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wow, yeah about the Joseph Smith Revised bible... I just read up on that.

He appreantly was told by God what revisions to make to the bible.

But the church claims that the KJV is the most accurate? But wasnt Joseph Smith the Prophet?

I hate to sound critical, but that is kind of strange that they use the KJV (which is incorrect apparently; or, not accurate) when the joseph smith version exsits.... strange huh?

Can someone explain this to me? I seriously dont get this one at all...

And I know that the church website has some of the passages of the jst avalable, but why then do missionaries and other people teach from the KJV? It's not accurate. Why would you not have ALL teachings out of the fully accurate and restored bible?

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The book of mormon is ANOTHER testiment of Jesus Christ, that he indeed did like and atone for our sins.

I am a convert of the church aswell.


Desiré, I'm curious to know, in your conversion process did you ever happen to read a passage from the bible in the book of Galatians, chapter 1, verses 8-9?

Here are those two verses:

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Desiré, how do you see these two verses in view of the LDS Church's claim that they possess another testament of Jesus Christ?

thanks in advance for your reply,


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another testament (or more of something) is not the same as different. we preach the bible, we teach the bible, we read the bible, and we acknowledge the bible as scripture. therefore we are teaching the same gospel as the bible. we also claim to have a second witness to it, or another testament, that supports the gospel of the bible.

Said the Apostle Paul, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (2 Cor. 13:1).

(from lds.org)

sorry to answer for you des. :)

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<div class='quotemain'>

The book of mormon is ANOTHER testiment of Jesus Christ, that he indeed did like and atone for our sins.

I am a convert of the church aswell.


Desiré, I'm curious to know, in your conversion process did you ever happen to read a passage from the bible in the book of Galatians, chapter 1, verses 8-9?

Here are those two verses:

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Desiré, how do you see these two verses in view of the LDS Church's claim that they possess another testament of Jesus Christ?

thanks in advance for your reply,


blazius....how could another testament or testimony of the same Gospel be different?

I we are not children here, we can easily read between the lines of your posts...I understand why you have come to LDS Talk and I know that other LDS and even non-members here do too. I just want you to know that you are welcome to discuss your beliefs and differences and even ask legitimate questions about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we will answer them to the best of our ability. But, if you come here with a closed mind and with an anti-Mormon agenda you will not receive answers to your questions. Please understand...you will have no sucess converting an active member of the LDS faith...for we have the fullness of the Gospel, we have the complete truth. And to us, to deny the truth is to deny God. You can quote some anti-Mormon interpetation of Bible scripture all day long and it won't matter one iota. May God bless you on your quest for the truth....just try and have an open mind and heart...read the Book of Mormon and ask God with faith in Jesus Christ if it is not true....I guarantee the contention you have in your heart for us will change to joy!

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I also heard that not even the Mormons read from Joseph Smith's revised translation of the bible.

IMO, humankind's activities and motives of are never black and white, they are instead a vast array of grey. To understand why situations exist in the present, you sometimes have to look into the past. Never assume that history occurs in a vacuum.

Publication and use (Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible)

The Community of Christ (formerly the RLDS church) publishes Smith's translation as the "Inspired Version" of the Bible.

Smith was killed prior to the publication of the translation. He led some early Latter Day Saint leaders to believe that he had not completed his inspired translation, as he continued to work on the documents throughout his lifetime. There is some evidence that Smith's wife Emma and others may have removed Smith's references to plural marriage to protect his character. This may have been done by multiple individuals including Community of Christ leaders in the 1860s, prior to their first publication of the work in 1867.

Most scholars believe that the current edition of the Inspired Version as published by the Community of Christ renders the manuscripts accurately, although it generally does not include most of Smith's later changes. Later editions of the Inspired Version include omitted portions that may have intentionally been discarded. It is apparent that the more recent editions published between 1920 and 1967 carefully preserve the majority of Smith's changes, although some passages had multiple, "conflicting translations" (meaning that there were more than one edit which were not consistent with each other— possibly showing the writer's intent versus actual writing versus modern interpretations) within the manuscripts. This is also indicative of the fact that many verses may be rendered accurately in more than one way. Most scholars who have studied the manuscripts also concur that recent editions do not attempt to push any particular theological agenda, although the published Inspired Version uses an earlier version (pre-1842 in most cases) of the manuscripts.

Possibly because of any uncertainties, and the fact that the Community of Christ owned the original copyright on the work, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) does not accept the work as part of its canon. However, the translation of Genesis 1:1-6:13 is canonized in the Pearl of Great Price as the Book of Moses, and Matthew 23:39–24:51 as Joseph Smith-Matthew.

The LDS church does accept many of the changes as doctrinally significant. Nearly 1000 of the more doctrinally significant passages from the translation are included as excerpts in the current LDS edition of the King James Version of the Bible.

A book was recently published, titled Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible: Original Manuscripts, culminating nearly ten years of joint research from both Community of Christ and LDS scholars, showing all of the known changes, notes and marks in margins and additional notes that were pinned on the pages of the manuscripts and Bible that were used.



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WHYYYYYYY! Oh Why do people who are investigating the church continually go to anti-LDS websites, books, and videos put out by people who have manipulated the truth, and used every possible means they can think of to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints?

Satan wants nothing more than to destroy the work of the Lord. Ever since that humble prayer offered in that small grove of trees in Palmyra, New York in the spring of 1820, the adversary has raged with unquenchable determination against this work. You have not even READ the Book of Mormon from one cover to the next and yet you are begining to judge it. Set asside everything that anyone has said or written about the Book of Mormon and just read it from cover to cover. As you read it, pray about and ponder it's contents. Do not pay attention to any of the anti-LDS stuff out there, just read the book. If the Book of Mormon is true you will know by reading it and praying about what you have read, if it is not true, you will know by the same means.

I add to this my testimony that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, as is the Bible as far as it is translated correctly. I Know for a fact that the Book of Mormon is true, that Joseph Smith, Jr. did see God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I know that Joseph Smith, Jr. did handle the gold plates, and translated them into what is today the Book of Mormon. I know that the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is now upon the earth and was restored by way of Joseph Smith, Jr., a prophet of God the Eternal Father. I know that every president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints is, and have been prophets of God the Eternal Father. I know these things because I personally have heard the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ speak these things to me and the Holy Spirit testified to my soul that these things were true.

Glory be to God for His infinite mercy in revealing these things to me, for I was going about attempting to destroy this great work, even after I had been baptized a member of the Church. I was persecuting my fellow members, seeking to lead them away. I was heading down a path that if this event in my life had not occurred I would have proceeded further down that path to the point of no return. Nothing will ever shake me from this testimony that I have. I would face the most painful and humiliating torture one could devise for any human being and still would not deny what I know in my heart of hearts and with every fabric of my soul to be true.

I leave you to ponder these words.


Brandon Hinds

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WHYYYYYYY! Oh Why do people who are investigating the church continually go to anti-LDS websites, books, and videos put out by people who have manipulated the truth, and used every possible means they can think of to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints?

I for one would say that the majority of people who post here who are not LDS and who say that they are investigating the Church are in fact not doing that at all. They are people who are here to sow the seeds of dissent and try to bring people to questioning their faith. I would say that most if not all non LDS posters on this site are here not to support the church but to challenge it.

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You have not even READ the Book of Mormon from one cover to the next and yet you are begining to judge it. Set asside everything that anyone has said or written about the Book of Mormon and just read it from cover to cover. As you read it, pray about and ponder it's contents. Do not pay attention to any of the anti-LDS stuff out there, just read the book. If the Book of Mormon is true you will know by reading it and praying about what you have read, if it is not true, you will know by the same means.

I leave you to ponder these words.


Brandon Hinds

You know, Brandon Hinds, I have read the Book of Mormon and continue to do so here and there to refresh my mind about its story. Everything I have posted is from years of my own studying and research. I do not post one single thing from an anti-Mormon site as I am the kind of person that must verify material for myself.

The major problem that I have with this book from Joseph Smith is that there is absolutely no secondary source for any of the information contained within its pages.

The Book of Mormon is not true for the sole reason that there is not one single, solitary and substantial resource from which to garner some backing, as can be done with the bible.

I would like to know why so many millions of people place their faith and trust in a shallow, incoherent book that cannot be verified from any other source on the face of this planet that was written by one man over a period of just 38 days!!!!!

Where are the gold plates, Brandon Hinds? Where is some evidence that they even existed?

The fact of the matter is that the Book of Mormon can be lumped together with most of the other writings from the founders of all religions:

Book of Mormon: one book, one author, one lifetime

Pearl of Great Price: one book, one author, one lifetime

Doctrines and Covenants: one book, one author, one lifetime

The Quran: one book, one author, one lifetime

The Tripitaka (Buddhist): one book, one author, one lifetime

Dianetics (L Ron Hubbard and the Church of Scientology): one book, one author, one lifetime

New Living Translation (Charles Taze Russell (JW)): one book, one author, one lifetime

The Bahai Faith (the writings of Bahaullah): one book, one author, one lifetime

Krathism (from the Urantia: material channeled from extraterrestrials in the 1930's. All the material was channeled through one typewriter by one single person. The manuscript was held for many years, and then it was released in 1956.): one book, one author, one lifetime.

Please tell me, what is the difference between the Book of Mormon and and the above mentioned books? Because all I can see is a bunch of books written by one man each with no secondary sources of verifiable information for their extraordinary claims.


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wow, yeah about the Joseph Smith Revised bible... I just read up on that.

He appreantly was told by God what revisions to make to the bible.

But the church claims that the KJV is the most accurate? But wasnt Joseph Smith the Prophet?

I hate to sound critical, but that is kind of strange that they use the KJV (which is incorrect apparently; or, not accurate) when the joseph smith version exsits.... strange huh?

Can someone explain this to me? I seriously dont get this one at all...

And I know that the church website has some of the passages of the jst avalable, but why then do missionaries and other people teach from the KJV? It's not accurate. Why would you not have ALL teachings out of the fully accurate and restored bible?

We use the King James version because it is the most accurate, but even then there are some errors in translation which were corrected through inspiration given to Joseph Smith by the power of the holy ghost. There is no "joseph smith version", but there are portions of the bible which are clarified. We do teach from the "fully accurate and restored bible", in the sense that we use all forms of scripture available to us... from written scripture to words of past prophets of our church (which are also considered scripture). Think about it this way: If you take away all of the names of everything... forgetting that it's called "the bible" and the "book of mormon" and just look at the meat of it... you have the complete revealed doctrine of God's restored church on this earth. There are many, many records that haven't been revealed to us, but there is a reason why this is so. If you want to learn about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, do not google-search it. Go to the source, and maybe start by reading the Book of Mormon. If you read, and diligently pray about whether or not it's true, and believe that you will receive an answer, you WILL get one. It can be scary going into uncharted religious territory by yourself and not really knowing where to start, so keep in touch with the missionaries! That's what they're there for, and they'll be more than glad to help.

Man, I can't wait til I can serve a mission.

Anyway, stay strong and follow what you feel is right!

Good luck!

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<div class='quotemain'>

You have not even READ the Book of Mormon from one cover to the next and yet you are begining to judge it. Set asside everything that anyone has said or written about the Book of Mormon and just read it from cover to cover. As you read it, pray about and ponder it's contents. Do not pay attention to any of the anti-LDS stuff out there, just read the book. If the Book of Mormon is true you will know by reading it and praying about what you have read, if it is not true, you will know by the same means.

I leave you to ponder these words.


Brandon Hinds

You know, Brandon Hinds, I have read the Book of Mormon and continue to do so here and there to refresh my mind about its story. Everything I have posted is from years of my own studying and research. I do not post one single thing from an anti-Mormon site as I am the kind of person that must verify material for myself.

blazius...after reading all your posts...the Spirit of God tells me otherwise....you sir have not been truthful so why should anyone believe you now?

The Book of Mormon is not true for the sole reason that there is not one single, solitary and substantial resource from which to garner some backing, as can be done with the bible.

To you it is not true because you refuse to even read it, ponder it, and ask the Lord of it's truthfulness....That's why it's called faith....Besides, who are you to question my faith? Who are you to demand proof of my faith? Who are you to tell us what to believe? Tell you what.....why don't you prove to us that Christ even existed? You can't....that's why it's called faith!

I would like to know why so many millions of people place their faith and trust in a shallow, incoherent book that cannot be verified from any other source on the face of this planet that was written by one man over a period of just 38 days!!!!!

Shallow, incoherent? Now it's absolutely obvious you haven't even picked one up.....go read and and then let me ask you this...how could an uneducated farm boy write it in just 38 days? He couldn't because it was already written and he just translated it. No, you won't read it, you'll just glean over the anti-Mormon garbage and quote their lies. And to answer your other question....the millions who know the Book of Mormon to be true have actually read it and have received confirmation of it's truthfulness through the Spirit of God.

Where are the gold plates, Brandon Hinds? Where is some evidence that they even existed?

You said you've read the Book of Mormon....well, have you read the testimony of the witnesses on the first few pages? I would view that as evidence....maybe you can answer a question for me....where is the original 10 commandments that Moses brought down from the mountain and were kept in the ark of the covenants? Where is some evidence they ever existed? It's called faith.....and I don't question yours, why must you question ours?

The fact of the matter is that the Book of Mormon can be lumped together with most of the other writings from the founders of all religions:

Book of Mormon: one book, one author, one lifetime

Pearl of Great Price: one book, one author, one lifetime

Doctrines and Covenants: one book, one author, one lifetime

Please tell me, what is the difference between the Book of Mormon and and the above mentioned books? Because all I can see is a bunch of books written by one man each with no secondary sources of verifiable information for their extraordinary claims.

This is were you are wrong....the Book of Mormon was not written by Joseph Smith....it was translated through him by the gift and power of God. It was written over a 1000 year period by many prophets of God, just as the Bible was. The pearl of Great Price is the first 5 books of Moses, written by Moses himself and translated by the Prophet. The Doctrine and Covenants contains modern day revelation concerning the restoration of the Lords church written by the Lord and scribed by the modern day Prophets. You just don't get it do you blazius.....and here you told us you were searching and were interested in learning about the LDS and you were so sincere....baloney....you sir are a lier.....but I forgive you.

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Funny thing about when a person lies, they are not able to remember the lies that they have previously told. In My Humble Opinion, I believe that Father did this so that those who are liars will stumble and be caught in their webs of deceit, and that those of us who do tell the truth, live the truth and believe in the truth will be better able to turn away from the liars and pay them no heed.

Also in My Humble Opinion, I say here and now that blazius is a STRANGER TO THE TRUTH, and shows no inclination what so ever to aligning him/her self to the truth.

I believe it is now time to turn away from and pay this blazius no heed.

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So, what makes the Book of Mormon more holy than the others and where did it come from?

thank you,


One difference in the Book of Mormon from other scripture is that the Book of Mormon was translated from ancient records by commandment from G-d. Although the Bible comes from many good and important revelations from G-d, it was not commanded by G-d but the scriptures were put together by men seeking their own ends according to their desires and will. There is not scripture that tells us what scriptures should be in the Bible - so in this sense the Book of Mormon fulfills according to G-d's will of what scriptures should be kept among us.

The Traveler

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So yeah.

I've prayed about the book of mormon, and God hasnt said it is true.

In Fact, in my questioning of a member of the LDS church we go so into trying to find the answers that by the end of our conversation she was utterly convinced the book was not true and that the bible was the only way to Jesus Christ.

One of the things that we came across was the ammount of racist subtleties in the book of Mormon and the fact that Joseph Smith himself was against freeing the slaves...

These things were very troubling, and I would like to know if someone can account for this and explain why the mormon beleife seems to be that white people are better then blacks and native americans.

And oh yeah, where do asian people stand on this? Becuase from what i've heard it seems like being black is a curse and white is a blessing, so what does that make the asian population?

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I asked God about the BOM, and He said it is true.

Forgive me for calling that post what it is: nonsense. Sorry, man, but that's just what it is.

"Racist"? Please, at least know what you're talking about before making such inane accusations. You might be embarassed at the "racist" subtext critics glean from the Bible. :rolleyes:


mormon beleife seems to be that white people are better then blacks and native americans

is outright ridiculous. You have a great deal to learn about LDS beliefs, regardless of who you claim to have talked out of their faith. If someone could leave their church based on the arguments you've presented, they were a spiritual weakling to begin with.

Do yourself a favor. Learn about LDS doctrines, please. Try http://www.lightplanet.com/mormons to start with.

And http://www.blacklds.org

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Well I mean I cant say much for you.

Except the more I hear from the mormons the more i know their religion CANT be the true church of Jesus christ. Because if it were, as it claims to be so true, and so holy of Jesus himself, then people wouldn't make fun of other people or throw around name calling. Just because I dont speak good english doesnt mean you should make fun of me. Jesus would have never done something like that.

And from what I know the claim of Joseph smith was that no mormons wanted to free the slaves because they didnt beleive it was right...

That has been quoted that Joseph smith said something almost just like that.

I watched a movie about Joseph Smith too, some movie the church made, and none of his claims were ever backed up by evidence. Doesnt the bible say to test everything?

I dont know, The church has too many problems to be the true church of Jesus Christ I think. I mean, can anyone explain why the "true church" would have so many flaws that they never talk about. That they keep hidden?

Why do all the mormon kids i talk with know scripture from the BoM but can hardly quote anything from the bible?

The mormon church back in Japan i hear has the same problem, for teaching out of both the bom and the bible.

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Okay so you said this in your first post:

Hi everyone, so I have a pretty good knowledge of the bible. But I've never really understood what the book of mormon is. I met a missionary, Elder Wilson, who talked with me for a few minutes, who had a lot of interseting things to say. He gave me a book of mormon and told me to check the church website. He also told me to read adn pray about Moroni chapter 10.

I dont know anything about the relgion; or where the book of mormon comes from, like, he said it was apart of the bible, but i've never seen it. If someone could explain everything to me that would be great. I'd really like to know because it seems really awesome, but I dont know anyting about it.

Then you posted:

I've come across alot of websites that have found many contradictions to the bible. If the book of Mormon is scripture, there shouldnt be contradictions. So I was confused. are the people on these sites crazy, or are their obvious flaws that just dont really matter?

It was kind of alarming to find this and check up on these, I mean the way I read this and looked them up, this seems to show many contradictions... can someone help to explain?

Then you proceeded to list 43 anti-Mormon contadictions to the Bible...following it with:



And finally today you posted:

So yeah.

I've prayed about the book of mormon, and God hasnt said it is true.

In Fact, in my questioning of a member of the LDS church we go so into trying to find the answers that by the end of our conversation she was utterly convinced the book was not true and that the bible was the only way to Jesus Christ.

One of the things that we came across was the ammount of racist subtleties in the book of Mormon and the fact that Joseph Smith himself was against freeing the slaves...

These things were very troubling, and I would like to know if someone can account for this and explain why the mormon beleife seems to be that white people are better then blacks and native americans.

And oh yeah, where do asian people stand on this? Becuase from what i've heard it seems like being black is a curse and white is a blessing, so what does that make the asian population?


I watched a movie about Joseph Smith too, some movie the church made, and none of his claims were ever backed up by evidence. Doesnt the bible say to test everything?

I dont know, The church has too many problems to be the true church of Jesus Christ I think. I mean, can anyone explain why the "true church" would have so many flaws that they never talk about. That they keep hidden?

UNBELIEVEABLE! It's utterly amazing that in the space of just 6 days, you've happened to talk to the only Mormon missionary out there who thinks the Book of Mormon is part of the Bible, found the time to look up 43 anti-Mormon contadictions to the Bible, read the whole Book of Mormon and prayed about it....AND you happened to find a willing member of the church to discuss the Book of Mormon with you AND you converted her out of her faith....then you obtained and watched a Joseph Smith movie AND somehow found out all about the LDS secrets that we keep hidden........(did you know when we go into the Temple horns grow out of our heads? Of course you know....that's one of our secrets.)........all in the space of just 6 days...WOW!

The only thing I have to say to you sir is that you are a liar. A proven liar with your posts...now go to the corner and think about just how Christian you have been!

PS: Please think about this....The LDS have the whole truth....we have the Spirit of God to confirm the truth to us...so when a self righteous person such as yourself tries to tell us something that is not true, or quotes distorted truths from anti-Mormon web sites....we can spot it a mile away.....You want the truth? I'm sure you can handle it if you humble yourself before the Lord.....Then really read the Book of Mormon, ponder it's contents, pray about it....don't dissect it...read it with an open heart.....you will find joy...and for goodness sake stay away from those anti-Mormon web sites because they twist the truth to fit their needs.....I'm sure you can attest to that....when you quoted them in your posts it made you look stupid. Have a wonderful Sabbath!

Well I mean I cant say much for you.

Except the more I hear from the mormons the more i know their religion CANT be the true church of Jesus christ. Because if it were, as it claims to be so true, and so holy of Jesus himself, then people wouldn't make fun of other people or throw around name calling. Just because I dont speak good english doesnt mean you should make fun of me. Jesus would have never done something like that.

Oh PUULLLEEEEZZZZZZZ....Now you're just insulting our intelligence.....Stop because it is getting ridiculous!

First of all.....no one has made fun of you...you did that on your own....Secondly, you are a liar....it's a proven fact...that's not name calling, that's a label you've given yourself...and lastly....how could anyone on this web site possibly know how well you speak English? Huh?

No stop because you are just making a fool of yourself.....

PS: I forgive you for lying.....

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Concerning this record the Prophet Joseph Smith said: “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.”

I love this quote. Please give me the reference as to where I can find it. I need it to make a point for some people in my church. PM me if you want. Thanks :) :)

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<div class='quotemain'>

The book of mormon is ANOTHER testiment of Jesus Christ, that he indeed did like and atone for our sins.

I am a convert of the church aswell.


Desiré, I'm curious to know, in your conversion process did you ever happen to read a passage from the bible in the book of Galatians, chapter 1, verses 8-9?

Here are those two verses:

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Desiré, how do you see these two verses in view of the LDS Church's claim that they possess another testament of Jesus Christ?

thanks in advance for your reply,


Sorry. I am pretty much never here.

I didn't expect anyone to awknoledge me!

Oh well.

And what is our gospel different?

I just stated in what you quoted, testiment OF JESUS CHRIST!

That is the same good news to me.

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