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It testifies of Christ like no other and it exposes the enemies of Christ like no other book.

You do not see The Great And Abominable Church Of The Devil in any graphic detail at all the Holy Bible. Those plain and precious things were taken out... but in the Book Of Mormon!

It is the only primary recource, authoritive book on Satan... in the whole world...That is why it is so hated!

No books on Satan and his church except the BofM.

Our minds are darkened for treating that book so lightly and the condemnation rests on our children..

The whole christian world has the Bible and their minds are still darkened and their children are also under condemnation.

Understanding The Orders Of Nehor and Amulon...understanding the church of the devil lifts the condemnation... and exposing secret combinations that lust for power and gain helps us... not to be deceived nor participate in Satan's gospel practices. It combats falshoods that surround us...

The church of the devil is as real as the true church. It has power over the kings and presidents of the Earth, it is secret and it is combined with a lot of other evil that is so embraced by members of the true church who do not understand the Book Of Mormon.

The Book Of Mormon is a sift that divides The Church. Those whose roots do not go deep into the book... do not understand the world nor what is going on in it.... They do not understand the cause of the pain, the suiffering, the wickedness, the evil, the poverty, the ignorance, that affects everyone on the planet.

A white and dark tread goes through the Book, The sequences are held together with... the black thread... follow not only the good guys but... study the bad guys, their teachings, their organizaitons and what they have in common.. then look around and APPLY the Book Of Mormon to your life and lift that wicked curse from your mind. It is a 2 stone Urim and the Thummim... a two spindled ball or director of curious workmanship... use both spindles... and expect the words to change according to your heed and diligence.

(Old Testament | Leviticus 8:8)

54 And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received

55 Which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation.

56 And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all.

57 And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon

(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 84:54 - 57)

Edited by dauser
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dauser, if you were a missionary... that post would be a "fail".

We believe in the Bible as far as it is translated correctly. We also believe The Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

The old/new testament testifies of Christ (that's why they're called "testaments") and why The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

The Book of Mormon was brought forth by Joseph Smith - a modern day prophet.

It is important to us because it is part of the foundation of our individual testimonies.

If The Book of Mormon is true... then Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God.

If Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God... then the Church that God commanded Joseph to restore to the earth is the Lord's true church, the same as it was when He walked the earth.

All that other stuff that was mentioned are additional points of doctrine one may learn as they read The Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon was written for OUR day. Prophets were writing about their time and writing it for our own profit and learning... that we might know who to turn to for a remission of our sins.

The recurring theme in The Book of Mormon is "Pride cometh before the Fall". If ye keep the commandments, ye shall prosper in the land. When the people forget the Lord, they don't prosper and are lifted up in the pride of their hearts. They are later compelled to be humble.

We can learn from that.

Hope this helps.

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Is the Book of Mormon more important than The New/Old Testament to people who are LDS? If it is, then why?

I wouldn't say the BoM is more important. We believe the Bible and the New Testament to be important to. I love the accounts of Christ's life in the New Testament. The BoM is a companion to the Bible/New Testament. It was written for our day, so I guess sometimes it can appear that LDS members place greater importance on it and maybe some do, but not all.

Our Sunday School lessons spend a year on each of the standard works....which are: the Bible, the New Testament, the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine & Convenants. If our church as a whole is giving as much time to teaching the Bible and the New Testament as the BoM and D&C I'd say that shows we hold them in the same regard.

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I don't see the Bible and BoM of Mormon as competive siblings vying for attention. They compliment each other. One of them alone is a wonderful thing - the two of them together is an even greater thing.

Consider: A people's account of God and His dealings with ancient peoples, combined with an account of Jesus Christ and His dealings in a certain area of the world 2 millenia ago. What a wonderful thing. Add to that book, another account, from the other side of the planet, covering the same Jesus Christ you find in the first book, dealing with other peoples in similar ways. One source is a source - take it or leave it based on it's merits. Two sources is better - hearing the same thing from different directions is more reliable.

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A critical study of the Bible over the last 200 years has brought out some very uncomfortable details about its contents. For example, approximately 50% of Seminary students in the Protestant religions lose their faith that the Bible is an inspired Holy book of revelations. (cite: Bart Ehrman, a former seminary student and current university professor)

Critical study of the Book of Mormon, as a revealed text, is producing more & more interesting details concerning its contents. And most of it, IMO, is not destructive of faith at all.

Just my view.


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Is the Book of Mormon more important than The New/Old Testament to people who are LDS? If it is, then why?

This is not a question that can easily be answered "yes" or "no". The truth is more subtle than this question allows.

On the one hand, the Book of Mormon was produced specifically for us in our day. It is a volume of scripture targeted to our challenges. It was produced by the prophet of this dispensation. Anyone who wishes to join the kingdom of God on earth (aka the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) needs to read, understand, and gain a divinely revealed testimony of this volume of scripture. In the words of Joseph Smith, it is "the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." So yes, you could make a strong argument that the Book of Mormon is the most important book of scripture, even more important than the Bible.

On the other hand, the very existence of the Book of Mormon is based on the Bible. The Book of Mormon itself claims that one of its purposes is to attest to the divine origins and truth of the Bible. Elder McConkie, an apostle in the 1970s and 1980s, taught that the Book of Mormon acts as a witness to the Bible which, in its perfected and full form, will reveal the mysteries of Godliness to mankind. He seemed to be of the opinion that, at its best and purest use, the Book of Mormon acts as a witness to the truths of the Bible. That the Bible itself is a priceless collection of revelations, collected Hebrew wisdom, and (in the New Testament) accounts of the mortal life of the Savior and important writings of the apostles of that time cannot possibly be disputed. All this suggests that the Bible, not the Book of Mormon, is central to the scriptural canon.

In the end, I think the question itself is flawed, not unlike asking, "Which do we need more to live, our liver or our small intestine?" The answer is that we need both, that both function together to allow life, and that we should appreciate each rather than try to choose between them.

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Is the Book of Mormon more important than The New/Old Testament to people who are LDS? If it is, then why?

thats kinda like asking which is more important; your left or right hand?

For me being right handed, the BoM is like my right hand, and the Bible is like my left.

The reason for that is mainly because the BoM generally does a bit better job at getting down to the nitty gritty of whats important. whereas you have to dig a bit more with the bible to find it.

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Is the Book of Mormon more important than The New/Old Testament to people who are LDS? If it is, then why?

From one perspective it is more important to us because of what it represents regarding our faith. One thing being the fact that it represents the true love of God applying to all his children, regardless of where they are.

Another thing it represents is the continuing revelation from God to his chosen Prophets on earth today.

Yet another thing it represents is the ongoing process of expanding the volume of scripture as needed.

Because all these things are mostly unique to the LDS church, the Book of Mormon is a very important volume of scripture.

However, considering what the Bible contains; from Adam and Eve to the Law of Moses, to the very birth, life, ministry, and atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ, to the revelations regarding the last days....the Bible is rightly placed as a priceless volume of God's word.

Doctrinally, there is no way to place one above the other. They support and testify of Jesus Christ as a unified record. Add to them the other volumes of LDS scripture; the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price, and the testimony that Jesus is Lord and Savior of the world is an unmistakeable message that we have declared to the world from Joseph Smith's day to our time now.

Revealed truth from God is a treasure, and because we regard both the Bible and the Book of Mormon as revealed truth from God, we treasure them both.

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