Funny sonny


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My sixteen-year-old son is quite funny. It's finals at his high school, and yesterday he decided to spray-paint his blond hair to black and dress in a black shirt, pants, shoes, and tie and wear sunglasses. No one recognized him, and he had a good laugh.

Today he decided to dress as Ron Weasley from Harry Potter. He wore a Hogwart's robe that was to small for him, from Halloween a few years ago. He sprayed his hair orange and painted on a bunch of freckles. He told his friends at school that he "could not afford" other robes. They, all being Potter Puppet Pals geeks, laughed obligingly.

When he got to school, he walked into the office and said, in his best generic faux-British accent, "Pardon me, but can you direct me to the Quidditch pitch?" The poor secretary looked at him in confusion and said, "Excuse me? The what?" He responded, "The sports arena." She asked, "Are you from this school or are you visiting?" He replied, "I am from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" The secretary had no response to this, just looked at him uncomprehendingly. Meanwhile, the student helpers in the office were almost literally rolling on the ground in laughter. When the vice principal poked his head out to see what was going on, Sonny took off.

Walking through campus, he had everyone staring at him. Many girls, apparently thinking their names were all Hermione, commented, "Look! There's my fiance!" At history class, his teacher burst out laughing, then took his test, crossed off "Final exam" and wrote "OWL".

Sadly, Sonny had a very un-Ron-like 102% going into the final, and he believes he got full marks on the OWL. So there goes his Ron impersonation. Not sure what his plans are for tomorrow.

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Very creative kid. A chip off the ole block?

He's a funny kid. In his sense of humor and range of interests, he's almost a mirror image of his father. But he is more self-confident than I was at that age, and somewhat more social. He is also a much better and more disciplined student than I ever was, a trait he got from his mother. He also got her beautiful looks; actually, he looks almost eerily like a shorter version of my father-in-law.

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What's 'OWL'?

The academic geek in me wants to know if he blew off an exam just to dress up? I mean, really, why wouldn't you want to take an exam?

"OWL" is an academic term from the Harry Potter series of novels.

My son didn't blow off the exam; on the contrary, he aced it. Combined with his preexisting 102%, he will get the highest grade in the class (an A). He told me that he could have skipped the final altogether and still gotten an A.

In the Harry Potter series, Ron Weasley is portrayed as a nice, friendly kid, and bright in his own way, but a poor student. My point was that my son's attempt to mimic Ron Weasley was weakened by the fact that he is not a poor student -- more of a Hermione Granger type, actually. (He'll probably be dressing up tomorrow as Hermione...)

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Spray Paint? How did he ever get it out? Or did he shave his noggin every time?

Colored hair spray. That stuff has been around since the Roman's! Well not quite THAT long. I used it in High School (1967-1970) to put a grey streak to match the light brown streak my Mother had going through her silver grey hair! I graduated in 1970- so it has been awhile. BTW the only colors available were grey, black, brown and what they jokingly passed off as auburn. It was Ronald McDonald orange/red- the foot ball team favored it.

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