Hello from Australia


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g'day mate, watch out for the susie character... she'll entice you into conversations around how SA are the best rugby nation in the world etc although they bombed out worse than us aussie @ the WC :P sharing the love susie he he he

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Hi Juan_P,

Folks get banned for severely or repeatedly violating the site rules. Sometimes it's an arguable decision, sometimes it's a no brainer. Lots and lots of no brainers. More than you think. Lots of times, the mods know something you don't, which makes it a no-brainer for us, but a puzzling or worrisome thing to you. Lots of spambots or scam engines or fraudulent ID thieves or anti-LDS folks come here. The mods make sure they don't stay long, and we often delete their posts that expose them for what they are.

If you want to know more about the specifics of how we work, click that link and read the stuff that starts out with "Consequences to these rules could result in the following, and are determined on a case by case basis.".

Anyway, please take such things up with mods directly. No need to pollute a perfectly good "Hi I'm new" thread.

Welcome to all the new folks!

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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why are there so many people 'banned' here on this site? isn't it being abused a bit, this general censorship level?

seems whenever the conversation starts flowing a 'Banned' commentator shows up.

There's two here already

Yeah, what's up with these people who can't figure out how to obey the site rules?

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Yeah, what's up with these people who can't figure out how to obey the site rules?

Seems you have a higher than expected number of people breaking site rules. I find them all other here, even above where one poster says 'Welcome brother!" and is then banned? I suppose I'd better not welcome the brother either.

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Seems you have a higher than expected number of people breaking site rules. I find them all other here, even above where one poster says 'Welcome brother!" and is then banned? I suppose I'd better not welcome the brother either.

What is the expected number of people breaking the rules? I wasn't aware that there is a standard for the internet as a whole or that you were privy to that number on this site. I would be interested in seeing how you come up with your numbers.

You also obviously have no idea why those people were banned. Do you honestly believe that they were banned for welcoming someone to the board? If you think we would ban someone for merely welcoming another person to the site, how do you account for the fact that at least twice now you have stepped in the direction of violating rule #6, and yet we haven't taken action against you? Perhaps we're not so ban-happy as you seem to like to paint us.

This sidetrack is completely off-topic, and I apologize to the OP for ranting on their intro thread. JuanP, if this is really a serious concern you have I suggest you follow the site rules and contact a moderator by PM to help resolve your issues. If you can't find the site rules, I suggest you try looking at the top of this page for a link.

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