What do you think of this miraculous experience?


Which best explains the story told by President Monson at the end of the Oct 2011 General Conference  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Which best explains the story told by President Monson at the end of the Oct 2011 General Conference

    • LDS: I believe the story more or less as told.
    • LDS: President Monson misperceived perfectly reasonable, rational, non-miraculous occurrences.
    • LDS: President Monson dreamed or hallucinated the story.
    • LDS: President Monson told a "holy lie" to try to bolster people's faith or belief.
    • LDS: President Monson made the whole thing up out of whole cloth.
    • LDS: Explained by ESP or some other non-divine explanation that we do not scientifically understand.
    • LDS: Something completely different from any of these, which I will explain in the comments.
    • Not LDS: I believe the story more or less as told.
    • Not LDS: President Monson misperceived perfectly reasonable, rational, non-miraculous occurrences.
    • Not LDS: President Monson dreamed or hallucinated the story.
    • Not LDS: President Monson told a "holy lie" to try to bolster people's faith or belief.
    • Not LDS: President Monson made the whole thing up out of whole cloth.
    • Not LDS: Explained by ESP or some other non-divine explanation that we don't yet understand.
    • Not LDS: Something completely different from any of these, which I will explain in the comments.

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This is exactly why I have made the poll and provided the story, in context, with a link. Was Monson lying? Is he just stupid? Did he hallucinate the occurrence?

This is not a "friend of a friend" type hearsay story. This is a first-person account of an experience that, at face value, cannot be explained through "natural" means. So:

  • Was Monson telling the truth, or was he lying?
  • If he was telling the truth, was he correct, or was he mistaken?
  • If he was correct, how do you explain that? Divine revelation? ESP? Ear fairies?
  • If he was mistaken, what accounts for the story? Did he hallucinate it? Does he have only a tenuous grasp on reality? Is he certifiably insane?
I chose this story because of its immediacy and unambiguous nature. Either things happened the way Monson said they happened (more or less, allowing for unimportant details that might have been gotten wrong) or they did not. No honest person can really stand on the sidelines and equivocate about this. There is very little wiggle room. I'm curious to know where people come down on the issue.

There is a very great deal of evidence that Monson is an honest and scrupulous man, so those who say he's lying will need to provide other evidence to demonstrate their contention. There is also very great evidence of his intelligence and mental acuity, so those who might want to chalk it up to delusions or senescence also have some evidence to marshall.

But if you allow that he is telling the truth, then you have to explain it somehow. For me and many others, that's easy: He is guided in his leadership role by God, as we all can be. But for those who reject divine revelation (or who reject divine revelation to Mormons), the explanation will have to come from somewhere else: ESP, devilish communications, hidden microphones, or some such.

I understand your skepticism. Nevertheless, the story is right there, in print, boldly put out before the world. I am curious how you (and others) explain it; hence, this poll and thread.

At the risk of much wrath I don't believe the story. It's my personal view that people of faith will say what needs to be said to inspire other people of faith. Could it have happened? Possibly, but i have trouble believing it. The being said this is my view of the divine in general and not just LDS.

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I think the second option is the most probable. I voted for it.

Even though I don't accept monson as "The prophet of God," I don't think he is intentionally lying and misleading people. I'm sure he is an honest guy and he believes what he says and in his calling.

Thanks vort for the thread and giving some of us "less traditional" and unorthodox members a platform to express our opinion without getting the crap kicked out of us.

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That instance, I'm sure, is just one of millions for him. I thought that he shared that so that others who also experience such things would know they are not alone. That is certainly how I felt at the time. I feel like we are together, like there are others who would understand when I tell them something wonderful happened because of the workings of the Holy Spirit...again. I have had way too many personal experiences of this sort to not believe it. Some were in life saving situations, some in lesson or talk giving situations.... but the HG works, He is real, this is why Jesus spoke in parables. Those that have ears, let them hear. This is the kind of thing that fast and testimony meetings are for.

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He's actually asking a lot more than that throughout the entire range of questions....

I think the idea that we have a prophet who colors the the truth is what the option implies, whether intended or not, is what the range of questions implies. We have the example of Paul H. Dunn who colored the truth in his books...and everyone knows how THAT ended (he was subject to some kind of Church discipline, I understand). So, to then open this kind of discussion about whether the Prophet can be trusted to tell the truth may well jar some people.

Vort clarified what he meant. There is no need to try to decipher implications. Vort, being the author, knows what the intent is. Why further an implied point when an explicit point has been provided?



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Given the sanctity of the prophet, and of established ways of doing things that is oft repeated on this discussion forum, it strikes me as odd that we would have a poll that asks us to judge a Living Prophet as either a truth-teller, a liar, or something in between.

Why is it odd to consider whether you believe Monson is a prophet or not? It is a fundamental question that all ought to consider and decide what they believe. I don't think it is heretical to pursue the discussion. Believing LDS can view this as an opportunity to teach and testify about prophets.



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Why is there no option of I believe the story completely. Not more or less. Just completely. That is my choice and I would be lying to say more or less.

Having listened to and given many depositions, as well as having made court appearances has taught me that anyone's memory is imperfect. There could have been some details or nuances either omitted or overly emphasized.

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Good afternoon Soulsearcher! :)

At the risk of much wrath I don't believe the story.

I would hope that there is no risk of wrath. I'd be disappointed if people reacted wrathfully to what you posted.

It's my personal view that people of faith will say what needs to be said to inspire other people of faith. Could it have happened? Possibly, but i have trouble believing it. The being said this is my view of the divine in general and not just LDS.

So, what evidence do you have (a general prejudice against religion is not evidence), that Monson made the story up just to inspire religious people? (Should you wish to answer)



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Good afternoon Soulsearcher! :)

I would hope that there is no risk of wrath. I'd be disappointed if people reacted wrathfully to what you posted.

So, what evidence do you have (a general prejudice against religion is not evidence), that Monson made the story up just to inspire religious people? (Should you wish to answer)



I lack firsthand evidence, just have heard too many people of faith tell faith inspiring stories that end up being false or exagerated and so carry my experience over to this story. We've seen them pop up from time to time on this site or even more to the point seen those who run the site try to put an end to them before they even start. Also i wouldn't call it a general prejudice against religion, just no reason to have much faith in it.

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