Mormon 9/11 Truthers?


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No I vistied

*Jaime Hyneman voice*

Well, there's your problem.

Also, before you post more about the White Horse Prophecy, read this first.

EDIT: so there's some content here, there's a weakness to having an argument basis that everybody but you are just mindless sheep while you are the only person who "knows." For instance,

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Eye witness reports and live footage is credible. Did you not see the tower free fall?

That's not what you're relying on, you're relying on someones interpretation of the live footage, and no, eyewitness accounts are not particularly credible. Some random person seeing something on the street is unlikely to be able to give an accurate timing of the events nor have the technical knowledge and skill set to analyze how fast the building should fall given a certain theory.

It's quite obvious you are of the mindset that, "Research is that which agrees with me".

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That's not what you're relying on, you're relying on someones interpretation of the live footage, and no, eyewitness accounts are not particularly credible. Some random person seeing something on the street is unlikely to be able to give an accurate timing of the events nor have the technical knowledge and skill set to analyze how fast the building should fall given a certain theory.

It's quite obvious you are of the mindset that, "Research is that which agrees with me".

There are videos of explosions. I posted a video where a huge explosion can be heard towards the beginning. Regardless of this you can't deny the facts I listed.

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*Jaime Hyneman voice*

Well, there's your problem.

Also, before you post more about the White Horse Prophecy, read this first.

EDIT: so there's some content here, there's a weakness to having an argument basis that everybody but you are just mindless sheep while you are the only person who "knows." For instance,

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Regarding religion, Mormons typically think that everyone but themselves are mindless sheep. Does that mean they are wrong concerning religion?

Most people here have a normalcy bias.

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Regarding religion, Mormons typically think that everyone but themselves are mindless sheep. Does that mean they are wrong concerning religion?

Most people here have a normalcy bias.

I've never heard or felt that sentiment among Mormons.

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That doesn't mean we think everyone else is mindless. Good grief. We believe truth is in a lot of places, and that we're blessed to have the Fullness of it. I would hope that I'm not the only one who knows other good Christians who are deserving of love and respect. I don't see them as sheep. I see them as good, thinking people who are doing the best they have with what they know; and a lot of times they're better Christians than I am.

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Next read Ether 8 daily so that you, too, can see Gadianton Robbers everywhere.

Gadianton robbers are real and exist within the United States government. Hard to believe I know. :rolleyes:

And don't forget that most of the Book of Mormon especially that chapter is a direct warning to the gentiles of our day.

Edited by AGStacker
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Gadianton robbers are real and exist within the United States government. Hard to believe I know. :rolleyes:

And don't forget that most of the Book of Mormon especially that chapter is a direct warning to the gentiles of our day.

I didn't say they don't, or that I don't believe the Book of Mormon.

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Not all Gadiantons are shadowy puppet masters or even work in govt. A handful of families in just about every LDS ward in America has some gadiantons living with them, in the form of teenagers who are in gangs.

They don't get as much press amongst secret-combination-minded folks, as their heinous acts usually revolve around minor crimes of drugs, sex, vandalism, burglary, with the occasional felony thrown in. Not exactly ushering-in-the-millenium type stuff, just stuff that wrecks their souls and sets them at odds with God's plan.

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How can Mormons truly believe such propaganda? It is a little disconcerting to me. I don't doubt that there are secret combinations in the US, in our government, and abroad internationally; however, I am quite saddened that fellow members would insinuate that the official 9/11 story is a fraud.

Ask and we shall receive. See the posts in this thread as evidence of your questions.

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Gosh I hate that use of the word sheep. Everywhere I go people keep talking about religious people as sheeples.

Christ referred to his followers as sheep. He was not insulting them; he was stating a fact about human nature. Those who criticize others for being "sheep" are ignorant and should be summarily, and permanently, ignored.

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Was Christ referring to human traits calling us His sheep or was He referring to himself as a loving shepard?

I can see where you are going with this. Christ did call those that followed him sheep and He was the shepherd. Even in John 10:16 it tells of Christ talking about other sheep I have which are not of this fold. Here he was talking about the people that we have learned about in the Book of Mormon and how he would someday visit them.

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Was Christ referring to human traits calling us His sheep or was He referring to himself as a loving shepard?

He was referencing the relationship between sheep (us) and their dedicated shepard (himself). So in a way it's kinda both, we should be able to trust him like sheep do their shepard and he will protect us like a shepard does his sheep. A lot of the symbolism can be lost if you don't understand the relationship a shepard of the culture would have with his sheep.

Vort's complaint is that people have taken something used to describe a good relationship and use it as an insult. I don't think it's always the case considering it's made it's way into the vernacular but in some instances it's quite clearly being used as a 'twist' on the scriptural example, and I agree with him that is annoying. It's like someone taking the versus that talk about fearing the Lord to not be the love and respect that the phrase is supposed to but rather the idea that God wants us to cower before him like some sort of omnipotent abusive alcoholic of a stepfather.

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The 911 hit on the WTC towers...(thank you AGS for the observative post) did not happen as the 911 commission reported. The attack on the Pentagon did not happen as the commissioned report described how. I would say to the 911 truthers to do themselves a huge favor. Whether they are members of the Church or not: Dr. Judy Wood. Where Did the Towers Go? She can be heard on Youtube also. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell- Secrets of the Unified Field. Well cited, researched and footnoted books on the causitive mechanisms and WHO possesses this exotic technology that has been weaponized. Forget about Bush, forget about Reagan, forget about all the secret societies when examining this closely. Dr. Farrell can be heard on numerous YOUTUBE interviews. Thank you.

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