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so i am an lds young woman 19 of age and i do not know if suing is against the church.. my boss has fired me.. and he couldnt give me a reason why he fired me. because there is no reason why i did nothing wrong. i was one of the best workers there. he then hires a ton of new people to take over my job. which have no idea how to run the shop. i know its all bout forgiving and forgetting,, but what if they really wronged me as in went against the law for it am i supposed to let them just slide and not do anything about it.. if you can help me as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. thank you -Erica

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I'm not a legal expert, but you may need to consider the terms of your employment. If you are an at-will employee, I'm not sure you can do much. However, if you were discriminated against based on your age, sex, race, religion, or sexual orientation, you may have grounds for a law suit, but you better have convincing arguments that such was done.

I don't think this is JAG's area of expertise, but he might have a little more insight.

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What they said.

I've worked at places where I've signed agreements basically stating that they could terminate my employment for whatever reason. It's in the fine print mostly. I guess when you're hired on into a new position, your employer doesn't really want to highlight how they can cut you loose quickly and easily. Do you know if you've signed such documents? I also suggest seeking the advice of an attorney if you feel you've been wronged and may have a case in pursuing. Sometimes these things aren't worth going after though. Gotta use good judgment in whether it's worth going through the trouble, mental and physical stresses that come with going through a law suit.

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As long as it was "wrongful firing", you can sue. But if you were at will and he didn't go against any protected statuses, there's nothing you can do.

This spring I was let go from a job as well, despite having had excellent reviews. It was a new principal, and I still will say she just didn't like me and/or wanted one of her former teachers in my position. It sucks, but there's nothing you can do for it.

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"When God shuts all the doors, he always opens a window"

-- or something like that.

If you did nothing wrong (that you know of) and you have asked for an explanation already but got none, I would tend to let it go

It is sad not to have a good referral,

but I doubt you would feel comfortable working their unless they totally and humbly apologized and then it still might be hard to trust them- as trust bridges once broken take TIME to rebuild. :(

Yet, I understand much of the 'help" some lawyers give is more like the cartoon picture

of two farmers fighting over a cow- where each farmer pulls on one end of the cow

but the lawyers are in the middle, each milking a side of the udder as fast as they can!

(this has been our experiences with an LDS one even!)

though there are quite a few who are ok and even good

But- if we are to Thank God and look for the good to come of all things, as we love Him, it may be that you will look back on this as a blessing, as you may find a better job, with better pay etc.

Looking at your picture I would make another wonder. Maybe the bosses wife was worried her husband would fall for you, or maybe their son?

I know of a girl who lost a job because the family was Jewish and their son started showing interest

in the girl, who was GREAT at her job, and they had had not complaints etc.

May God bless you- and look for the silver lining. Gramajane

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so i am an lds young woman 19 of age and i do not know if suing is against the church.. my boss has fired me.. and he couldnt give me a reason why he fired me. because there is no reason why i did nothing wrong. i was one of the best workers there. he then hires a ton of new people to take over my job. which have no idea how to run the shop. i know its all bout forgiving and forgetting,, but what if they really wronged me as in went against the law for it am i supposed to let them just slide and not do anything about it.. if you can help me as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. thank you -Erica

Is this a job worht fighting for?

When you got hired on did you sign any sort of contract? If you did this can be a major piece that will help you in court.

Edited by Blackmarch
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but what if they really wronged me as in went against the law for it am i supposed to let them just slide and not do anything about it

First, define for yourself what and where you were wronged. Are you referring simply to the emotional aspects? ("as in went against the law" doesn't really define any damages that occurred. The other day, I went faster than the speed limit. That was technically against the law. But, should the person in the car I passed sue me because I "went against the law" and they were offended? See what I'm getting at?) Or, have you been put in a position where you now cannot pay rent, cannot find a suitable replacement job, are facing eviction, repossession of car, etc, etc. Define in real terms what your true injuries are, not just your emotional hurts.

Then, are you "supposed to let them just slide and not do anything about it" . . . That is up to you. Life's choices are not so clear cut as point to there is a right or wrong for every situation. Often, on the side of right choices, there are choices between good, better, and best. CAN you sue? Probably. From the little info here, it seems like you have enough to take to an attorney and at least start an action. SHOULD you sue? That depends on what you want to get out of this situation you have been placed in. Do you want money? Do you want revenge? Do you simply want to be made whole and equal? Consider the potential end of a suit . . . you get your job back, and missed pay. And then what? Do you really want to force an employer to allow you to work in a place where you would be disliked? (disliked because of a suit forcing payment of damages and rehiring).

I personally would suggest asking what the Lord wants you to learn from this circumstance you find yourself in. Whenever we are in the throws of a trial, it is best to stop and ask "What does the Lord want me to learn from this?"

Adversity is to accomplish the Lord’s own purposes in our life that we may receive the refinement that comes from testing.

. . .

Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are prepared to grow more (see Prov. 3:11–12). He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth, understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting benefit. To get you from where you are to where He wants you to be requires a lot of stretching, and that generally entails discomfort and pain.

When you face adversity, you can be led to ask many questions. Some serve a useful purpose; others do not. To ask, Why does this have to happen to me? Why do I have to suffer this, now? What have I done to cause this? will lead you into blind alleys. It really does no good to ask questions that reflect opposition to the will of God. Rather ask, What am I to do? What am I to learn from this experience? What am I to change? Whom am I to help? How can I remember my many blessings in times of trial? Willing sacrifice of deeply held personal desires in favor of the will of God is very hard to do. Yet, when you pray with real conviction, “Please let me know Thy will” and “May Thy will be done,” you are in the strongest position to receive the maximum help from your loving Father.

Trust in the Lord - Richard G. Scott

Deciding to sue or not sue when we have been wronged is a hard decision. I've been there, and had to make some very hard decisions about how vigorously to defend myself from wrongful actions, and whether or not to sue to recover damages. It's not an easy decision to make!!! You may be justified under the law to sue. I would suggest though that there are higher roads you may take. Paths that will lead you to grow, and gain a much closer relationship with the Lord. For example, read: Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship Elder Robert D. Hales

I would echo Gramajane encouragement. Don't get all bent out of shape from this. At least not until it is clear what the whole picture is. Be calm in considering what the situation really is, and what alternatives are before you. I have experienced times when a situation in my life appeared at first to be a huge setback. To an outside observer, it would seem to be nothing but negative. But, by and by, (esp once I finally quit fighting against it), I would come to find that the situation actually was a grand blessing, and not by accident that it came to pass.

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"When God shuts all the doors, he always opens a window"

-- or something like that.

But- if we are to Thank God and look for the good to come of all things, as we love Him, it may be that you will look back on this as a blessing, as you may find a better job, with better pay etc.

When I lost my job, I was depressed. So my friend took me out dancing to cheer me up. His buddy took some pictures of us and posted them on Facebook. For some reason, I looked miserable in one photo (one of those photos where we looked like a couple and I looked like I didn't like it, etc). My old roommate saw the photos, assumed I was dating a guy I didn't like (instead of the friend he was) and set me up with her best friend. We're engaged now. I can draw a direct line from losing my job to this. Blessings can come!

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You don't state how long you were employed, but most states in the US have an "at will" provision as to hiring and firing.

In some retail situations if there is any stealing going on the whole staff will be fired, even those who had nothing to do with it. The owner wants a clean slate. This happened to a friend of mine.

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