The Word of Wisdom and common sense!


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Is there a hot line to the President of the LDS Church? A hot line where we can offer suggestions? Mine would be in regards to the Word of Wisdom. Take out the part that prohibits coffee and tea and replace it with soda pop and add the commandment to use "common sense", especially in regards to health.

On a different thread, one poster commented about how her and her family share perscription medicines. She knows they shouldn't but they still do it. Excuse me, what part of irresponsible does this fall under? The word of wisdom needs a serious revision because it makes no sense in this day and age when there are so many drugs out there that are used so irresponsibly without a care, but coffee and tea are looked at as "evil".

Mr. Monson needs a suggestion box and I'd be the first to contribute.


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On a different thread, one poster commented about how her and her family share perscription medicines. She knows they shouldn't but they still do it. Excuse me, what part of irresponsible does this fall under?

Because Rx's are expensive?

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On a different thread, one poster commented about how her and her family share perscription medicines. She knows they shouldn't but they still do it. Excuse me, what part of irresponsible does this fall under?

How about drug interaction? Proper dosing based on age and weight? It's irresponsible without proper education, except in emergent situations.

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This thread could veer off into a health care system debate.


Yes, and that's not my intention. Just that to see if an Rx works, it may pay to give just a few a try. Some pharmacists are pain in the rears to deal with and want to fill the WHOLE month, costing money than just give a weeks worth to see if it's physically tolerated well. Not a health care debate, just an economical test-run comment.

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Prescription abuse has been mentioned during conference talks on the Word of Wisdom:

1988: Addiction or Freedom

A more recent example - 2010: O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One

One could argue counsel against illegal drugs covers prescription sharing due to the fact that AFAIK it isn't legal to do such, making such illegal drugs. Such comments are usually directed against recreational drug use though, so that's a bit of a stretch. Someone who gives someone some old antibiotics or say a muscle relaxant because they sprained their groin isn't doing it recreationally. Though I suppose one could tuck it under keeping the laws of the land.

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Perscription medicine is dangerous for those it is not prescribed for. Now, if both people have the prescription for it but decided to only fill one then share it, that's ok.

Why is it dangerous? Because, a medical doctor need to go through a person's medical history before prescribing anything. A prescription for somebody may be lethal to somebody else.

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Is there a hot line to the President of the LDS Church? A hot line where we can offer suggestions?


The closest thing you are going to get to a “hotline” is a sincere prayer to Heavenly Father. And if Heavenly Father feels you have a valid point He will let his Prophet know that a change needs to be made.

Warning: It may take more than one prayer.

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I'm gonna go out on the limb and say that I've used prescription drugs not prescribed by my doctor. In the times I have done so, it has been a necessity (and no, I'm not sharing what I took and why) and I am a well informed consumer.

As slam said, prescriptions are expensive....add to that the cost of a visit to the doctor. So, for something I know that I need why do I have to go to the doctor, pay the office visit, then pay for a whole month's prescription when all I needed was one maybe 2 pills? I can read warnings and side affects just as well as anyone else.

I do not advise others to do so, nor do I promote such action. But as for me, if I feel comfortable doing so, why is it your business (or the Church's for that matter) what I do? Teach correct principles then allow the people to govern themselves.

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Is there a hot line to the President of the LDS Church? A hot line where we can offer suggestions? Mine would be in regards to the Word of Wisdom. Take out the part that prohibits coffee and tea and replace it with soda pop and add the commandment to use "common sense", especially in regards to health.

On a different thread, one poster commented about how her and her family share perscription medicines. She knows they shouldn't but they still do it. Excuse me, what part of irresponsible does this fall under? The word of wisdom needs a serious revision because it makes no sense in this day and age when there are so many drugs out there that are used so irresponsibly without a care, but coffee and tea are looked at as "evil".

Mr. Monson needs a suggestion box and I'd be the first to contribute.


Yeap... There is a hotline and a suggestion box... Its called prayer... and it is even better then a normal hotline or suggestion box do to the fact that it skips the middle man and goes right to the one in charge. Everyone is encourage to use it often and well... So feel free to get on your knees and pour your heart out to the 'man upstairs'. We are promised that he will listen and respond... However we are not promised that he will do what we ask him to.

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Is there a hot line to the President of the LDS Church? A hot line where we can offer suggestions? Mine would be in regards to the Word of Wisdom. Take out the part that prohibits coffee and tea and replace it with soda pop and add the commandment to use "common sense", especially in regards to health.

On a different thread, one poster commented about how her and her family share perscription medicines. She knows they shouldn't but they still do it. Excuse me, what part of irresponsible does this fall under? The word of wisdom needs a serious revision because it makes no sense in this day and age when there are so many drugs out there that are used so irresponsibly without a care, but coffee and tea are looked at as "evil".

Mr. Monson needs a suggestion box and I'd be the first to contribute.


Considering that commandments come from God. Maybe you need to contact Him. :)

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I grew up in a household that shared prescription drugs. As an adult now, I'm more of a stickler on the issue but that could be from what's drilled into you when going into and working in the medical/healthcare field. My husband is very lenient about sharing prescription drugs if I have something that his Rx can resolve. My initial reaction is always that I want to (a) sit it out and wait and see if I feel better or (b) consult my physician. But when I'm down in the dumps feeling like crap, I've certainly given in and have taken his meds. Of course, use common sense and take into account expiration dates, your weight and dosage and side effects.

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Does anyone realize that sharing prescription drugs is against the law?

Yes, I actually mentioned such previously. Of course how much that bothers you depends on how you mentally classify the law, for instance going 5 over the speed limit is illegal but that generally doesn't bother people who do it, particularly if they only do it occasionally. Same with seat-belts, though i'm personally borderline neurotic about seat-belts.

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Yes, I actually mentioned such previously. Of course it depends how you mentally classify the law, for instance going 5 over the speed limit is illegal but that generally doesn't stop people from doing it, even if only occasionally, even LDS. Same with seat-belts, though i'm personally borderline neurotic about seat-belts.

I'm following what you're getting at, Dravin. But the point is, it's still illegal. What people can justify on their conscience is their business and I'm not excluding myself. I definitely drive 5mph over the legal speed limit.

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I'm following what you're getting at, Dravin. But the point is, it's still illegal. What people can justify on their conscience is their business and I'm not excluding myself. I definitely drive 5mph over the legal speed limit.

I'm not sure you do. What I was getting at was that yes it is illegal, but whether that matters to someone enough to make them stop the behavior depends on how they mentally classify the law. Generally speaking we create a hierarchy of laws in our own minds and rate them. I was using seatbelts and speeding as example of laws that people tend to rate rather low on the scale, low enough that violation doesn't particularly bother them or prevent the behavior, particularly if only partaken of occasionally.

I wasn't arguing "Yeah it's illegal, but people don't care about laws like that so that makes it legal" such would be a silly argument.

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Yes, I actually mentioned such previously. Of course how much that bothers you depends on how you mentally classify the law, for instance going 5 over the speed limit is illegal but that generally doesn't bother people who do it, particularly if they only do it occasionally. Same with seat-belts, though i'm personally borderline neurotic about seat-belts.

Indeed alot of people do just that with the laws. The problem becomes one of the slippery slope. People that get away with a little bit some time just stop there, but other times they figure that they can go for a little more, then a little more, and then even more. And that is a problem because even very low odds can catch up with a person with a horrible result

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Yes, and that's not my intention. Just that to see if an Rx works, it may pay to give just a few a try. Some pharmacists are pain in the rears to deal with and want to fill the WHOLE month, costing money than just give a weeks worth to see if it's physically tolerated well. Not a health care debate, just an economical test-run comment.

I went through three Rx's trying to find the infection fighter. Penicillin no longer works, hasn't since I was a teen.

Tried Trimethoprim for an infection I had on the back of my leg - had nearly all of the side effects hit me within the 2nd day I was on this. SIDE EFFECTS that may occur while taking this medicine include stomach upset, nausea, or vomiting. If they continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience rash, itching, swelling of the tongue or sore tongue, joint or muscle pain, unusual tiredness or weakness, blistering or peeling of skin, unusual bleeding or bruising, sore throat, or fever. Experienced the underlined side effects.

I couldn't take the unused pills back for a refund, nor could I take them to a Free Clinic so that someone else who needed them, could use them. Had to flush them down the throne

I didn't spend that much on them- have excellent co-pay on my insurance - but it is a waste just the same.

I am allergic to codeine and ALL of it's derivatives- so finding pain meds is really hard. If three Aleve won't work, then after 4.5 hours I take half a Vicodin- if the pain hasn't eased up or gone away in 1 hour, I take the other half. This pain pill I do share with husband. Our Dr. prescribed it to us both, and since I had only used 3 pills out of a hundred, we really couldn't see getting another prescription.

Slamjet, try asking your Dr. for samples rather than ask the pharmacist to only partially fill the Rx. We did that for the topical cream for rashes we both had. Don't even want to know what we would have spent had there not been samples. Went through 6 different kinds. FINALLY found one that worked, so I went and asked the Dr for a Rx. so I could get a bigger tube. Fortunately that Rx only cost $9.98. One of the Rx's cost $90.00 for 1/4! Our co-pay was $20.00! That was the first Rx we tried, I decided to ask for samples from then on.

My thought on updating the WOW is: When the current Prophet feels prompted to go to Father regarding it, then it will happen. I am still waiting to see when the Prophet will speak out about the power/energy drinks (Red Bull, Monster, RockStar, 5-Hour, etc.) that the kids & adults in and out of the Church are tossing down.

Maureen, I would like it updated and clarified too. As far as I have found, there is NO postal or email address that goes directly to the Prophet. Guess you could write, knowing it is going through the mail channels and hope that there are enough of your same thoughts in other letters that it will eventually be sent to the Prophets (First Presidency) attention.

I would like to hear more from the leaders in the Church about the rest of the WOW, and not just the Do Nots. THAT could possibly be taken up with local and regional leaders, rather than going clear to the top of the mortal chain.

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I didn't know that.


It has everything to do with why it is an RX and not an over the counter drug in the first place... Basically the idea is that they can be very dangerous and need someone that has spent time (aka gone to school) and knows what they are doing to see it done safely...

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Maureen, it sounds like this is something that bothers you a lot, yet I know you're not LDS. I know a lot of your family is, though. Why does it bother you do much?

Indeed, if we were going to make a change to the Word of Wisdom to have the greatest impact on health we'd change it to ban casseroles.

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