What Brought You To This Forum?

Guest MrsS

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Guest MrsS

What brought you to LDS Talk?

For me, I was searching for a forum made up of like minded members, who were also LDS. I had found some other forums, but they were either too slow, didn't moderate the anti's at all thus ending up really being an anti forum or they were so heavily moderated and heavily controlled by the site owner that it was impossible to express your own opinions.

Even with the few members who were problems when I first came here, I found that by and large the LDS members are very knowledgable, patient with everyone, and rather tolerant of the non-LDS who do rant.

I came here, and joined because (a) I want to further my LDS Gospel Doctrine knowledge (B) I want to be able to converse with other LDS without having to defend my feelings or beliefs, and to do so without having to explain the words I am using (LDS Lingo).

I am glad that non-LDS are welcome here. By and large the majority of them have been polite and quite inquisitive. Which also helps me to learn. Then they are some who are here just to stir up a hornets nest, spread disharmony, and bash us.

For LDS and Non-LDS ~ what brought you here?

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I am not LDS. I am here to satisfy my curiosities and questions about the LDS. This place is a fascinating amalgamation of those who practice the faith and those who do not.

I do more reading of threads than I do posting on threads. I am a little out of my element here. I am usually pretty blunt. People here tend to be more diplomatic. I like the polite approach and am learning through observation.

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What brought you to LDS Talk? ... Then they are some who are here just to stir up a hornets nest, spread disharmony, and bash us. ... For LDS and Non-LDS ~ what brought you here?

Yeah, I was hoping to stir things up, disharmonize, bash about, but y'all were too nice. :wow: Actually, I came to share and learn. MrsS is right that some posters here are intelligent, patient, and frankly interesting. Additionally, the different backgrounds (some who've grown up in the faith, some who've come to it from no other, and others, like Ray, who come from backgrounds similar to my own). I have shared a lot, gotten some nice comments, and learned an incredible amount.

Many thanks...kudos to Heather, for maintaining this unique and well-balanced forum! :wub:

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I was told of this forum by an LDS friend at the time that I was beginning to question/doubt the truth of the LDS church. I was LDS at the time.

I was hoping to get some answers to the questions that I had. I did not get answers that were acceptable, as I don't think those answers exist.

So I ended up leaving the LDS church. However, while here I made friends with many here. After I left the church I ended up leaving this forum as well. But I found myself curious about what was going on with those I had come to enjoy and care about (LDS and non). So I started popping in occasionally... now I usually come by at least once every couple of days. I try to stay out of most of the doctrinal discussions and participate mostly in general discussion. I love the mix of people and their opinions that exist here.

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Guest funkyfool

hmmm...why did i come here? im not exactly sure. I think i was drunk the day that i logged onto the computer and decided to come on here...i have always been interesting in the mormon faith..i have never quite understood why the LDS are so weird so i thought that i would pop in here and see if there were any half way decent mormons that i could associate with. oh and another reason that i decided to come to this site is because I too like shanstress have been doubting the LDS doctrine and id like to get a taste of why so many people stick so closely to the faith. So far it aint done me no good, but i have no life and this site is decently entertaining and it takes up time...so heck...yeah ok that's why im here

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Actually LDStalk has been around for so long that sometimes I can't remember how I started coming. My profile says joined Feb. 2003 but I've been coming longer than that (the old site) - back when Ed, Doug and others that I can't even remember used to come.

I think I started coming here with motives of trying to convince Mormons their error in life. But after reading many posts here and at other forums my motives have changed.

The best thing about being alive and human is that we have choices and many of the choices we make are due to our own ability to decide what is good for ourselves, what adds value and meaning to our lives. At RFM, I've read agnostic and atheist view points and have come to understand a little of their perspective. So when it comes to other religions, it's only natural to realize that most people are attracted to what they can relate to and accept.

So I like to share my own beliefs and hear about others'. And I've come to learn that if you stick around long enough other posters join who add great value to posts with wisdom and insight that is refreshing, like PC and AK.


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I come here for the cookies and the fellowship. Since one of my jobs requires me to work most Sundays, I don't get a lot of interaction with members of the church. I come here to get my dose of the Gospel, and sometimes to share, but mainly to be around people who stimulate me spiritually without offending my religious beliefs.

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Fellowship.... that's a good word for it

I found LDSTALK because I needed several things.... I needed some kind of priesthood in my life - I have had no home teachers or visiting teachers for many years and I also needed spiritual support.... along with the fellowship of others. I found some very good friends on LDSTALK.... LDS and NON LDS..... and I have grown spiritually because of those I have found on this board. Many are still here who I adore....... and quite a few are not.... but even so... they are still dear to my heart for being part of my life.

I love the mixture of LDS and NON LDS who can co-exist on this site.... we care about each other...and we learn from each other.... and I think THAT is what keeps me here. :)

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I joined LDSTalk to expand and strengthen my LDS faith. I enjoy the clean chat room and reading the forum post. Some of my favorite posters that I have learned a great deal from are: Lindy, SF, AK, john doe, PC, LT, Spencer, Ray and Snow.

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I came here in 2003 after searching for any LDS sites I could find. I wasn't particularly looking for a message board, just some up to date info and some historical info.

I found those kind of sites and then found this one, and this was the most 'approachable'. I wanted to see how much the LDS people had altered or not since I last attended their services in 1982. I must admit that in some respects you are much more laid back than I imagined you would be...

I stay here because, like other posters, I've become used to particular posters on this site, whose threads I love to follow and occasionally join in with.

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I also came here several years ago, back when Ed was here. I was investigating the Church and wanted to know more about it. After doing a search this site came up and I have been here ever since.

Snow and (believe it or not) Bat had a great influence in my decision to join the Church. Thank you for that! I sincerely mean it. Bat is long gone (I think) and I miss Snow's posts. He is still here but almost never posts any more.

I miss Spencer and Laureltree and many others that don't seem to be here anymore.

The others that are here I have come to love and care about - well as much as you can on an internet site.


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For LDS and Non-LDS ~ what brought you here?

It was a seed of faith that brought me here. While looking for answers of various questions I turned to the religious for answers. The kindest of the religious people were LDS so I decided to pursue knowledge from them. There is a lot of anti-lds sites on the web, most of them are other denominations, some of them from former Mormons who have become intensely bitter over their previous religion. For me, finding a site that is LDS friendly is like finding an oasis in a desert, I am not looking for reasons not to believe I have gone that rout and have grown tired of it. So while searching for a forum that could answer a few questions that I have, and not having those answers being fear hell, Religion is illogical, etc, etc. While searching Google, I found this place. I am impressed for the most part, although, there seems to be more non lds than lds here though.

I have not posted very often, most of the answers I am looking for have been answered by the missionaries. I stick around for inspirational stories, or when I am searching for a question that has already been asked.

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Snow and (believe it or not) Bat had a great influence in my decision to join the Church.

believe it or not Snow also had a big impact on my spiritual well being.... one of those priesthood holders I looked up to to help get me thru a bad time. Snow, Ray, Spencer, Proud Duck, Traveler, Paul O, John Doe, and yes even Setheus, they all contributed helping others with their LDS spiritual knowledge. Even the Fuzz Buckets and Stephens, Harveys and Bats...... those who others might not see as lds board material..... all had something intelligent to say that helped increase my testimony of what I know is true and right for me. Bat helped me a lot too .... actually helped keep me going to church when I wanted to give up. And Tao... in his struggles to find himself... and who he really is inside... my respects to him too. Jason is still around... and I'm glad he is... he's part of the intelligent team who helps with just being who he is. Same as Soulsearcher.... not LDS but a big part of the intelligent team.

Oh and Begood2.... I appreciate you too :)

I found priesthood holders in a most unconventional way... but it worked for me!

Our board has evolved from many posters.... and has survived a couple of them..LOL

We have added several LDS and Non LDS members who are a great part of this little family....

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Some years ago I was briefly in a site like this, I guess from the way people have spoken it may have been the old one, anyway I wanted to find an LDS group that would be of benefit to my gospel growth and generate an increase in personal study, knowledge and understanding within my busy lifestyle.

My focus is on LDS doctrine and I am not interested in conflict, I remember those years ago that other group had one lady who was really anti and that was the reason I left, and I have to say when I started reading here the number on non-lds concerned me but the respect shown by all (well most of the time) is really good so I am still here.

Life is short we have to use it well


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks to those who posted. This was my way of learning more about all of you.

A few of the forum members were conspicously absent ~ Jason, Snow, Ben Raines,Christos, etc. Though I haven't seen Snow post in quite a while.

I am here and now setting a challange to monica.

<div align="center">~monica ~ </div>

<div align="center">What brought you to this forum? Why are you still here? </div>

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I came here almost a year ago because I wanted to get other's perspectives on the church. I already belonged to a women's forum and wanted to get a male POV too. I mostly lurk here posting occasionally, I really don't have too much to add to the gospel discussions but I have posted in the General section a few times. I am not active LDS and when I came here I wanted to reactivate but now am unsure about that. Anyway, I usually enjoy this forum because it is very respectful to the nonmembers who post here. Since my dh and a few of my aunts, uncles and cousins aren't members, how we treat nonmembers is very important to me.

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I came here almost a year ago because I wanted to get other's perspectives on the church. I already belonged to a women's forum and wanted to get a male POV too. I mostly lurk here posting occasionally, I really don't have too much to add to the gospel discussions but I have posted in the General section a few times. I am not active LDS and when I came here I wanted to reactivate but now am unsure about that. Anyway, I usually enjoy this forum because it is very respectful to the nonmembers who post here. Since my dh and a few of my aunts, uncles and cousins aren't members, how we treat nonmembers is very important to me.

Thank you for your post tngu. I agree, it says alot about us as persons as well as LDS. My parents weren't LDS. They didn't go to any church, yet they were not against church or God. I don't remember seeing either of my parents ever reading the Bible, but they raised us to obey the Ten Commandments. Dad would take us to any Church we wanted to go to. We just had to tell him the night before, then be ready to go.

When my older brother introduced us all to the LDS Church, we all listened to the missionary sessions. Each child had them separately. Dad and Mom sat in too. Dad and Mom would have joined, except they couldn't quit smoking and drinking coffee. They supported each of us kids as we joined. What I learned about the LDS church was reinforced by what my parents had taught me. (6 children by the way)

Most of the people I deal with on a daily basis are non-members. It is vital that I present myself in a way that brings respect not only to myself, my company but most importantly to my Church.

I have a dear friend who told me that being a Mormon was not easy. It is a very hard religion to live. Our faith is not a Sunday and Holiday only religion. It is a 24/7 religion. No, it is more than that ~ it is a 24/7 way of life.

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Interesting thread.

I came here shortly after losing my mom suddenly to cancer. Her untimely death left me shaken and looking for answers. I had questions that I didn't feel comfortable in asking those close to me. I was very active and the questions I had shook the foundation of my faith. I became to know who to personally go to with my questions. I had a little too much information given to me... some that made me have more questions then answers. I was serverly depressed and I became addicted to the computer. Something about the hum of my hard drive and the lights from the monitor kept me drawn in. Then a series of difficult events hit me down each time I began to feel like I could stand again. In July of 2004, I almost lost my then 17 year old son to a terrible accident at work. One of the first things I did was call my friend Lindy and asked her to request prayers here for Nick. Nicks road to recovery is still in progress as we are now looking at having him do some job shadowing. Nick had a tire and rim basically explode in his face and has had many surgeries and is a miracle to be living as well as he is today. My board family was there for me. I have never really looked at people differently weather they were LDS or not. I grew up in a less active home and I have learned much tolerance. Some people in the church treated me poorly because my parents dropped me of for primary and sacrament meeting, they didn't go. I hated being treated like I had some sort of disease from people who taught acceptance so I wouldn't do that to another. LDS Talk is where I choose to hang my hat. This site isn't perfect, but we have become a little family in cyber space. I stay because this is home. :D

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Thanks to those who posted. This was my way of learning more about all of you.

A few of the forum members were conspicously absent ~ Jason, Snow, Ben Raines,Christos, etc. Though I haven't seen Snow post in quite a while.

I guess that some of us have been here for so long, that we're practically one with LDSTALK. ;)

Like Maureen and Marsha, I've been coming to LDSTALK since before I left the Church in 1998. It's been one of the few sites I've consistently visited for any length of time. I like it here. Generally we've had some good conversations. Unfortunately for me, most of the people online today aren't interested in discussing doctrine. But hey, maybe someone will come along that actually wants to talk. [no offense to my non-doctrine talking friends like Lindy, 'berry, Maureen, etc. :) ]

Besides, if I left, who'd be around besides the occasional troll to make you think? :dontknow:

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Bat, I meet him in the Salt lake Trib forms.

The Salt Lake Trib form went down during the winter Olympics and I fallowed him here.

By the way, I miss him; even though he could break the rules from time to time, he was a good devils advcet (sp)

His acts of pointing out wearied ideas of the early church members gave me the chance to search and study their lives and gain a stronger testimony. :hmmm:

I do not think that is what he was intending but that was the out come.

I can see were his actions may cause confusion in young and new members and none members, but I enjoyed his banter at times.

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