What do these scriptures mean?


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I think the link to the Fair article explains it very well. Mormons do not believe that Jesus dwells in someone's heart. We believe that the Spirit of God can influence you and if you have the gift of the Holy Ghost, then he can be your constant companion.

Even our temples now, God does not dwell there. We consider it the house of the Lord, but not a place where he comes home at night to sleep or something. It is a holy place where holy and sacred ordinances are performed.

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Under the new covenant, you are the temple. Assuming you are born again.

I actually track with this quite easily. Growing up, we had our version of the WoW: "I don't drink, smoke, gamble, or chew...and I sure don't go with girls who do!"

And why? What was our reasoning? "My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I mustn't defile God's temple." :cool:

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Romans 8:9-11: 9 You, however, are not controlled by the sinful nature but are in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. 10 But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. 11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.

I can say with confidence that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of the Father reside in me. :cool:

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I think the link to the Fair article explains it very well. Mormons do not believe that Jesus dwells in someone's heart. We believe that the Spirit of God can influence you and if you have the gift of the Holy Ghost, then he can be your constant companion.

Even our temples now, God does not dwell there. We consider it the house of the Lord, but not a place where he comes home at night to sleep or something. It is a holy place where holy and sacred ordinances are performed.

Jesus (God) is clearly telling you otherwise. How can you disregard Jesus?

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Maygraceabound seems to be asking a sincere question. She may misunderstand what's been said. The rape question is more likely to poison the well than to help promote better apprehension.

What? Moi? Choosing my words poorly? Unthinkable!

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I think the link to the Fair article explains it very well. Mormons do not believe that Jesus dwells in someone's heart. We believe that the Spirit of God can influence you and if you have the gift of the Holy Ghost, then he can be your constant companion.

Even our temples now, God does not dwell there. We consider it the house of the Lord, but not a place where he comes home at night to sleep or something. It is a holy place where holy and sacred ordinances are performed.

Depends how you say it, if you mean litterally in as actually existing within someones heart then no we don't believe that... however if you mean more metaphorically; that we are always trying to have a prayer and always trying to remember him and to keep his commandments so that we can have the Holy Spirit with us then yes we definitely try to have Christ in our hearts.

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Under the new covenant, you are the temple. Assuming you are born again.

Please reference John 17, Rom 8 and in 1 Cor 3-16 it is very clear. You are the temple. Jesus is in you and will never leave or forsake you. Very cool. We have a great God.

There are many temples. of which we can be one as well. I think the Fair site reference explains our view pretty well from the translation point of view in regards to the verses given in the OP.

And no Christ won't ever leave us of his own will once we have come unto him.. but should an individual so choose, they can drive him out, which is why we must repent always.

Jesus (God) is clearly telling you otherwise. How can you disregard Jesus?

Telling us otherwise what? if things were so crystal clear there would not be so many different sects. God does tell us many things and one of the things he has commanded us to do is to build temples. in which to do his work.

And this is in addition to the temples which are our bodies (which is one reason we avoid things like Alcohol, coffee, tattoos, and things like that is because we do believe our bodies are temples.


Even our temples now, God does not dwell there. We consider it the house of the Lord, but not a place where he comes home at night to sleep or something. It is a holy place where holy and sacred ordinances are performed.

I'd just like to add to this. As the temple is God's House, it is a dwelling place for him, just as the tabernacle was for the ancient israelites. And it would be where would be should he so deign to come down from his throne upon high for whatever reason.

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Yes, God can and does attend His temples. He can visit wherever He desires. My point is that we do not believe He actually LIVES in the temple (such as we live in our homes). I had been told previously that we believe God actually resides (such as we reside in our home) in our temples--which we do not believe.

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I forgive you. I too have spoken words I wish I could take back. God bless you.

Thanks for the forgiveness, but if I wished to take back my words, I would simply delete them. The words stand as a demonstration of the illogic of what you said.

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I think the link to the Fair article explains it very well. Mormons do not believe that Jesus dwells in someone's heart. We believe that the Spirit of God can influence you and if you have the gift of the Holy Ghost, then he can be your constant companion.

Maygraceabound responds to this with:

Jesus (God) is clearly telling you otherwise. How can you disregard Jesus?

And then Vort rebuts with his loaded question about rape...

What we have here is an apparent failure to communicate. My guess is that Maygraceabound grew up in the same church environment I did, where we responded to the invitation to "Invite Jesus into our hearts." To hear someone say, "Jesus doesn't live in our hearts," causes an instant reaction in us. How can you disregard Jesus??? :eek:

I know...I know...you did not mean that Jesus does not save, and that God does not walk with us and commune with us in a spiritual sense. BUT...when you say "Jesus does not live in our hearts," that's how it feels to us.

My grandmother is Lutheran. She once told me, "I don't like it when people ask me if I'm born again. I am a Christian. I pray. I believe in Jesus. I don't need to be born again." I understand what she means. In fact, I am certain she is born again. It's the terminology, and how it gets misued and abused that has caused the confusion.

Perhaps Maygraceabound and Beefche are having the same type of miscommunication. So how do we clarify...it's probably not wise to accuse folk of disregarding Jesus...or of ra*...:::cough::: ...uh...yeah.

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Prisonchaplain nailed it, it's a misunderstanding of terminology.

To a trinitarian, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are just one being. To us (LDS) they are three separate individuals (although one in purpose) so for someone to say that Jesus dwells in hearts is to say that Jesus left His body somehow, which is contrary to the teachings about the resurrection.

It is true that the scriptures refer to the Holy Ghost as the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ but we believe that these are just other names for the Holy Ghost and don't take them literally as God or the Son leaving their bodies and dwelling in hearts. That is what the Holy Ghost is for.

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