Willies Alert -HS Prank: Multiple points of failure!


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Rosemount High School Kiss Prank Leads to Apology | Video | TheBlaze.com

I just want to know how something like this didn't get stopped on multiple points? The most obvious two are:

1) The planning stage: How on earth did the planners think this was a good idea?

2) The recruiting parents stage: Why on earth would the parents agree to it? And some of those who did why on earth did they up the ante (I'm thinking of grope my butt mother).

It really boggles my mind that something like this even left the ground let alone made it as far as it did.

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We did something similar when I was in high school. The difference being it was actually a student that did the kissing and we had the parent standing there when the blind folds were taken off. It wasn't the parents kissing their child.

This is disgusting.

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I saw an article on this several days ago. I thought it was like the one we did when I was a teenager. It wasn't until today on this thread that I found out it was the parents.

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So everyone says it's sick. But isn't it wrong to let students give each other passionate kisses with other students? It's a school for goodness sake, not a kissing school. Maybe they felt it was more respectable and safe to do it this way.

Another question - is a mom/dad kissing their son/daughter on the lips a little passionately considered incest? I admit it does have an icky factor but I don't think it is incest. I can see how something like this happened.

No kissing contests should be going on. Asia is making more and more doctors and here we are with kissing contests in school.

Also note this story is from the Blaze.

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I actually don't disagree with anything you wrote, Hoosier. A school assembly involving students being blindfolded and kissed is simply wrong. But I'm used to public schools being cesspools. What was true when I was a child is even more true today. What I am not used to is parents being complicit in such activity, and willingly providing such a nauseating twist to the proceedings.

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How so? This was PARENTS who kissed their own kids. How would going to private school or home school prevent a parent from kissing their own child passionately?

I think HoosierGuy's thinking is that events like this will be used a reason for homeschooling over public school. Basically in making the case (to themselves or others) for why public school is bad (compared to homeschooling or private schooling) some fingers will be pointed at this event.

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It's stories like this and others that cause parents to keep their kids in home school or send them to private schools.

My oldest, now 19, is leaving on his mission in a few weeks. We homeschooled him from his earliest childhood. Stories like these had very little to do with our decision -- though I admit it certainly does provide confirmation bias.

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