Really?!? 911 for being lost in a Corn Maze?


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The news report is funny, but I can imagine getting worried enough to call 911 if you're still lost when it's getting dark. Don't want to spend the night in the maze, especially with two little kids. Still though... if they hadn't panicked, don't you think they might have been able to figure out that when all else fails, they could just walk in a straight line THROUGH the corn to get out of the maze and get their barings?

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Every time I hear corn maze, it makes me laugh because I always think of corn maize.

A few years ago, we started calling our local corn maze "the amazing maize maze". Years later, my kids still call it that every year. I'm just! *sniff*

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Man calls 911 because Taco Bell won't serve him | BLUtube

I don't know if this will work or not, but this is a funny story about a guy who called 911 for tacos.

Oh my. Wow. That was.... wow. So let me get this straight:

He walks through the Taco Bell drive-thru because he's high and doesn't want to get a dui, but then calls 911 when they won't serve him? Really?

That... that's just idiotic.

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