Help! What do some of the common abbreviations mean?


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I really have a hard time knowing what some of the abbreviations mean that are used in a lot of the posts. For example I didn't know what IMO meant for such a long time. But, finally figured that one out--In My Opinion, or there's IMHO--In My Humble Opinion. But there are others that I can't figure out. Like HoI, and FWIW and DH and lots of others.

Could someone post a list with some of the common abbreviations, or at least let me know where I can look it up on the internet? Thanks!

Edited by classylady
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HoI (also sometimes CHI) = Handbook of Instructions, or Church Handbook of Instructions

FWIW = For What It's Worth

DH = Dear Husband (DW = Dear Wife, DD = Darling Daughter, etc.)

If they are Mormon-specific, just ask someone in the thread you're in. Or, check and see if it's listed here:

If it's not Mormon-specific, just Google the letters with the word acronym, and you'll find several places you can look it up. Urban Dictionary usually has basic acronyms, but it's a wiki, so it has a lot of crude/vulgar user-added content.

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LOL - laugh out loud

ROTFLWMSOOMN - rolling on the floor, laughing, with milk shooting out of my nostrils

BTDHOMPTETNECTTAIAM - beating the dead horse of my pet topic, even though noone else cares to talk about it any more

SMWIAOTT - slitting my wrists in agony over this thread

SMHID - shaking my head in disbelief

MUMSFA - making up more stupid, fake acronyms

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Fixed. Noone isn't a real word. :) And anymore is one word. :)

Wing, which is sadder: That you have bought into the linguistic conspiracy that gives that sad Pinocchio "anymore" status as a real word, or that you actually went through my acronyms to determine that I misspelled "no one"?
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Wing, which is sadder: That you have bought into the linguistic conspiracy that gives that sad Pinocchio "anymore" status as a real word, or that you actually went through my acronyms to determine that I misspelled "no one"?

Definitely this: that actually went through [your] acronyms to determine that [you] misspelled "no one"?

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Wing, which is sadder: That you have bought into the linguistic conspiracy that gives that sad Pinocchio "anymore" status as a real word, or that you actually went through my acronyms to determine that I misspelled "no one"?

Believe it or not, I have one sadder than both of those: I actually noticed that I had left one of the "O"s out of my acronym, but I was too darned lazy to insert another O. Instead, I intentionally misspelled "no one", thinking that it was so common that noone :) would care, or probably even notice.

Now that's sad.

Edited by Vort
Need to use the gerundive form of "think"
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Believe it or not, I have one sadder than both of those: I actually noticed that I had left one of the "O"s out of my acronym, but I was too darned lazy to insert another O. Instead, I intentionally misspelled "no one", think that it was so common that noone :) would care, or probably even notice.

Now that's sad.

I thought it was uncharacteristically odd of you to not notice (or know) that noone wasn't a word.

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Believe it or not, I have one sadder than both of those: I actually noticed that I had left one of the "O"s out of my acronym, but I was too darned lazy to insert another O. Instead, I intentionally misspelled "no one", thinking that it was so common that noone :) would care, or probably even notice.

Now that's sad.

I noticed the misspelling of noone.

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I really have a hard time knowing what some of the abbreviations mean that are used in a lot of the posts. For example I didn't know what IMO meant for such a long time. But, finally figured that one out--In My Opinion, or there's IMHO--In My Humble Opinion. But there are others that I can't figure out. Like HoI, and FWIW and DH and lots of others.

Could someone post a list with some of the common abbreviations, or at least let me know where I can look it up on the internet? Thanks!

FWIW = for what its worth

havent seen DH much

ASAP as soon as possible

ASAIC as soon as i can

ROFL rolling on the floor laughing

LOL Laughing out loud/ Loser On Line

ROFLMAO- rolling on the floor laughing my A off

CYA - see ya later

IRL - In real life

TTFN - tah tah for now

LTR- later

IKR - I know right?

IK - I know

IC - I see

Y - yes

N - no

R - ready

WTH- what the heck (mormon version)

OMG- omigosh (mormon version)

OMW - on my way

hiyall/heyall - hi everyone

ETA - estimated time of arrival

Abreviatians i'm used too..

AoE - area of effect

HoT - Heal over Time

DoT - Damage over Time

DPS - Damage per second

HE - High explosive

AP - Armor Piercing/Attack Power/

HEAP - High explosive, armor peircing

HP - Hit points

MP - move points/ mana points

U/UR - you/ your

TANJ - There aint no justice

QQ - cry

: ) - happy

: ( - sad

}:> - devil

:o - surprise

o.O - weird look/ ewww

O.O - surprise

+.+ - dead

-.- - indifferent/sigh

<<<<: ) - hat seller

_O) - scuba

]-) - Geordy LaForge

: (&) - tapeworm

XD -laughing hard

B ) - sunglasses/cool

:| -indifferent

8) -big eyes

XD* -laughing so hard your drooling

PWN -owned

TK - Teamkiller

PK - Playerkiller

: P -stick toungue out

:L - half frown

:B - buck teeth

:E -monster teeth

:[ - alternative frown/vampire

:X- sour

: ))) - double chin

GG - good game

OP over powered/ opening post(er)

Edited by Blackmarch
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Guest saintish

the army loves shortening things so much they abbriviate acronyms and use both abbriviations and acronyms inside of other abbriviations and acronyms.

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LOL - laugh out loud

ROTFLWMSOOMN - rolling on the floor, laughing, with milk shooting out of my nostrils

BTDHOMPTETNECTTAIAM - beating the dead horse of my pet topic, even though noone else cares to talk about it any more

SMWIAOTT - slitting my wrists in agony over this thread

SMHID - shaking my head in disbelief

MUMSFA - making up more stupid, fake acronyms

I am writing to the First Presidency and including this post - you should speak at next general conference.

The Traveler

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JARGON by Lawrence Heywood

My son's a CTR ... I go to PEC.

I work for CES....I study the TG.

I read the B of M .... I probe the D&C.

I search the KJV ... I ponder the JST.

Today in BYC ... we planned for EFY.

I stayed a little after ... and had a PPI.

The YM and YW ... are putting on a play.

It's one that I remember ...we did in MIA.

Before our oldest son ...went in the MTC,

He helped the BSA .... complete their SME.

Soon our oldest daughter ... is heading for the Y.

Soon our oldest clothing ... is going to DI.

Now, if you've understood ... this alphabetic mess,

The chances are quite good ... that you are LDS.


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