

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BTW, I would trust an LDS Theocracy much more readily than I would any corporate oligarchy wonderland put forth by secular conservatives, letting religious followers have their minute in the sun, then back to unscrupulous business as usual.

Me too or a government run by the likes of Obama , Pelosi and Reid...also known as The Three Stooges.

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Another 'New World Order' Conspiracy?


























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I would trust an LDS Theocracy much more readily than I would any corporate oligarchy wonderland put forth by secular conservatives, letting religious followers have their minute in the sun, then back to unscrupulous business as usual.

So how would you feel about a union-centric oligarchy put forth by secular Progressive Liberals who use God and preachers on their bully-pulpits to convince their congregations that they should vote a certain way and then turn away from God as soon as they come into power?

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Another 'New World Order' Conspiracy?


























The second coming, the-end-of-times, and apocaplyse is also a conspiracy theory on the level of fear-mongering. Joseph Smith was a fraud as are all modern day LDS prophets too, call things what you want and dismiss what you will - doesn't stop said things from the possibility of being true, until proven otherwise.

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We all need to tone down the vindictive personal insults.

Do you mean personal insults like this one?

Or this one?

How about this one?

I agree, we do need to tone down the vindictiveness. I just find it interesting that you would be the one complaining about it.

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So how would you feel about a union-centric oligarchy put forth by secular Progressive Liberals who use God and preachers on their bully-pulpits to convince their congregations that they should vote a certain way and then turn away from God as soon as they come into power?

I suppose the same as I am feeling now toward the conservative oligarchy I mentioned: I would trust in an LDS Theocracy much more. They would not turn away from God the same as the other two.

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