Wearing garments in the gym


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I just received my endowment a few weeks ago and I have a question about wearing my garments. Pleae bear with me if this question has already been asked a lot of times:

I go to the gym three times a week. I usually go to the gym directly from my work place. I was wondering whether or not I should/can wear my garments at the gym. I wouldn't want to wear them while exercising. But what about exposing them in the locker room?

Since I go directly to the gym after leaving my office I have no possibility to change them at home. So there are only two possibilities: a.) Don't wear my garments the whole day - not a good option. b.) Wear them but necessarily expose them in the locker room.

I'm interested in your opinions about what could be a good solution to this problem.

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Another option is to get comfortable with how to answer questions about the Garment and be willing to engage in discussion with those who are curious. I don't imagine this kind of comfort will come immediately--it took me a few years to get comfortable with it.

Personally, I don't hesitate to change clothes in front of people outside of our faith. If they see my Garments and are curious, I tell them that after making certain ordinances we make a commitment to wear the Garment as a daily and physical reminder of the promises we have made to God. Sometimes I even say, "yes, it's a little weird, but I've accepted it and live by it." That's usually enough to gain people's respect on the issue.

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Are there toilet stalls in the bathroom? If so you could shower, dry off, and put your clothes on in the stall.


thanks for your reply.

Yes, I could certainly use the stalls. However it would kind of weird to change in a stall and would probably draw even more attention.

Personally, I don't hesitate to change clothes in front of people outside of our faith. If they see my Garments and are curious, I tell them that after making certain ordinances we make a commitment to wear the Garment as a daily and physical reminder of the promises we have made to God. Sometimes I even say, "yes, it's a little weird, but I've accepted it and live by it." That's usually enough to gain people's respect on the issue.

I like your attitude! Yes, that's probably the best way to handle situations like this. I don't think it's not very likely I will ever be approached by somebody asking about my garments. They're not that much different when compared to normal underwear. And I doubt anybody will even notice the symbols.

But in the case somebody will ask me about them I'll try to prepare to give an appropriate answer.

Thanks for your answer!

If anybody has some more thoughts about this issue please let them hear.

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thanks for your reply.

Yes, I could certainly use the stalls. However it would kind of weird to change in a stall and would probably draw even more attention.

Something for you to decide if it's worth it. You put the only options as either showing them or not wearing them, stalls present a third option of wearing them but not showing them.

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I kinda have to ask... what is the chance your average guy will immediately recognize them as significantly different from your average underwear and t-shirt?

Exactly my thought as well. Maybe a good friend might ask about my garments if he sees them in the locker room. I can handle him. Some random guy who sees my garments in the locker room will probably never even notice them in any way.

So I feel lot more at ease right now. But since this is all very new to me I really appreciate input from people with more experience in wearing their garments.

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Plus, when you're changing in a locker room, it's only for a few moments. I don't think it would be an ok idea to just be casually walking around in them as if they were regular clothes, they aren't. Missionaries are asked to not line dry their garments outside.

Keep them special, but if someone gets a glance, it's not a big deal. They really do look like fairly normal underclothes for guys. Also, I prefer exercising in my garments.

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just a little update:

I started wearing garments at the gym. So far I still feel a little bit uneasy about it but have never been asked about my garments in any way by other people at the gym.

My parents are not members of the church. Recently my mom visited me and I took her to a temple. She got the temple tour with the missionaries while I attended a session. After the session I went to the temple shop and bought some new garments. My mom asked about the garments. I told her that these garments are like regular underwear but they carry certain signs or symbols that are sacred to me. These symbols are associated with covenants we make in the temple and they remind me of those covenants every day while I'm wearing my garments.

My mom seemed to feel completely satisfied with my answer and even told me that she can now understand why the garments are so important and sacred to me.

Well, I hope I didn't tell her too much. But she she asked me an honest question and I tried to answer it the best I could without being too inappropriate about the sacred nature of the garments.

If you agree about the way I answered my mom's questions, than this might really be the way I could answer similar questions from people in the gym.

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It's the perfect way to answer. It explains the facts of the garment, your feelings of the covenants behind the garment and you didn't reveal anything that you shouldn't.

I'm glad to hear that your mother is more accepting.

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I knew a guy who was asked by another man, in the gym locker room, where he got the nice underwear.

Guy says "Well, there's a lot to get them..."

Next thing you know a church discussion is happening.

Apparently gym man eventually did get the "nice underwear".

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Steve Young said that a fellow football player once asked him in the locker room where he got his cool underwear. His response was, "You couldn't afford them."

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