Groupon offers tours to torture porn studio, refuses to stop.


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BOYCOTT GROUPON | The War On Illegal Pornography

I know that most of us are aware of the damage that pornography can have on individuals and families. Here is a chance to NOT put our money where our mouths are: in other words, no more money to Groupon until they stop pumping money into the pornography industry.

They are offering tours of a torture porn studio in San Francisco. Apparently (I won't go to look), the website of the company who runs the studio specifically mentions torturing and humiliating teens. The site is an old armory and has been taken over to film these disgusting depictions of sexual torture. Groupon's justification for continuing to offer these tours is that the owner of the studio gives money to local youth groups. Does anyone else see the blatant disconnect?

There are other companies that offer daily deals. I've unsubscribed from Groupon, and let them know why. Will you?

Edited by Eowyn
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BOYCOTT GROUPON | The War On Illegal Pornography

I know that most of us are aware of the damage that pornography can have on individuals and families. Here is a chance to NOT put our money where our mouths are: in other words, no more money to Groupon until they stop pumping money into the pornography industry.

They are offering tours of a torture porn studio in San Francisco. Apparently (I won't go to look), the website of the company who runs the studio specifically mentions torturing and humiliating teens. The site is an old armory and has been taken over to film these disgusting depictions of sexual torture. Groupon's justification for continuing to offer these tours is that the owner of the studio gives money to local youth groups. Does anyone else see the blatant disconnect?

There are other companies that offer daily deals. I've unsubscribed from Groupon, and let them know why. Will you?


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Since when would that not be child pornography?

When the models used are at or over the age of 18. If you hire a 19 year old she's still a teen but old enough to stay out of legal trouble. And that assumes the advertising isn't fudging and simply hiring of age models who can pass for being a teen regardless of the actual age. Not that the activity is moral by any means, but if everyone involved is legally an adult it's not child pornography.

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I support your right to boycott as well as support Groupon's freedom to affiliate with whomever they want to. I also support the porn companies right to function as they like as long as they are doing it legally and are not coercive and all parties involved do so at their own free will. Isn't free agency wonderful?

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If you read the link and watched the video inside, you'd know it's not that simple. They are engaging in rape, plain and simple. You can't say with certainty that it is not coercive. One former "cast member" talked about asking them to stop because she didn't want to participate anymore and it was too painful, and they just increased what they were doing. Why there haven't been charges brought against this company on that alone is beyond me. The website advertises that they are beating and degrading "young teens". At very, very least they're skating around the law.

From a moral standpoint, I will continue to fight against pornography, and any exploitation and abuse, whether you see it as a "right" or not. As a woman and as a mother in Zion, I feel it's my responsibility.

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Eowyn, if that is the case then it should be stopped. And if the accusations against them are true then they should be investigated, shutdown, and even arrested for infringing upon the liberties of others.

And I respect that you want to continue to fight against it. I see nothing wrong with that nor do I necessarily see anything right with pornography.

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If you read the link and watched the video inside, you'd know it's not that simple. They are engaging in rape, plain and simple. You can't say with certainty that it is not coercive. One former "cast member" talked about asking them to stop because she didn't want to participate anymore and it was too painful, and they just increased what they were doing. Why there haven't been charges brought against this company on that alone is beyond me. The website advertises that they are beating and degrading "young teens". At very, very least they're skating around the law.

From a moral standpoint, I will continue to fight against pornography, and any exploitation and abuse, whether you see it as a "right" or not. As a woman and as a mother in Zion, I feel it's my responsibility.

If they are genuinely abusing people against their will - and advertising that fact on their website - I can't believe they weren't shut down long ago. I suspect this is really a case of staged abuse involving consenting parties, and what this "cast member" said was part of the act.

There again, I doubt I'll find out the truth about this since I'm not going to look at that website either. Downloading images of faked abuse is now illegal in the UK, even if it's done purely out of curiosity. It's true the authorities are finding this hard to enforce, but there's no point taking stupid risks.

(For the record I personally disagree with this law: pornography should be discouraged, but people should ultimately be allowed to do what they like so long as they're not hurting anyone else. Of course some anti-porn lobbyists will argue that fakers of violent porn are hurting innocent people, but I've always found their arguments very tenuous. They'll tell you that it "encourages men to commit violence against women", but the best evidence anyone can provide to support this that one or two convicted murderers were also collectors of violent porn. It's the classic confusion of correlation with causation. One might just as well say that Wagnerian opera and chocolate cake are dangerous because they were both enjoyed by Adolf Hitler.)

Edited by Jamie123
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Somehow I have managed to avoid contact with G-------on, and am fearful of even typing their name, lest some web search cold, reveal my existence. I pray for the rescue of the victims of that community, though most who participate believe they do so voluntarily. Many of the victims are desperate for an income, and have pathological psychology that lets them believe that their keepers actually do care for them.

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If they are genuinely abusing people against their will - and advertising that fact on their website - I can't believe they weren't shut down long ago. I suspect this is really a case of staged abuse involving consenting parties, and what this "cast member" said was part of the act.

There again, I doubt I'll find out the truth about this since I'm not going to look at that website either. Downloading images of faked abuse is now illegal in the UK, even if it's done purely out of curiosity. It's true the authorities are finding this hard to enforce, but there's no point taking stupid risks.

(For the record I personally disagree with this law: pornography should be discouraged, but people should ultimately be allowed to do what they like so long as they're not hurting anyone else. Of course some anti-porn lobbyists will argue that fakers of violent porn are hurting innocent people, but I've always found their arguments very tenuous. They'll tell you that it "encourages men to commit violence against women", but the best evidence anyone can provide to support this that one or two convicted murderers were also collectors of violent porn. It's the classic confusion of correlation with causation. One might just as well say that Wagnerian opera and chocolate cake are dangerous because they were both enjoyed by Adolf Hitler.)

70+% of the money made on the internet is from publishing porn. This is an unbelieveable figure, but it is true.

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I read this: Groupon, Boycotted By National Anti-Pornography Group

It's my conjecture, based on the size of the company offering the Groupon, that the filming that takes place is done with actresses that are legal adults. They may play-act as younger teens. Also, I would guess that the conditions of filming are legal, though there may be a few disgruntled folks willing to complain.

Bottom-line: The company produces filth. This type of production and viewing are immoral by most any church's standards. Immoral--but likely legal.

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Uh...Peter...check the article I linked. It's not a right-wing anti-porn newsletter, it's the uber-liberal HuffPost.

Yeah, and I agree generally with what you said. Although many people are turned off by the content and find it immoral, it does seem to be legal.

One of my best friends from law school worked as an attorney for Kink. It's funny because the nature of the content provided by Kink actually submits them to much higher standards and review by watchdog groups than other pornography companies. In other words, since they specialize in S&M (which has a much larger following than anybody wants to admit), they have less of an opportunity to skirt the rules as opposed to your average fraternity boy pornography hub...This is anecdotal evidence from one of their legal representatives, so I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if Kink was more "above the table" than more mainstream porn companies.

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lol so there are good porn companies and bad ones? Ok so s&m have better lawyers. Goody.

Um, yes, there are good porn companies and bad ones.

I understand that you think all porn is bad and immoral and all that, but that shouldn't prevent you from seeing that some purveyors of pornography are worse than others. Some are more manipulative and violent, etc.

As a very basic example, there is a HUGE difference between Playboy and Hustler magazines. Even people who oppose all pornography should be able to tell the difference.

Sigh, you missed my point about the lawyers. It's not that S&M porn has better lawyers, it's that S&M porn knows its going to be subjected to legal inquiry more often, so it tends to follow the rules more than other porn companies...

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