Things to do with an old crock pot?


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So, in preparations of making potato soup, I stumbled whilst pulling out the crock pot from the cupboard. Glass slid slipped and shattered everywhere.

Now, this is an ANCIENT crock pot, and so far I haven't been able to find a replacement lid on the internet for this particular model.

I kind of hate the idea of wasting a perfectly good yet lidless crock pot.

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A plate? Do you have one that fits it or even if it is a little bigger?

Aluminum foil? Make sure to crimp it well around the edges.

Dravin suggests making a cardboard cutout, wrap it really well in saran wrap, then tin foil. Use something heavy to place on top (a plate would disperse the weight well).

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Salvation Army, St Vincent dePaul, thrift stores- measure the inside rim of the pot where the lid will sit- it does NOT have to seal tight.

I buy my glass lids at all of those places-I use lids on all of my casserole dishes, whether they came with one originally or not. That way I don't have to use plastic wrap, waxed paper or even a paper plate to cover the dish when I nuke in them.

My husband loves soup bowls that are super size coffee cups, large enough to hold RTE can of soup - so far I have found 5 lids that fit. Of course those lids fit a lot of my round glass bowls too.

I have a list in my purse of the measurements of my oval dishes too- actually made paper drawings of them & keep them folded up in my day planner - one day I will find a lid.

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Right now I'm actually going through crafty sites. we have another (nicer and newer) crock pot in storage somewhere...

Well if you don't need to maintain it's functionality as a slow cooker... find a small grill grate and turn it into a charcoal fired mini-grill, or I suppose marshmallow roaster.

Edited by Dravin
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Then take the plastic to a machine shop and tell them to spin it on a lathe to 12 inches diameter and put a hole in the center. There, you now have a lid :)

Unless you have one like mine that isn't round.

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Turn it into a planter: we've kept a house plant alive in one for about 6 years now due to the same reason, broke the lid and didn't want to throw away the pot.

I think I've read this somewhere before. :P

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problem with the planter is drainage. if there is no hole in it then it cant drain.

So you plant them in smaller pots that do have holes and set them inside the crockpot. The water drains out and then plants can absorb the excess water as needed.

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Guest faizdasl

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Use it to feed the saint bernard?

Oh my goodness. This brings up a story.

Some years ago, my male cousin and I were... roommates. We shared rent, each had our own room, yadda yadda. Which caused some awkward confusion when people didn't realize we were cousins and thought we were shacking up (ewww...) My cousin saw someone selling St. Bernard puppies and asked if we could get one. I replied, no, we are not putting a St. Bernard in this tiny apartment. So he posted on Facebook that "Backroads won't let me get a St. Bernard".

Which led more people who didn't know who "Backroads" or "Backroads' Cousin" were to think we were once more... shacking up.

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