What do Mormons drink after dinner?


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This is kind of along the lines of 'what do Mormons do when they're sad.' (I don't know why drinking would be the answer to that, but anyway...)

I'm used to serving coffee, tea or a sherry cordial (old lady, but nice). Now that I'm entertaining more, I'd like to continue to serve something after dinner, but don't know what LDS do after a formal meal. This would be for grown ups - the missionaries who are a constant fixture at my place are nice, but could care less what I served with their cake.

I guess the same question goes for having people over for dessert - what do you serve with it? As a diabetic, I'm kind of restricted on what I drink and I don't think of juices, besides, juice and a really nice dessert just seems a little déclassé. I don't do dairy and would have to specially purchase milk - and then you get into the skim, 2%, whole issue with folks.

So, any suggestions for adult drinks?

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I run in different circles, I've never been served an after dinner beverage. I take it the idea is something with sipability (yay made up words!) so one can talk over the beverage? Herbal tea seems like a prime contender as does the hot chocolate (you can even make your own using cocoa powder so it isn't overly sweet or make your own sugar free*). A coffee substitute is possible but the problem there is someone who isn't LDS is probably going to want the real thing and someone who is LDS generally isn't going to be into a substitute. And alternative would be virgin cocktails.

As far as suitability with desert, the only time I've been served a beverage with desert is when milk is called for. Once again, the whole different circles thing. As far as specially purchasing milk you can buy quarts, or even pints at the right places so you don't have to worry about buying a gallon of milk and having it expire before you can serve it to people.

* A very dark hot chocolate with some gourmet chili powders and cinnamon would be quite interesting and more refined then serving something like Swiss Miss.

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When it comes to after dinner or something with dessert, you're probably safe with herbal tea. IMO, hot chocolate and dessert do not go together, too much alike (sweet).


Actually if you made your own hot chocolate you could make something quite bitter. I agree that something like Swiss Miss and coffee cake would be a sweet on sweet combo.

Edited by Dravin
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Ooh that reminds me.

Dahlia, serve me a nice sharp non-alcoholic ginger beer after dinner and I'll be your friend for life. :D

Dahlia, you should give ginger beer or even ginger wine a try and see if you like them. I'm guessing you wouldn't like them.


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Dahlia, you should give ginger beer or even ginger wine a try and see if you like them. I'm guessing you wouldn't like them.


Is ginger wine non-alcoholic? I wonder what the main difference is between the two products taste profile wise.

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Is ginger wine non-alcoholic? I wonder what the main difference is between the two products taste profile wise.

Yes, ginger wine is non-alcoholic. My husband's family love both ginger wine and beer. I don't think they have any differences, they both taste terrible. :)


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Virgin Dacquiris, Shirley Temples, Sparkling Ciders, Perrier or San Perrigrino, Hawaiian Island Surfers, Limeaid slushies, Kiddie Cocktails...

Man, there's tons and tons of stuff.

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Yes, ginger wine is non-alcoholic. My husband's family love both ginger wine and beer. I don't think they have any differences, they both taste terrible. :)


Mind asking your husband how he might describe a taste difference, if it exists, between the two? I can understand if you mind, I'm essentially asking you to pester your husband on behalf of some random internet creepy person.

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Mind asking your husband how he might describe a taste difference, if it exists, between the two? I can understand if you mind, I'm essentially asking you to pester your husband on behalf of some random internet creepy person.

I'm not sure if my husband would remember or if he even likes either. I have asked other family members via Facebook. I'll let you know what they say.


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I Drink pepsi, the essance of life, no pepsi no life.

Truer words were never spoken!:D Family history has it that my mother used to put Pepsi in my bottle. Though I am reduced to drinking diet Pepsi, still, there is nothing like a Pepsi, diet or not. I've been known to start the day with a diet Pepsi on one hand and a tea (now herbal, of course) on the other. God is good. :lol:

I like ginger beer, but remember, as a diabetic, I don't drink sweet drinks. Unless I can get a diet version (and I've yet to find a diet ginger beer, just like I haven't found a diet cream soda), I can't drink it. I guess I could offer it to my guests, but I think it is an acquired taste. It seems my formerly-from-Utah/Idaho new Mormon friends are not adventurous in the food department. Plus, ginger beer and dessert? Dunno. Ginger beer by itself, fer shure.

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Virgin Dacquiris, Shirley Temples, Sparkling Ciders, Perrier or San Perrigrino, Hawaiian Island Surfers, Limeaid slushies, Kiddie Cocktails...

Man, there's tons and tons of stuff.

Dang! Do I get a syringe full of insulin with some of those drinks? I do love a San Perrigrino, though.

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I like ginger beer, but remember, as a diabetic, I don't drink sweet drinks. Unless I can get a diet version (and I've yet to find a diet ginger beer, just like I haven't found a diet cream soda), I can't drink it.

Do you mean a good diet cream soda? Because A&W, Shasta and multiple smaller outfits make diet cream soda. Regatta and Barritts make diet ginger beer (not to mention the various ginger ales out there such as Vernor's, Schwepps, and Canada Dry)

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I think Purplesaurus Rex Kool-Aid is the obvious answer. I'm very refined.

Or I would choose:

Sparkling drinks - cider, pomegrante, cranberry, apple-cranberry, apple marionberry, peach, etc.

Hot chocolate in cold weather. Coffee people might drink coffee any old time, but I don't know Mormons who like to drink hot chocolate in the summer.

On a hot day, some delicious fresh squeezed lemonade.

Milk goes perfect with a rich, chocolate dessert.

Or just some water with some lemon or lime might be nice too. I heard sliced cucumber also goes nice in water. Never tried it though.

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