What's the best OTC pain medication?


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In your opinion, what would be the best otc pain medication for back pain? I understand that there may be varying opinions on this. This past year I've had some intense back pain that will come and go. It usually occurs after I've been doing a lot of bending with up and down motions. For example, pulling laundry from the dryer, (I pull one piece at a time and fold as I go) or loading the dishwasher, where I'm bending up and down. I'll usually end up with intense back pain at the end of the day. I haven't figured out if it's muscle aches, or my spine. The pain is in the small of my back. I had an x-ray during the summer, and there are no problems with my discs in my spine. Anyway, I'm just trying to get through the pain. Any help would be appreciated!

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Aleve helps me a lot, and lasts a lot longer than Advil but it does bother my stomach on occasion. I really love Celebrex for my arthritis pain but my insurance doesn't cover it anymore. It works just like Aleve does but lasts almost all day and doesn't bother my stomach at all. Tylenol doesn't do much for me at all.

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Celebrex can cause heart problems. I take 800 mg Ibuprophen. It helps with the pain but it also helps with swelling which causes pain of course that is not over the counter but its not hard to get. For that matter celebrex is not over the counter either.

Try hot and cold alternating packs on your back for a non prescription solution. 10-30 minutes on each then change over. When you lay down put pillows or a short padded stool under your knees. Keep them flexed.

Theres some good exercises out there too but be careful with those without a physical therapist to show you what to do.

Oh by the way, doctors seem to always do xrays first on backs but they show very little. They certainly dont show ruptured discs. You have to have other tests like MRIs to diagnose discs. Do you have pain radiating down the side and back of probably one leg possibly extending to the side of the foot? I am talking about sciatic nerve pain. Those are disc symptoms. If you only have pain in the back it is more likely to be muscle. You can go on the internet and get more information. wrongdiagnosis.com is a very good site.

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When I was 6 months pregnant I got rear ended in our mini van and there was nothing the Dr. could do for the pain. I went to a chiropractor since it was covered by the insurance. He just worked on pressure point therapy and the relief from that was amazing. Perhaps that could help, also? To me it felt like he would find a spot that when pressure was applied, it hurt a lot! Then, he'd keep pushing until it stopped hurting. It forced my tight muscles to relax. It was so nice to finally be able to sleep!

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Chiropractors are amazing (if you have the right one). Do you homework. Annewandering is right about the ruptured disk, but a good Chirporactor will take xrays or do some sort of imaging.

Also, strengthening your core muscles will help relieve the back pain. The core muscles support our back. If they are weak then the movements you describe will make the pain bad.

NSAIDS like Advil or Aleve work sometimes. If the muscles are spasming then something like Doan's. But...check with your doctor before taking OTCs. They all have side effects.

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I use Ibuprophen when I need it ... Aleve is worthless for me.

Better yet try Arnica. You can get it in gel form to rub on or pellet form to put under your tongue. That stuff is amazing! The first time I used it on arthritic fingers the pain while not gone completely was bareable in 30 seconds. A friend put her dad on the pellets after knee replacement surgery and he never used a pain drug at all. You can find it in health food stores.

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It's possible that you might have a rib that slips out of place. I'd recommend you go see a DO that specializes in OMT. I've seen some pretty amazing stuff.

Osteopathic manipulative medicine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My wife is a DO and in residency for Internal Medicine. For musculoskeletal pain she recommends ibuprofen because it helps with swelling. For headaches or other pain she recommends tylenol.

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Sometimes when I have a really bad headache my honey knocks me in the head with a mallet and then it doesn't hurt as bad, cuz I'm not awake any more. Or if it is a milder pain he will kick me in the shin so that my attention is diverted from my head to my shin. Works every time! And you don't need insurance for that!!! haaaaaa!

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Sometimes when I have a really bad headache my honey knocks me in the head with a mallet and then it doesn't hurt as bad, cuz I'm not awake any more. Or if it is a milder pain he will kick me in the shin so that my attention is diverted from my head to my shin. Works every time! And you don't need insurance for that!!! haaaaaa!

And you still call him honey?

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Sometimes when I have a really bad headache my honey knocks me in the head with a mallet and then it doesn't hurt as bad, cuz I'm not awake any more. Or if it is a milder pain he will kick me in the shin so that my attention is diverted from my head to my shin. Works every time! And you don't need insurance for that!!! haaaaaa!

you cant say things like that! people will believe you! it would be cheap though.

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It's true!!! At least he always 'offers' to do it, which makes me smile, which in turn makes me feel better, so it all works out! I have the best honey in the world, he would never smack me around!!! I love you honey!

We talk about suicide sometimes. How easy it would be. We never would actually do it because we believe in God and the Church. We know its not going to last forever. :)

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