Food Storage opinion, Has this gone bad?

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I am looking for an opinion on a food storage items. I have something called: "Mainstay Emergency Food Rations" It is food sealed in a plastic bag.

It is emergency food mainly made out of Enriched flour, Vegetable shortening, granulated sugar, and corn starch.

It was manufactured in 11-2005 and it had an expiration date of 11-2010.

Still think it is good or should I just throw it out? How long is this going to be good for?

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Quite a few expiration dates are less about food becoming unsafe after the date but falling below manufacturer quality standards. That said, if you're debating throwing it out or keeping it in food storage I'd look into replacing it. You don't want expired food that may or may not be safe sitting around in your food storage only to find out when it comes down to the wire that it's unsafe.

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Throw away if there's any air or bulging, or if there's discoloration. If it's been stored in a dark cool dry place, it's probably ok to eat, but it may have lost some taste, texture, and/or nutrient value.

If you're invested in not throwing it away unless it's bad, you can always test a small amount first before making a meal.

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It is emergency food mainly made out of Enriched flour, Vegetable shortening, granulated sugar, and corn starch.

Sounds delicious. Seriously though, I think the main concern with those would be the flour and shortening going rancid- basically the oils oxidize. If they're in an airtight package, they're probably still good- take one out and smell it- if it smells funky, it's probably bad. If it passes the whiff test, taste it- if it tastes... off... it probably is. I hesitate to say "tastes bad" since I can't imagine flour, shortening, sugar, and corn starch tasting good even when it was fresh...

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If it is in the original vacum sealed package, I would take a Sharpie and label it "old" and put it back into storage. You can always check it for edibility if needed during an emergency. It can be used for barter/charity/personal use as needed. I would also buy a new one as a replacement. I have several of these bars in my food storage. I ate one last year during SWAT tryouts. Quick easy energy/food.

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Sounds like much ado over starchy items.... Open one up and try it out. If it is rancid, then toss it. Be aware that it may lose some of its nutritional value, although the list you gave us does not really sound nutritious.

There are other items that will last much longer. I would suggest replacing with long term storage items. These 5 year items (MREs also included) are great for your 72 hour kit, but not long term storage, as you suddenly have to eat a bunch of MREs at the 5 year mark to keep from losing them all.

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Thanks for the information. We recently bought some food storage items that should be good for over 25 years. But we do not have a lot of space for food storage because we live in an apartment. I I have been digging in to our food storage and eating it the last several months. Rice is one item I like because it lasts and it good to eat. One item I really like buying is tuna fish. It is healthy, tasty and is generally good for at least 30 months.
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The major problem with something that old is not contamination, but the fact that the items have absorbed the taste of the packaging. This would especially apply to oily items. Oil is a flavor carrier.

AFAIK MREs have a shelf life of over 20 years. I have used them over 10 years old, and they tasted fine.

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