This is the big one, Elizabeth! Need advice on temple dresses.


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Well gang, in another week, I will have been a member for a year. Yay! I was just on the site, planning to buy a dress, but I have no idea how they run. I'm plump, but not big busted. I know what sizes I can wear from Penney's and Macy's, for example, but wonder if I should get the next size up (actually it will be 2 sizes, they way they run). I don't want anything to cling, but I don't want to be swimming in it either.

Any suggestions? Also, how about the slip? Does it run true to size or small? Would I be better off trying to find a long slip elsewhere?

I gotta tell you all, my stomach turns knots every time I think about the temple. I thought that shopping would help me get over some of my nerves.:D

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If you're anywhere close to a distribution center. Go in and try on the dresses. I've found that the one I like in the picture doesn't fit the way it fits the model. :(

If you can't get to the distribution center this dress is the one the church uses at most of the temples. (Or it was when I was working at the temple.)

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This is the one I wear:

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I like this one because its lined with the sheer on top. It does have a static problem if you don't use fabric softener. I wear a size 16 and when I bought this dress the size 18 fit better. Then I lost a little weight and the shoulders didn't fit so I bought a size 16. (I justified this because I was working at the temple at the time :).)

Congratulations and Enjoy!

P.S. I worked at the clothing counter. I found that size was personal. I could usually guess the size a person wore and just needed their height. But there were two women who came to the temple regularly who were definitely a size 14 or 16 and would always ask for a medium dress (which is size 10-12). They said they didn't like all the floating fabric. Everyone has their own tastes. :)

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Dahlia, do you live near a temple that has clothing rental available? If so, you can get one from there the first few times and see how the fit is...also there is one temple near me that has a distribution center in it...could you maybe visit one like that? If there is one near you, you can try on dresses there.

The first temple dress I bought was really really long (okay, I'm 5'2"). You might need to have it hemmed before you can wear it in the temple if you are a shorty like me :) Just to warn you, I borrowed a dress from someone my size to get my endowments, and then a week or so later went to another temple to the dist. center to buy a dress hoping to wear it right away...didn't really work out, it was like a foot too long!

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I'm 5 hrs away from Chicago, so that's not gonna happen. I'm sure I could rent a dress at the temple (Nauvoo), but I want to have my own. I just want it to fit right.

Also, I've been looking at the beaded slippers, which are tres cute, but am concerned about support. Even my flat shoes have a bit of support and I'm afraid a slipper is going to make my back hurt if I'm standing for a long time. Is it OK to wear something other than a slipper, as long as it's white?

I don't know if I read it here or heard it at church, but is it true that if I order from and tell them it's my first time, I get a big discount on the dress?

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You'll get a discount on the whole she-bang.

You don't stand a long time while doing temple work. There is walking from the locker room to the endowment room and walking from the endowment room to the celestial room. But overall, you are sitting most of the time. You will be the best judge on how much support you need. You can buy any kind of shoe you want, it just has to be completely white (no color whatsoever, not even the sole). Point of fact, you will want something easy to put on/take off. You don't want to deal with laces or anything. Velcro is kinda loud and the temple is very quiet, so I'd be embarrassed to use velcro.

You can also call the distribution center to find out about what size to order. You can give them your size in regular clothes and they would be able to help you choose the right size. Plus, I'm sure you can return it if it doesn't fit right.

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huge discount, like half off.

slippers, well, I had serious serious arch pain. I went to a specialist and ended up getting steroid shots and wearing a boot. So, when I went to the temple I got some arch supports from my doctor's office stuck it on my foot, pulled my white stocking over the top of it to make it stay...and put my slippers on top of that. I know, they probably wouldn't care about my stupid boot, but I did. I was SICK of that thing and did not want to clunk around the temple in it, that's for sure. Worked fine....why?

You don't have to walk for long in the temple at don't stand for long sit, a lot, and the carpet is comfy. Notice that the slippers are not made of ultra durable materials, and yet they last for years, literally years, why? They don't get a lot of wear and tear. I got mine from WM though, and they have soles on them, thin ones, because I clean the temple a lot and like a little traction when I am mopping floors in the baptistry area.

You might want to think about wrinkling issues, especially living so far from your temple. You don't want to be pulling it out of your bag and not be able to recognize it for the wrinkles. Also my first one zipped up the back which made it very difficult for me to zip since I am very well ahem, endowed, I like the ones that zip up the front as they are much easier and faster to get on/off. If you don't have a lot of arm reach you may want to consider this.

Let's talk static. I find static to be annoying in the extreme. When I am buying clothing, static is a deal-breaker for me. A slip with a temple dress on top, shuffling around in slippers on carpet mucho static...downy spray/wrinkle remover...I put some in a travel-size spray bottle and spray it on my slip/underside of my dress. It helps a lot with the static. You can also just use some liquid fabric softener thinned out with some water (though after a while it will clog up the spray head).

Pockets, you want to have at least one pocket, I like two. I put the name I'm doing in one, and other necessary things in another. I have seen some slips that have a pocket near the bottom hem, that would be handy. Lockers have a key that you will need to carry on you somewhere. Also a tissue/handkerchief if you are likely to tear up.

...and mints/cough drops if your throat tends to get itchy. A lot of temples use de-humidifiers, with all the patrons moving through they like to keep the air dry to avoid a sweaty/close feeling atmosphere, and while this is a great idea, it creates static and it can make you cough. A discreet little tic tac is good, but if you need something stronger, like a true cough drop, don't feel bad a lot of sisters use them. There is nothing like hacking in the middle of an endowment session.

Don't forget your camera, you will probably want pictures of your big day!!!

If you do forget something and you don't realize it till you get there, tell your temple worker! They are so prepared for any little setback. They have been around and can tackle just about any problem you might have that comes up. Believe me, they are so thrilled when someone comes for their own endowments, if they weren't so holy they would argue about which one gets to help you most. :)

When you do call to order your dress and you tell them it is your first one, they are probably going to ask if you know your measurements, if you don't, they will ask your clothing sizes.

And relax, It's going to be great!!!

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I am a big lady- at Woman Within I am a 1X, at Lane Bryant I am a 3X. The slips at the Distribution Center/through the church run big. I ordered a 3X and my sister who is two sizes larger than me wears it! Penny's, Fred Meyer don't carry sizes large enough for me. WalMart does once in a blue moon- 4/5X. Bust is 44, waist and hips are LARGER. Oh, I don't wear a bra when I don the temple clothes- there is just too many layers- so the bra stays in the locker. Now my friends who know I am on this forum are going to know-

I am so fearful of slipping and falling, so the slippers I use have a rubber sole. I wear cotton ankle socks to reduce the static. I now have a 100% cotton dress- It only cost me $68.00.

Listen to the workers when you purchase you sacred items, they will tell you how to launder & care for them.

The first gown, slip, etc. I got were all polyester/nylon. You could see blue sparks when ever I touched anything! The dress was 18" too long. Yep, I cut it off and hemmed it up, so it was 3" shorter than the gown. The envelope kept sliding out from under my arm and off of my lap! That was the first item I replaced with cotton. Then I sewed a white button on it and white grosgrain ribbon to close it by. Have had more compliments on that envelope.

Here is a link at that gives the sizes on the womens dresses & slips.

Women's Dress Sizes- LDS Store and here: Women's Garment Top Fit- LDS Store In the slips I wear a 1X. Still have to cut the excess off and hem it.

Oh, I had a friend tat a pocket for me, then I sewed it on the outside of my envelope. The outside of my envelope is decorated with tatted cotton lace- so this pocket fits right in. This is where I have my white handkerchief- I also have one in my dress pocket, and I also put a pocket about 4" above the hem of my slip- have another men's white handkerchief there- I am a crier- also have a medium safety pin sewed to the inside of my slip pocket- this is for the locker key. This slip pocket is not a dainty size either- it is a pocket I removed from one of my husbands old white shirts- I can put money in there for the cafeteria. Seems like the group always wants to eat after they change and before the sessions!

One other thing- zippers in the back that one can not reach. First dress was like this- there is always a temple worker in the dressing rooms- she will be more than happy to zip your dress, and tuck in the interfacing at the neck.

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I found my slippers at the Totes outlet in town and my slip at the Vanity Fair outlet. My dress was purchased at the clothing store and I had to buy 3 sizes smaller and there is still room for a party in there. Actually it has been better having a larger size ... it stays cooler, they keep the temple way to hot for me. I keep a can of Static Guard in my case to handle the static issues.

One thing just an FYI ... don't sit on the contents of your packet ... it keeps them crisp and nice looking. You'll understand when you see the packet. I have an antique baby pillow case with embroidery and a tiny button and bow to hold my packet.

The temple is wonderful and peaceful ... no need to stress. I discovered that I had heard it all before just not in that detail. The best part of temple work after doing your own is doing family ... wow what a warm fuzzy I get from that.

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...they keep the temple way to hot for me...

I don't want to mess with dahlia's thread but I am curious about women that are going through menopause when attending the temple. Do the distribution centres make fans (hand held) for those occasions when they would be so needed?


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No, Maureen. I find that most women in the temples I've attended complain about it being too cold. Many women wear sweaters because it's kept a little cooler in the endowment and celestial room (at least cooler than the locker rooms).

I find the temples a bit cool myself, maybe I'll wear my long johns next time I go. Of course I'm rather cold blooded.

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No, Maureen. I find that most women in the temples I've attended complain about it being too cold. Many women wear sweaters because it's kept a little cooler in the endowment and celestial room (at least cooler than the locker rooms).

I ask this because at this time in my life I experience hot flashes now and again. I can go from being cold to instantaneously hot where I instantly take off my sweater/hoody and start fanning myself, especially my face. And of course they're random, they happen when they happen. If I could not fan myself I would go crazy and AC comes in handy but it does not provide a breeze which is essential in getting through a hot flash. Due to this new development in my life my feelings toward coldness has changed, I appreciate it more than I ever thought was possible. :) I sympathize when any woman (or man) find themselves in an uncomfortable hot situation.


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Wow! So much good advice! I didn't even think about the soles of shoes being white. I feel better about getting the cute slippers with the beading now. And static! Who woulda thought? I think cotton is a going to be a better choice than polyester just because cotton smooths out the little lumps and bumps and poly shows every imperfection. And the slips with the pockets...they think of everything, don't they.

I saw the hankies and fans for sale - is it that much of an ordeal? Does everyone cry like on fast Sunday? : )

About pictures - obviously I can't take them in the temple, but will there be a point where I can take them in my temple dress or is that not allowed? I don't see that I would have it on in a place where I can take pictures unless I put it on again after leaving the locker room.

What is the envelope for? And I know the temple has garments, but can't I bring my own? A friend and I are going to purchase some this week (I can't get them on my own until I'm endowed); can't I bring a set of those?

And in other news, in today's mail I received a picture of myself and my missionaries at my baptism with 'Happy 1 Year Anniversary' printed across the bottom. I haven't heard from this elder since he left, so it was a surprise that he would think of me on my anniversary. There are three of them who were instrumental in my conversion and are still in our mission area. They have all expressed an interest in attending with me, so if one or all of them can come, that will be great.

Thanks, Iggy for the Woman Within reference. Now I have a better idea of what size to order.

btw - I will be going to Nauvoo, about 2 hrs away, not Chicago.

Thanks again, everybody.

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What is the envelope for?

It's in what you carry the sacred temple clothing. You'd put the envelope in your temple bag along with your dress and slippers but you take the envelope with you into the ceremony (you temple bag would stay in the locker room).

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I saw the hankies and fans for sale - is it that much of an ordeal? Does everyone cry like on fast Sunday? : ) You don't need a hankie. That's used for temple dedications, not for normal temple worship.

About pictures - obviously I can't take them in the temple, but will there be a point where I can take them in my temple dress or is that not allowed? I don't see that I would have it on in a place where I can take pictures unless I put it on again after leaving the locker room. You can take pictures of your temple dress, but not the sacred temple clothing. You could have a pic taken in the foyer or waiting room at the temple with your temple dress on. It would be best to call the temple a day before you go just to make sure (let them know your missionaries will be there--that'll sweeten the pot).

What is the envelope for? And I know the temple has garments, but can't I bring my own? A friend and I are going to purchase some this week (I can't get them on my own until I'm endowed); can't I bring a set of those? The envelope is made of material and holds the sacred temple clothes (not your dress or slip). When you get your "packet" that includes the envelope and the sacred clothing. The envelope is about 8x12 size and you fold the sacred temple clothing to place inside. You will be required to bring your own garments at all times. Even if you don't have your own dress, slip, and temple clothing, you will need to have your own garments.

And in other news, in today's mail I received a picture of myself and my missionaries at my baptism with 'Happy 1 Year Anniversary' printed across the bottom. I haven't heard from this elder since he left, so it was a surprise that he would think of me on my anniversary. There are three of them who were instrumental in my conversion and are still in our mission area. They have all expressed an interest in attending with me, so if one or all of them can come, that will be great. That is so wonderful! What a special time for you and for them. It's every missionaries dream to see their people attend the temple--baptism is great, but attending the temple is sublime.

Thanks, Iggy for the Woman Within reference. Now I have a better idea of what size to order.

btw - I will be going to Nauvoo, about 2 hrs away, not Chicago. Unfortunately, Nauvoo does not have a distribution center there. Your best bet is to look online at and then call the distribution center with any questions about material, size, etc.

Thanks again, everybody.

Very happy for you!

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I ask this because at this time in my life I experience hot flashes now and again. I can go from being cold to instantaneously hot where I instantly take off my sweater/hoody and start fanning myself, especially my face. And of course they're random, they happen when they happen. If I could not fan myself I would go crazy and AC comes in handy but it does not provide a breeze which is essential in getting through a hot flash. Due to this new development in my life my feelings toward coldness has changed, I appreciate it more than I ever thought was possible. :) I sympathize when any woman (or man) find themselves in an uncomfortable hot situation.


Are you contemplating being baptised LDS??

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I'm 5 hrs away from Chicago, so that's not gonna happen. I'm sure I could rent a dress at the temple (Nauvoo), but I want to have my own. I just want it to fit right.

Also, I've been looking at the beaded slippers, which are tres cute, but am concerned about support. Even my flat shoes have a bit of support and I'm afraid a slipper is going to make my back hurt if I'm standing for a long time. Is it OK to wear something other than a slipper, as long as it's white?

I don't know if I read it here or heard it at church, but is it true that if I order from and tell them it's my first time, I get a big discount on the dress?

You won't be standing a lot. the slippers work best. the shoes are usually worn by temple workers.

Its ok to wear what every is white. One of the ladies I worked with ordered white Crocs. :) I was going to order a pair, but they announced the Ogden temple was closing.

Yes, Your first set of temple clothing is discounted. It doesn't have to be ordered through The discount is available at all distribution centers.

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