Home Teacher


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I am a new convert and converted to the Church in January this year.

I have never had a home teacher come to my house. I finally asked my bishop about it a couple of weeks ago and have not heard anything.

How long do you have to be a member to get a home teacher? Is there something that I must do or accomplish to get one?

I hear of new members moving into other wards getting a home teacher right away. A friend of mine has had three visits in the last three months since she moved to a new ward although she was born into the church.

I don't want to make waves or upset anyone, but it seems so hurtful not every having a home teacher come to my house.

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I joined the church recently, and if you mean visiting teacher, I don't have one either. I asked about it, but nothing yet. Someone just said they'd look into it for me and will get back. It could just be an administrative mix-up or someone has transitioned in and out that calling and is still adapting to it. :)

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Home Teachers are either Elders or High Priests who are assigned to families to visit at least once a month. Visiting Teachers are Relief Society women who are assigned to other women to contact (visit, phone, or letter/email) once a month.

Although I have no official stats on this, I believe the average is 3-4 families (or sisters for VT) to visit each month. And they work in companionships usually.

You aren't doing anything wrong and you did the right thing by going to the bishop to find out about a home teacher. Another thing you could do is go to your Elder's Quorum president and ask that you be assigned to home teachers who will visit you. It's difficult sometimes to arrange visits due to conflicting schedules, work, family, etc. Some people are more diligent about it than others, so your EQP will know who would be more likely to visit you.

And you should ask to be assigned as a home teacher. Then you have a chance to serve others and meet others in your ward.

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I agree with Beefche. But if you're 51 years old, it's likely that you meet with the high priests instead of the elders. In that case, talk to your high priests group leader; he takes care of home teaching for your group and will assign you home teachers. Tell him you really want home teachers, and he will make sure he gets them to you -- even if he ends up assigning himself as your home teacher.

The idea of you serving as a home teacher is a good one, too. You probably will not be assigned as a home teacher until you receive the Aaronic Priesthood office of teacher, though. Again, talk to your quorum leader, either the elders quorum president or the high priests group leader.

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Oh My! I was wondering how you knew how old I was and see it's in my profile.

I am a member of the Elders Quorum at this point in time. I feel more comfortable there and it's appropriate given I am not even ordained an elder yet. I was ordained an Aaronic priest about a month after my baptism.

I think my move a few blocks out of my original ward within a couple of months of my conversion stalled things a bit.

I suppose I am feeling left out since I moved and am airing my feelings here. It was a drastic change being a celebrity of sorts in my old ward and just fading into the background in my new ward.

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I can see that happening. The best way for you to get over those feelings of loneliness and neglect is to jump right in. That's why I suggested you ask to be a home teacher. Take the opportunity to serve...invite the missionaries over for dinner, participate in your church classes, join the choir, go to the activities and service opportunities.

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I have always had 'inactive' HT and VTs... I usually get an appology and a gift basket every couple of months. That's okay with me because I don't really feel comfortable having people over to my house... I hate putting my BF thru it. Although a couple of months ago I asked my bishop if I could have HT's, and I haven't heard anything back yet either, so you are not alone! =)

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Yea, but miztrniceguy, you live near a LDS history site. Sisters do get those cushy missions. For those living away from LDS church history sites (and I have no idea where converted lives), it's unusual to not have at least one set of Elders in a ward.

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I was baptized in January as well. I got an assignment as a visiting teacher pretty soon after baptism. I was still working with ward missionaries (or whatever they're called) after baptism for more lessons, but then they decided to let the missionaries do it. After a set amount of lessons with them (mostly after dinners), I got home teachers.

I think you should have them if you want them; you may just need to speak up. Maybe no one realizes that you haven't been added to the list?

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Unfortunately, I'm guessing that he actually has HT, but they just aren't visiting him. It is a known issue throughout the church that HT and VT don't visit all their families/sisters consistently.

What I've learned throughout the years is to rely on my own study for spiritual knowledge/understanding and speak up when I have needs (help with something around the house, need of a blessing, etc.).

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The squeaky wheel gets the grease ... instead of asking if you can have HT or VT ask who they are and what their phone numbers are.

Many Many moons ago I was in a ward for sveral months and had no visits at all so I got up in fast meeting and bore my testimony of home HT & VT and then said I had had neither and that I was going t ofind out who they were. They were on my door step the next day.

As for not having a route .. I am currently routless (sp?) ... I had to ask to be released from the one home I had because there was a saftey issue and I still work to support my self and my dogs ... I have asked many times for a new route and am ignored ... I miss the visits and the blessings I got from the service. Guess I am going to have to squeak louder!

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Yea, but miztrniceguy, you live near a LDS history site. Sisters do get those cushy missions. For those living away from LDS church history sites (and I have no idea where converted lives), it's unusual to not have at least one set of Elders in a ward.

Military areas may also potentially go without Elders. I live in an area where a majority of the members in the five local wards are members of the military. Spouses are more often than not deployed, so there are a lot of "single" sisters (military wives). So, we are assigned Sister missionaries instead of Elders. I think there are two sets of Elders total between the five wards.

converted- Remember that those who home/visit teach are people just like you that have to juggle and prioritize schedules. Sometimes, people let these assignments fall through the cracks and don't keep up with it for any number of reasons. If you are not being visited, it is not because you've done something wrong or because you need to wait until you've done something-or-other to get home teachers assigned to you. Unless theres a reason your ward has members/families "unassigned", everyone should have home and/or visiting teachers assigned to them.

Be persistent. Find out if you already have someone assigned to visit you, and if so find out who they are. Make sure they know you want to be visited and they will be more likely to make it a priority. It may even be a testimony building experience for them, as your persistence may help them realize just how important their home teaching calling really is.

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Guest Magen_Avot

I am 51 too and you are what we call a perspective elder. Each ward may do something a little different. In Tidewater Virginia it was the custom to make 45 yo's High Priests. Where I am now,... not so much.

Have you been ordained into the Aaronic Priesthood (ie Priest)?

You should speak to your Elders Quorum President (EQP) and ask for a home teacher (HT). If you're a Priest you may also want to ask to be a home teaching companion (if their current HT'ing structure permits it). The EQ President (EQP) has the keys (authority)do this, he will also interface with the Bishop according to the General Handbook of Instruction.

In the event they assigned someone, ask who they are and call them to make the appt if they don't. Be proactive and insist if you must, don't worry about hurting their feelings. I've done it a couple of times. Just don't let the situation get the best of you.

Generally be patient, it's difficult to know the HT situation.

BTW: L. Tom Perry recently shared his view on perspective elders and the importance of working to reactivate where needed or engage members like you in the affairs of the quorum. It is the duty of the EQP to teach you how to use the priesthood to bless your own family and others. But it's not like your leaders are sitting around waiting for something to do. There may in fact be some pretty serious things being taken care of and they just might need reminded. Just bring 'em into your life and needs, ask what you can do to help, and by all means go to activities as your time permits.

Edited by Magen_Avot
spelling error
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have spoken up again and still no HT... Nor have I been assigned as a HT.

I don't live in a bad area or military area.

I love to serve and continue to do missionary visits when assigned despite still not having a HT.

I can't believe that it's been 10 months since I was baptized and no HT or fellowship.

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I have spoken up again and still no HT... Nor have I been assigned as a HT. ...

I can't believe that it's been 10 months since I was baptized and no HT or fellowship.

That is hard to hear, converted. There should be ward missionaries who are assigned to fellowship with you - someone who will invite you over for dinner, sit next to you in church, give you their number so you can call if there are questions, help you get to functions at the church if you need a ride, etc.

I guess I have been fortunate, or maybe it is because we always have so many new people in an out of our ward that we are always on the look out for new people who need fellowship. Is there an event, party, or some non-church activity that will be held at the cultural hall that you can attend and meet people? Can you join the choir and meet folks that way? I admit, it was a little uncomfortable going to RS events by myself at first, but soon I got to know people and they got to know me and I feel I know at least enough people that I usually know someone I can sit with during an activity.

I hope things get better soon.

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I have spoken up again and still no HT... Nor have I been assigned as a HT.

I don't live in a bad area or military area.

I love to serve and continue to do missionary visits when assigned despite still not having a HT.

I can't believe that it's been 10 months since I was baptized and no HT or fellowship.

I am sad to read this. You may have them assigned and they are not coming. Mine arent either. Keep bugging them til you get people coming. They are very great at helping you so very worthwhile if you can get some! I am gathering you are male because otherwise getting VT would be alot easier lol.

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All that was happening (except HT) with my original ward I was baptized in. I had to move out of my ward boundaries to another ward (same ward name, diff number) at couple of months after my baptism. When I moved everything stopped. This ward doesn't have many activities really. I think cause I am old and single that I guess I just don't fit in. I volunteer for everything that I can take time to do to participate at some level.

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