Anti-Mormonism, misunderstood?


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You keep saying assumption.. and saying things based on assumption is.. judgmental.

It's how we operate in the world, some degree of judgement is required and necessarily. I know you're gone but I just had to point this out. Right now I'm assuming, or judging, that you (and others) are familiar with the English words I am using. Particularly with the internet, even with a plethora of information one is going to be operating on some level of assumption. The question is always how much assumption is called for or otherwise reasonable.

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Perhaps because she also made the same mistake I made of thinking that one sentence following another means the second sentence relates to the first one. I apologize for her, and will have strong words with her for this outrageous behavior.

I'm scared now.

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And for very good reason.Why don't you go out to the orchard and cut me a nice willow switch?

Get your own darn willow switch. I ain't that scared of you.

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Particularly with the internet, even with a plethora of information one is going to be operating on some level of assumption.

I would just like to know if you know what it means to have a plethora. I would not like to think that someone would tell someone else he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has no idea what it means to have a plethora.

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I would just like to know if you know what it means to have a plethora. I would not like to think that someone would tell someone else he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has no idea what it means to have a plethora.

and the rest of the quote goes

Forgive me, El Guapo. I know that I, Jefe, do not have your superior intellect and education. But could it be that once again, you are angry at something else, and are looking to take it out on me?

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I would just like to know if you know what it means to have a plethora. I would not like to think that someone would tell someone else he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has no idea what it means to have a plethora.

Definition of PLETHORA

1: a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a florid complexion

2: excess, superfluity; also : profusion, abundance

Definition 2, leaning towards shades of the also.

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So that no one gets the wrong idea about this thread: I am LDS, and this is not a thread about bashing the Gospel.

I'm new to this forum, but already I've been very surprised by some of the responses to questions directed toward the LDS faith, and I truly believe many of these questions to be misunderstood.

We live our faith, Pro-LDS. I love to share my testimony, and share answers to questions that have been asked about being LDS or even interrupting my personal beliefs about certain subjects.

But, imagine.. being Jewish, Lutheran, Catholic.. any other religion. You believe what you've chosen to be the truth you've been seeking, and you've dedicated yourself to your faith with the same amount of belief as any LDS member. Thus, you live your life Pro-Jewish, Pro-Lutheran etc. And much like many of us who are LDS, these people want to share their faith in their beliefs.

Why does that offend other LDS members? Why is someone showing faith in God, in another religion, bad?

I don't believe our Father in Heaven looks down upon someone in Prayer and thinks, "Oh.. he's Jewish.. I can't answer his prayers." That line of thought is so very, very, wrong. ANYONE who goes to the Lord in earnest prayer will be answered-and their faith will not dictate his presence.

I believe with all my heart that the Gospel is true. I believe Joseph Smith to have been a true prophet. I believe in Jesus Christ, and that he will come again.

I also believe those who have lived their faith with their heart, and are loyal to God and Jesus Christ.. will have the chance to be exalted as well.

Denying the Spirit is a sin.. a great sin, but if you've never had the chance to truly hear the Gospel and feel the Spirit touch you. I do NOT believe that you will be punished for being of another faith, I don't think that being of another faith is wrong. I know that God can reside in Churches other than LDS Churches.. we may have more truth in what we believe, but that doesn't make them wrong.

When I took the discussions with the Missionaries they had an activity to relate how the church fell from it's time of glory. They stacked cups up into a tower, and then knocked them down. They said that the gospel had been scattered.. broken. That each Church held a bit of truth, but it wasn't until Joseph Smith that it all came back together again.

What does this mean? That each Church holds a little bit of truth.

I'm not saying stop trying to teach others what you've learned, but to be a little more tolerant of someone who may not share in what we believe.

My point being.. when we read something posted I think we should listen more closely to what the person is trying to say rather than immediately assuming that it's an attack against LDS members. We're ALL brothers and sisters.. I think we should treat each other that way.

Thank you for reading. God Bless.

Well, first of all I think there is a difference between an Anti-Mormon and a Mormon Critic. Second, in my experience some members of the Church in general are very thin skinned, defensive and easily offended while discussing religion...(but again, isn't unique to LDS members :P) I suppose each one of us have weaknesses/personality traits that we all have to deal with, I know it can be frustrating. Some people jump into conclusions too quickly or "read" bad intentions where there is probably none and I think it can be quite a dangerous and silly thing to do.

Having said that, this is an internet forum and you will get all kinds of people here.

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Some people jump into conclusions too quickly or "read" bad intentions where there is probably none and I think it can be quite a dangerous and silly thing to do.

The trouble comes when such people have power and influence in the community. An "important person" on this forum made a response to one of my threads a while back which really hurt me for a while. And it shouldn't have done because when all's said and done this is only an Internet message board. Nobody here should exert that much power over your "real" life, and if you let them upset you then you are (in effect) handing them that power on a plate.

Plus of course it's not easy to know when something you've said yourself on the spur of the moment might have hurt someone else. Something to think about...

I've had a long experience of Internet communities. I know how easy it is to get "sucked in" and to start living a secondary life with all its joys and heartaches. But real life has enough heartaches as it is. If you find yourself getting overly upset about message posters, it's probably time to shut the laptop for a while and spent more time with your real-life friends and family.

(A piece of advice I need to take more often myself!)

Edited by Jamie123
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