a-train found this place again


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Over the last couple of years I had forgotten my password. From time to time I would try to log on and could not remember. The email address associated with my account was no longer in use so I couldn't reset the password. Then, today.. ...out of the blue.... ...eureka! I remembered. So here I am. I see many familiar regulars are still just that.

I have studied and grown a lot in the last two years: a life-changing process including my departure from the Church. After my vigorous study and service for 18 years, I have concluded that Mormonism is not true. This comes as a real tragedy for me, I really wanted it to be so. But with the grief of this loss comes the newness of life associated with a world-view I had never known. I have been reborn. I am VERY optimistic and excited, something I could not have understood without experiencing it myself.


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I have studied and grown a lot in the last two years: a life-changing process including my departure from the Church. After my vigorous study and service for 18 years, I have concluded that Mormonism is not true. This comes as a real tragedy for me, I really wanted it to be so. But with the grief of this loss comes the newness of life associated with a world-view I had never known. I have been reborn. I am VERY optimistic and excited, something I could not have understood without experiencing it myself.

And so to celebrate, you come to an LDS site where people rejoice in the gospel and share inspirational ideas?

Not quite grokking your logic here...

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Hi a-train!

Thanks for coming and checking in. I've thought about you often over the last few years. And not just because I won that bet with you. ;) (By the way, I heard someone forecasting $5/gal gas on the radio yesterday - maybe you were just a few years early in your prediction!)

It can be hard for friends/family/well-wishers/loved-ones to rejoice in a story of personal growth leading to increased happiness, when it involves someone growing in a direction away from something we hold dear and important. I remember the look in my dad's face as I was growing into full faith and membership in the church. He had such high hopes that I was going to join him at the race track and craps table - only to watch me "get suckered back into that goofy religion where they send out kids with name tags to tell people they're doing it all wrong". But he made the effort to continue to love me and support my decision.

So, in the spirit of honoring my crotchety old antimormon father, I'm glad to see you're finding something that is working for you. Our mortal probation often means a short supply of things like newness of life and optimism - so I'm happy you're finding some.

If you'd like to keep to the site rules, you're certainly welcome to stick around here as long as you like. But I have to give you some terrible news - this forum is much stricter against political discussions than it was when you left. The mods were just spending too much time trying to keep the bitter contention down - I really miss that sometimes. :)

Anyway, glad to hear you're still kicking.


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Guest Julielaraine

Over the last couple of years I had forgotten my password. From time to time I would try to log on and could not remember. The email address associated with my account was no longer in use so I couldn't reset the password. Then, today.. ...out of the blue.... ...eureka! I remembered. So here I am. I see many familiar regulars are still just that.

I have studied and grown a lot in the last two years: a life-changing process including my departure from the Church. After my vigorous study and service for 18 years, I have concluded that Mormonism is not true. This comes as a real tragedy for me, I really wanted it to be so. But with the grief of this loss comes the newness of life associated with a world-view I had never known. I have been reborn. I am VERY optimistic and excited, something I could not have understood without experiencing it myself.


Wow, thats interesting. I have been discouraged lately, but its with the people, not the

Gospel. I do respect your decision however.

One thing I have learned is that too much studying it out, can bring confusion. I prefer to go with what my heart and the spirit tells me.

I come from an in-active family. I only got a few years in the Church. I was away from it for so long. Too long. I never want to live that way again. I remember so clearly one of my Primary teachers. She told me the stories of Jesus. I knew what she was telling me was true. I was taught about Joseph Smith. We sang songs. I knew then, and I know now, this is the True Church restored to the earth today.

I have never been a follower. I very much know what I think, and am quite opinionated.

Ask my Husband! :) Therefore, I do not sit back and believe everything I am told. BUT, I have never been told anything in this Church that doesn't ring true for me. Everything that I am, everything that my children have become is because of the teachings of this Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Over the last couple of years I had forgotten my password. From time to time I would try to log on and could not remember. The email address associated with my account was no longer in use so I couldn't reset the password. Then, today.. ...out of the blue.... ...eureka! I remembered. So here I am. I see many familiar regulars are still just that.

I have studied and grown a lot in the last two years: a life-changing process including my departure from the Church. After my vigorous study and service for 18 years, I have concluded that Mormonism is not true. This comes as a real tragedy for me, I really wanted it to be so. But with the grief of this loss comes the newness of life associated with a world-view I had never known. I have been reborn. I am VERY optimistic and excited, something I could not have understood without experiencing it myself.


Welcome back :)

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My Baby

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