Is smoking marijuana viewed as a sin?

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I think you're misreading Wignut, she's not supporting the use of marijuana because God made it, she's pointing out the idea that the Lord is mistaken or unfamiliar with cannabis has some issues. Or was the "Really people ! :mad:" not aimed at Wignut?

OOPs sorry wingnut, got carried away. The "really people" was aimed at the original poster, who I now think is perhaps a troll.

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I talked to my Bishop today. I talked to him about how I feel more holey and spiritual when I am high and he basically told me it is the devil that is disguising it self and making me believe it is more holey. He told me its a trap and I can still get out of it but I must stop now. If I keep on going Satan will get a hold of me and his grip is strong and hard to break. My parents will also be drug testing me periodically. If I am caught again I will be kicked out of my house because they say that I will have strayed to far from god. It looks like I have no choice in the matter and am going to quit.

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Hopefully you do business with the first guy. If you buy from the guys who ship product across the border in the body cavity of a kidnapped 13 yr old girl, you might be sinning a bit more for your increased spirituality and artificially-induced sense of well-being, don't you think?

I have never done business with the cartel. I know the guy that grows the weed I bought and he was a cool level headed guy and has one more year of law school left and wants to be a lawyer more than a pot grower. Even though he is good at what he does. I think that being a lawyer is a better route to go. I am through with drug induced highs and am planning to never do them again for the sake of my parents and god.

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I talked to my Bishop today. I talked to him about how I feel more holey and spiritual when I am high and he basically told me it is the devil that is disguising it self and making me believe it is more holey. He told me its a trap and I can still get out of it but I must stop now. If I keep on going Satan will get a hold of me and his grip is strong and hard to break. My parents will also be drug testing me periodically. If I am caught again I will be kicked out of my house because they say that I will have strayed to far from god. It looks like I have no choice in the matter and am going to quit.

I would suggest that they will not kick you out of their house because you "will have strayed too far from God." Rather, they will kick you of of their house because you will have strayed too far from their house rules. Which is as it should be: Their house, their rules.

It is my considered opinion that smoking weed removes you from the Spirit of God. I doubt, in fact I disbelieve, that anyone can feel the Spirit of God in a sufficient manner when recreationally smoking marijuana. I had a mission companion who used to use cocaine. He said that cocaine usage was devilishly addicting because it mimicked the feeling you get from the Spirit. The difference, he said, was that you felt the Spirit for hours and it left you feeling wonderful, while the coke high lasted for minutes and left you feeling raped.

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I talked to my Bishop today. I talked to him about how I feel more holey and spiritual when I am high and he basically told me it is the devil that is disguising it self and making me believe it is more holey. He told me its a trap and I can still get out of it but I must stop now. If I keep on going Satan will get a hold of me and his grip is strong and hard to break. My parents will also be drug testing me periodically. If I am caught again I will be kicked out of my house because they say that I will have strayed to far from god. It looks like I have no choice in the matter and am going to quit.

Hey, I understand your feelings because it has not been that long since I was young. I was not raised LDS and was brought into the church and Baptized against all odds. There are still a couple of folk who think the Atonement is inappropriately applied to me.

I live with people who regularly smoke it and it is amazing just from my own observations how much being high on the stuff hinders a person's thinking, yet some think that it makes them smarter. Hah!

From what I saw of the inner workings of the legalize Marijuana machine, it is all a deceptive, sinister like. The people at the clinics rake in about $200 a person that applies and then the State of Oregon gets another $125. The stuff is not legal at the federal level. I had a Medical Marijuana card but only used the stuff about three times. It makes me really paranoid, and makes my vision all distorted and crazy. As far as the Glaucoma thing is concerned, there are non-weed drugs that work better.

There are so many blessings waiting for you both in the church and your private life, please do not mess it up.

Oh, lest anyone jump to conclusions, I am trying to move as soon as I can. At first I thought that Heavenly Father would use the changes in my own life to bring my roomates around, but I have given up on it, and it is vexing to be around all that sort of behavior.

Edited by Hala401
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When you try and stop a semi with your bare hands because you think your superman and your family is devastated by their loss are you still going to be insisting you aren't hurting anyone but yourself?

Had a neighbor who did that (to a 3/4 ton Chevy though) because of senile dementia. How long will it be before aging is prohibited by the WoW?

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It is my considered opinion that smoking weed removes you from the Spirit of God.

I can definitely say that tobacco does it for me. It's not obvious when it's happening, but I do notice that something is just not right for an hour or two after a cigarette. After some observation, I noticed that I never get any answers during that time unless they're really big ones that I need right then, and even then, they're not as clear. It's like I'm just not able to notice things unless the Spirit is shouting anyway :(

It's definitely an incentive to step up the efforts to finish quitting. I'm not fond of the "disconnected" periods 2-3 times a day, but nicotine has a strong grasp, even after cutting down that much.

(Besides, the bishop keeps working in discreetly worded comments during sacrament meeting that I know darn well are directed at me and the other struggling smoker. :rolleyes: )

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The Lord is never wrong about anything. And for the record, He created cannabis.

Yes, well he created Tobacco too, but D&C 89 prescribes its permissible uses.

Really people ! :mad:

God created both because there are medical benefits to both. Like alcohol, humans have managed to expand the usage to unhealthy and illegal practices.
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I talked to my Bishop today. I talked to him about how I feel more holey and spiritual when I am high and he basically told me it is the devil that is disguising it self and making me believe it is more holey. He told me its a trap and I can still get out of it but I must stop now. If I keep on going Satan will get a hold of me and his grip is strong and hard to break. My parents will also be drug testing me periodically. If I am caught again I will be kicked out of my house because they say that I will have strayed to far from god. It looks like I have no choice in the matter and am going to quit.

Like I said, we all have free choice but we cannot choose the consequences. Sounds like those are very serious consequences. At least if you change now, your bishop and parents may have saved you from God's consequence, which is much worst.

Take care.

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God created both because there are medical benefits to both. Like alcohol, humans have managed to expand the usage to unhealthy and illegal practices.

D&C 89 limit the use of Tobacco to medicinal poultices on wound care, I think. I also know that it Canabais can be processed and put in pills, but must admit that I am cast a very jaundiced eye on its use.

I have seem too much in the use of Marijuana, and I'll be very hard to convince of its legitimate purpose. From what I have seen, it destroys lives

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D&C 89 limit the use of Tobacco to medicinal poultices on wound care, I think. I also know that it Canabais can be processed and put in pills, but must admit that I am cast a very jaundiced eye on its use.

I have seem too much in the use of Marijuana, and I'll be very hard to convince of its legitimate purpose. From what I have seen, it destroys lives

Smokeable weed certainly has legitimate medical purposes not received from the pill form. Recovery from chemotherapy comes to mind, since the treatment effects the stomach and digestion.

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Smokeable weed certainly has legitimate medical purposes not received from the pill form. Recovery from chemotherapy comes to mind, since the treatment effects the stomach and digestion.

I'd be hard to convince of that. At least I hope those who do that do not abuse it.

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I am an adoptive father of two boys (now in their early twenties) who loved the green. And it led to more. They've been in and out of detention and jail. My nephew followed in the same footsteps but after a "spiritual experience" at home (dark experience as in evil spirits), he has quit and has returned to church, all this on his own. Pot is a dead end. I pray that you find joy, which only comes through following Jesus Christ.

Edited by skalenfehl
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Which it doesn't do.

Not shouting per se, but it certainly does have a way of getting through even when we're really not listening. In my experience, and that of others who've had it happen, though, it rarely does it for the benefit of the person being told. All of us had been told something that allowed us to help someone else.

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  • 6 months later...

A lot of members do view Marijuana use as a sin. I for one do not. I have smoked pot heavily for about 2 years. Using almost everyday. I struggle with depression and anxiety and I have a firm believe that marijuana has not only help with anxiety and my mood. It has also saved my life on numerous ocassions. The scriptures also even say that God created all plants and herbs for our use. Marijuana is actually very benificial to the body and to the mind. If you are unsure about Marijuana then research it. But don't keep your focus set on what some or most church members may say about it. Only because I feel members tend not to have open minds about things of this nature, because pot has been viewed as a "drug" and that the word of wisdom says "no" to any drug. But that is not what the word of wisdom says at all. The word of wisdom says that no thing that is harmful to the body or addictive should enter it. However, I have found countless documents and research saying that Marijuana is not destructive to the body nor is it addictive. Their are also studies suggesting that Marijuana can even prevent cancer from forming in the body. The most important point I want to make is to find out for yourself. Don't do anything because someone else is telling what is right. We are all here on this earth to grow and perfect ourselves. Smoking pot or not smoking pot I feel, has no bearing on your spirituality or your worthiness.

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A lot of members do view Marijuana use as a sin. I for one do not. I have smoked pot heavily for about 2 years. Using almost everyday. I struggle with depression and anxiety and I have a firm believe that marijuana has not only help with anxiety and my mood. It has also saved my life on numerous ocassions. The scriptures also even say that God created all plants and herbs for our use. Marijuana is actually very benificial to the body and to the mind. If you are unsure about Marijuana then research it. But don't keep your focus set on what some or most church members may say about it. Only because I feel members tend not to have open minds about things of this nature, because pot has been viewed as a "drug" and that the word of wisdom says "no" to any drug. But that is not what the word of wisdom says at all. The word of wisdom says that no thing that is harmful to the body or addictive should enter it. However, I have found countless documents and research saying that Marijuana is not destructive to the body nor is it addictive. Their are also studies suggesting that Marijuana can even prevent cancer from forming in the body. The most important point I want to make is to find out for yourself. Don't do anything because someone else is telling what is right. We are all here on this earth to grow and perfect ourselves. Smoking pot or not smoking pot I feel, has no bearing on your spirituality or your worthiness.

Hear hear! I feel exactly the same way about having sex with my neighbors. You would not believe the stress relief this provides me! I'm all for chastity, but within the bounds of reason. My neighbors all agree. (Their close-minded husbands don't, but that's because they're judgmental prigs.)

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I work for a state prison system. I see exactly what people are arrested and imprisoned for. The number of people incarcerated for theft, robbery, assaults, batteries, rape, child molesting, etc., are very high among those who use marijuana and alcohol. While I do not think we should arrest people solely for smoking marijuana, I do see that it is as dangerous to society as alcohol can be.

I've seen people destroy their brains using marijuana, reducing them to short term memory loss and having them become impulsive (which is why so many are arrested for other crimes they normally would not commit).

That the Church has said no to all illegal drugs (and even legal ones like tobacco and alcohol), is all about a person learning to be in control of him/herself. Yes, marijuana is a good pain medicine. However, too many people self-medicate to the point that it or any other drug (including prescription medicines) becomes a hazard to health and society.

Is marijuana safer than alcohol? Probably. But that is like saying being shot by a 38 caliber revolver is better than being shot by a 357 magnum. It is true, but damage is still there.

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