Grand Sign of the Son of Man?

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ConvinceTheWorld seems to be doing better than a lot of end-times sensationalistic folks I run into. I mean sure, he insults us with the standard "all is well in Zion" zinger, and also the tired old "this will be dismissed by the wisdom of the world which is foolishness before God" rejoinder.

However, he does use that magic word "if" in a few of his posts - most zealous end-of-timers don't come within a mile of that word. He also says stuff like "For me this is 100% proof" - allowing the possibility that others might come to a different conclusion.

I just hope we can find him on September 1st.

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I'm sorry im gonna have to take back my deal.

I am fleeing Arizona to Wisconsin next month so i won't be able to participate.

btw thanks for the above sorta-compliment...i guess! i just feel not so much the spirit of love basically everytime i post something. Even when its something EXTREMELY LOGICAL like God being the first man. Because seriously, Joseph said the same elements and universal laws apply EVERYWHERE. therefore being "created from dust" is not possible. Anywho for those who did treat me with respect thank you, i dont think i will be on here much anymore.

Edited by ConvinceTheWorld
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See, the way I see it, either CTW's pink tutu is at the cleaners or he really doesn't want to see LM prancing around in such garb.

No offense to LM, but I'd probably consider running away to Wisconsin to avoid seeing that, Kentucky no, but Wisconsin yes.

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Unfortunately, I think we could be observing someone thinking themselves out of the Gospel. I've seen it happen with very good friends, and I hope CTW catches himself before he loses his testimony.

I will take the word of a living prophet over the word of a dead one every time. If President Monson isn't being told to warn us of the imminent end of the world in October, or whenever the next date is set, then I'm not concerned. I still have a lot to do to prepare as it is.

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The question I ask myself whenever someone comes up with a date is... How would knowing the date make a difference in my life?

The living prophets have already council us to be ready. If believing that it was going to be on a certain date causes me to fear or panic or rush then I have not followed the council given and I need to be in a panic or rush to get ready, even if the date is turns out to be wrong. But if I have followed the council and I am as ready as I can be well, then the date doesn't matter.

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I'm sorry im gonna have to take back my deal.

I am fleeing Arizona to Wisconsin next month so i won't be able to participate.

I appreciate the notice. Enjoy Wisconsin.

As the months fly by without any twin suns or massive earthquakes or anything showing up, feel free to come back and let us know what you've learned from the experience of gearing up for the millenium, only to find it didn't happen.

It's not that I don't love you, it's that I think your zeal is misplaced. I figure you'd find yourself at odds with your fellow saints a lot less, and you'd be a much happier person, if your zeal were directed a little more productively. We're commanded to love one another - but respect has to be earned.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes. like 2 suns.

And yea im talking big.

Rev 12:1-2

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

-A Woman clothed with the sun = Constellation Virgo, also known as the Virgin. She will have the sun behind her. Like a wrap.

-And the moon under her feet = the moon is positioned under the “feet” of Virgo, the Virgin.

-And upon her head a crown of twelve stars = there are in fact twelve stars in the head region of Virgo. -And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered = The planet Venus will be in the belly of the Virgin,Virgo.

The last time this happaned was in 3 B.C. When Christ was Born! It happens around September 28th-30th of this im absolutely postivive something is going to happen. He is warning us.

and by the way "the dragon waiting to devour it" Its not a coincidence that Elenin will be right next to virgo on that day.

JOHN SAW PRIESTHOOD TAKEN TO HEAVEN. John the apostle, when on the isle of Patmos, saw the time come when the Church was forced into the wilderness. The Church, in this vision, is represented by the figure of a woman, "clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." "And there appeared another wonder in heaven, . . . a great red dragon" who drew one third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. This dragon, when he was cast down to the earth, in great wrath persecuted the woman and the man child born of her.

The woman because of the persecution was given wings "that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent." The man child representing the priesthood, who was chosen "to rule all nations with a rod of iron," was "caught up unto God, and to his throne," there to remain through the dark days of spiritual rebellion and satanic dominion, or until the earth could be prepared for his return to receive just and rightful power.fn

This return of the Church and the priesthood had to be postponed until a day of religious freedom and to come in a land dedicated to religious liberty.fn

(Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 3 vols., edited by Bruce R. McConkie [salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1954-1956], 3: 270.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's the next big honkin date:

Sep 26-28th (The website says this could be the biblical "three days of darkness". Elenin is between Earth and sun - same alignment that supposedly caused the Japan quake - except this time - Elenin will be closer to us)

Dangit! Where's my 3 days of darkness? Or at least fall could start - it was hot yesterday.
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You guys remember a few months ago when that guy said the rapture was going to take place at a certain time, and other people spent their life savings making posters and stuff advertising that it was going to happen? I really felt so sorry for those people, still do. I can't imagine truly believing that this was going to happen, making those beliefs public, and then being publicly embarassed when it doesn't. Ugh, I don't know why my heart goes out for them so much, but it does. Reading this thread brought those feelings back to me.

I guess my take away is that we do need to be ready, because it could happen at any time... I hope I'm ready when it does happen! Where is that oil when you need it? <looking for my oil>

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