Church pet peeves!!!


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Another per peeve.....

phone rings....hello....hello Bishop, this is so and so...they are turning my power off today and I need you to give me a check for this amount or I am going to have no electricity.

Sorry to hear that. Let me ask you a long have you known about this??? Ooohhhhh....aaawwww...about 2 months now. I got behind because of...such and such. Why did you wait until now to call me if I can ask??? Then I get their answer......

Then I tell them....I am afraid you are going to be in the dark for a day or two and here is why....explain why....then I try to meet with them in person and see if I can help them....

After all that my pet peeve is them telling me they need a check now and they waited until the last minute to do something......:D

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As a newbie, I have to tell y'all that the hymns are hard as heck to sing! I can usually pick up the tune after one verse, but man, I just find them difficult. I don't know if this is actually true musically, but they sound harder to my ear than Catholic hymns and Gregorian chant. They also sound 'protestant.' I've been working my hymn singing, but I'm not seeing much improvement. I listen to a lot of music from all over, so I don't understand why I have such a problem with the hymns.:confused:

May I suggest that you are not acquainted with 4 part harmonies? Most LDS hymns are also classical major harmonies - very few are written with minor or augmented harmonies. Of you are sued to modern styles (especially Rock & Roll) harmonies you may not find the hymns as fun.

In many Asian languages the tone of a word can change the meaning so singing classical harmonies in China changes the meaning of the words and confuses the song. Thus the Chinese have difficulty singing the music or the meaning - It seems that they cannot do both.

The Traveler

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When instead, two spoonfuls of Nyquil will keep the kids great through all three meetings.....

I guess LDS can't give their kids a shot of whiskey before Sacrament Meeting, huh? :D I suppose that Nyquil will have to do. This post notwithstanding, I am becoming a bit more accustomed to childrens' noises, though it would be nice to sit through the speakers without the crying and chirping babies for once.

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Guest DeborahC

My pet peeve is more than a pet peeve.
It literally keeps me from attending church.

That is


Please try not to wear it.
It really makes it difficult for more and more people to attend.
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One of my pet peeves is when members don't sing the hymns. I don't care if they're as tone-deaf as a rock, they're cheating themselves and the people around them.


No, we're helping the people around us.

We're preventing them from either:

a.) Grasping their ears and running screaming out of the chapel due to the horrid sounds


b.) Cracking up and laughing hysterically at the off key notes we bellow out.

Edited by mnn727
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My pet peeve is more than a pet peeve.

It literally keeps me from attending church.

That is


Please try not to wear it.

It really makes it difficult for more and more people to attend.

I've had to get up and move because some woman OR man comes in at the last moment wearing tons of purfume/cologne -- many of which gives me an instant migraine

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My one pet peeve in the Church are the people who focus on one gospel hobby, and basically ignore the rest of the gospel, including the key doctrines.

For example, some spend a lifetime studying the signs of the Second Coming, but are ignorant as to the atonement, faith, etc. This doesn't mean we shouldn't study the signs of the times, but that we should make it only one small part of a bigger study of the gospel. So what if we actually figure out the exact day when Christ will come, if we haven't learned enough about the atonement and grace and obedience that we fail to be exalted?

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When people can't come up with stories for their talks or lessons that don't begin with "when I was on my mission..." or "when my husband was on his mission..."

Well, you be sure to note that I would not be doing that with my talk. Never served a mission here - regrettably speaking

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No, we're helping the people around us.

We're preventing them from either:

a.) Grasping their ears and running screaming out of the chapel due to the horrid sounds


b.) Cracking up and laughing hysterically at the off key notes we bellow out.

So in other words, you are taking away our excuse to break away to use the restroom and possibly the only comedic relief of the week. Just so selfish :D

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I do have some real pet peeves, but I try not to focus on them or else my negative feelings might start to grow. I try to remember that we're all doing our best. I will say that I wish I could bring a non-member to church on fast Sunday and not be afraid of what people will say during testimony meeting because they treat it like open mic time. Ugh.

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Anyone ever get annoyed when someone comes to church dressed immodestly, or not dressed appropriately at all.

Immodestly can be annoying inasmuch as you have to expend energy keeping your eyes in check, inappropriately, such as say t-shirt and jeans doesn't particularly bother me.

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Anyone ever get annoyed when someone comes to church dressed immodestly, or not dressed appropriately at all.

Wow. When I first came back, all I had were tennis shoes, jeans and a collard shirt. Then I was able to upgrade to Dickies pants and button work shirts. And now, I've upgraded to a blue dress shirt and tie, but still with the Dickies work pants and tennis shoes. I'd like to think that a person can come into church with holes in their clothing but still be welcome. From my experience and financial bracket, I'd overlook it.

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Wow. When I first came back, all I had were tennis shoes, jeans and a collard shirt. Then I was able to upgrade to Dickies pants and button work shirts. And now, I've upgraded to a blue dress shirt and tie, but still with the Dickies work pants and tennis shoes. I'd like to think that a person can come into church with holes in their clothing but still be welcome. From my experience and financial bracket, I'd overlook it.

Really depends what one means by inappropriately. It is possible he's talking about stuff like Hooters shirts and not just jeans or what have you. Your situation is exactly why 'inappropriate' doesn't bother me. Sounds like you were wearing your best dress for Sunday. That's what I always told investigators, dress your best whatever that may mean, if it means your nice pair of jeans there ain't nothing wrong with that.

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Wow. When I first came back, all I had were tennis shoes, jeans and a collard shirt. Then I was able to upgrade to Dickies pants and button work shirts. And now, I've upgraded to a blue dress shirt and tie, but still with the Dickies work pants and tennis shoes. I'd like to think that a person can come into church with holes in their clothing but still be welcome. From my experience and financial bracket, I'd overlook it.

I can understand and accept someone who is new to the Church or just coming back.

What I am talking about are those members who you see during the week dressed in business and professional attire and then all of a sudden, they are in a more casual dress, or in their Saturday clothing when they should be in their best dress for Sunday, you know, the guy looking like he just got done working in the garden.

The latter reminded me of growing up. There was a guy that always came to church in a shirt and tie, but always wore his faded, well-worn coveralls as well.

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