Update to my sister missionary story........

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I'm inclined to believe you when you say you're just messing with the phrase because you haven't put yourself out as a most obnoxious, hard-headed, blatherskite. But cynical enough to think that between the lines you meant that I was being cynical.

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Don't worry people, I haven't said anything to her. Ironically enough though, they brought a young married couple with them to my house tonight for dinner. Turns out that this couple met while....wait for it....he was serving his mission. I about spit out my water at the table because I was the one that asked how they met.

I understand the right thing to do is to not say anything. Basically, I'm just sick of the whole situation right now. Sick of talking about it and sick of thinking about it. It sucks and the next 3 1/2 months are going to be extremely long and painful. But I get it that nothing good can come out of me bringing it up.

Dude. You're thirty-two. If you can't wait 3 1/2 months for a relationship, you're either in a severe manic phase and unable to wait or you aren't mature enough to realize that some good things are worth waiting for.

Don't puppy-dog this thing, making sad eyes because you have to wait three and a half whole months before the woman you're destined to marry gets to hear your attraction. That's what high school kids do when their girlfriend goes away on summer vacation.

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Dude. You're thirty-two. If you can't wait 3 1/2 months for a relationship, you're either in a severe manic phase and unable to wait or you aren't mature enough to realize that some good things are worth waiting for.

Don't puppy-dog this thing, making sad eyes because you have to wait three and a half whole months before the woman you're destined to marry gets to hear your attraction. That's what high school kids do when their girlfriend goes away on summer vacation.

Who said I couldn't wait? In fact, that's just the opposite of what I said. All I said is that its gonna suck, and it will.

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Who said I couldn't wait? In fact, that's just the opposite of what I said. All I said is that its gonna suck, and it will.

If you were 15, I'd understand that. With you not being 15, I have to ask, "Why?"

I mean... Obviously, if you're positive that she shares your feelings and you're destined to be married, then you obviously are incredibly happy that you're only 3 1/2 months from the blissful reunion with your one true love.

Maybe I'm missing something. Why would it suck to be doing the sister missionary a favour by not forcing her to be transferred away from your area?

If you were fifteen, I'd think you were the type to develop a crush on the sister missionaries. After all, they're well-dressed, loving, kind and have the spirit about them. Since you're insisting that this is a mature type of love between two consenting adults, I'd think you'd be happy to have found the woman who you're destined to be with. A lot of men and women would give a lot for that. That's not something to grumble about, but to rejoice about. And it'll only take 3 1/2 months.

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If you were 15, I'd understand that. With you not being 15, I have to ask, "Why?"

I mean... Obviously, if you're positive that she shares your feelings and you're destined to be married, then you obviously are incredibly happy that you're only 3 1/2 months from the blissful reunion with your one true love.

Maybe I'm missing something. Why would it suck to be doing the sister missionary a favour by not forcing her to be transferred away from your area?

If you were fifteen, I'd think you were the type to develop a crush on the sister missionaries. After all, they're well-dressed, loving, kind and have the spirit about them. Since you're insisting that this is a mature type of love between two consenting adults, I'd think you'd be happy to have found the woman who you're destined to be with. A lot of men and women would give a lot for that. That's not something to grumble about, but to rejoice about. And it'll only take 3 1/2 months.

Its absolutely something to rejoice about. However, try and think about it from my perspective for just a moment. I can't talk to her about it. I can't talk to anyone from church about it. I can't talk to my non-LDS friends about it because they won't understand. The only people I've talked to about this are my parents, because they know me better than anyone, are LDS and I know I can't trust them. So, while I really do believe I've met the woman I'm going to marry, I can't tell anyone else. So forgive me if my 15-year old emotional side shines through on this message board. It's the only outlet I have right now.

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Yeah, I'm a little leary about this kind of attraction...

This is just me, of course, I don't know any of you guys. It's just that if some guy is this desperate about me I would always expect the feeling to sizzle and die after a month or two of "freedom". When the "real us" start coming out. Then, the "real love" can be truly tested separate from the "lust/infatuation" and although I hope that the love passes the test, I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't.

Okay, okay... I'm cynical too... but I don't know what blasker-whatever-it-was-slamjet-said is.

Worth only 1 yen, unfortunately.

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Oh for goodness sake...cut the guy some slack. He's twitterpated....anyone who falls in love is twitterpated. If you've never experienced twitterpation, then you should really consider it. It's a great feeling.

Thank you! I'm absolutely twitterpated and not ashamed to admit it. I'm 32 years old, I was married in my early 20's, I've dated LOTS of people since and have even been in some other serious relationships, but I've never felt like this for another woman. Yes, I'm obsessed, twitterpated, or whatever you want to call it. But I really can't help the way I feel, I'm just trying to keep it under control for the time being. However, my control does not extend to this messageboard. Here, I allow myself to lose it. :lol:

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Thank you! I'm absolutely twitterpated and not ashamed to admit it. I'm 32 years old, I was married in my early 20's, I've dated LOTS of people since and have even been in some other serious relationships, but I've never felt like this for another woman. Yes, I'm obsessed, twitterpated, or whatever you want to call it. But I really can't help the way I feel, I'm just trying to keep it under control for the time being. However, my control does not extend to this messageboard. Here, I allow myself to lose it. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those that care, here's a quick update on my little situation. For those that want to catch up, read these two threads. http://www.lds.net/forums/advice-board/37583-interested-sister-missionary-how-should-i-handle.html


Since my last update, she and I have both made it clear that we recognize the connection between us. For those wondering, it was not me that initiated that conversation, but I'm glad she did because it needed to be done so we could both move on. Especially her. We both knew that the other person felt this connection, however we haven't mentioned a word of it to each other until the other day. But if you've ever been in love, then hopefully you have experienced that feeling of unspoken strong mutual attraction where you just "know". Our situation was obviously magnified in this regard because we couldn't talk about it, but these feelings evolved naturally not because either one or both of us was engaging in any kind of flirtatious behavior. Once we did speak more openly, we didn't let ourselves get too carried away. The words "love" or "marriage" were never mentioned. But we did make it clear that we both knew and felt the same way.

She has spoken to her Mission Pres about it and has requested that she be transferred to another zone for this next transfer so that she is completely focused on finishing her mission strong. I think she has been given a little leeway here by not being "emergency" transferred because a) she's a proven awesome missionary that the mission pres loves, b) she's 30 years old and c) she only has 3 months left. We have agreed not to contact each other anymore until after she is released.

So that's it for now. She'll be released and then we'll figure out what the next step will be. We both agreed that I shouldn't fly out there immediately after she's released. That'll just be too obvious. But it won't be long before we meet up and I won't be surprised if she decides to move down here.

It's been a crazy ride. I'm sure some of you will think this is a horrible situation, but that doesn't bother me because I know you don't have all of the facts. I know it was handled the best way it could be handled so that's all that matters to me. Neither one of us asked for this to occur, but we weren't going to just ignore it either when it did. Although, she did tell me she prayed for weeks that these feelings would go away. They just never did. I am certain that we were brought together for a purpose and I know she believes that as well. Since I read the BOM last summer, reactivated and fully accepted all of it as true, I am a living example of the blessings that will be bestowed on us when we follow the Lord's will. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I've embraced the gospel and have done everything that has been asked of me since making that decision. I've since been ordained with the Melchizedek Priesthood, received my patriarchal blessing and, best of all, met the woman that I'm extremely likely to marry. My next step is to receive my endowment, which will obviously happen before she is released.

Thanks to everyone for the advice. I was close many times to spilling the beans and it was the advice (and shouting :)) I received here that talked me into not doing that. It wasn't really what I wanted to hear at the time but I knew that it was the correct answer and I'm glad I followed it. I promise I'll post pictures in a few months. Maybe even an engagement photo or two. :blush:

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Women can go on missions at 30? What is the age limit for men and women? Men it's 19-27 right? Women is 21- what? :threadhijacked:

No tage limit for women. I klnow single sisters that have went at about every age. They do put them at the family history centers and visiting centers when they get a bit older, but they still travel and all.

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Yeah, she had previously assumed that the cutoff for women was the same for men, which is 26. She had always wanted to serve a mission but because of some negative influences she didn't, and when she thought she passed the cutoff, she figured she had lost her chance and she really regretted it. A couple years later, someone told her the women don't have a cutoff so she decided she would go at age 29. That's what's crazy about this. We never would have met had we both not made serious life decisions. For her, it was to serve a mission. For me, it was to read the BOM and fully accept it as true and change the way I was living.

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