just curious :)


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Monthly at the most here. There's a missionary dinner sign-up sheet at the Relief Society Bulletin Board in our ward and it fills up pretty fast that it is difficult to get in the calendar once a month.

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Look, you had a problem before with missionaries and yet, you still have them over each week? If the missionaries refuse to abide by the mission rules (no visiting single women without a priesthood holder), then you, as an adult, need to follow those rules.

That means you absolutely never, ever have them over to your house unless you have invited another priesthood holder with you. And I will go as far to say that in your case, you should never, ever have any male missionaries at your house (even if there is another priesthood holder, unless it is your husband). You have formed a crush in the past on one of the missionaries and it is likely you will do so again if you continue to have these close relationships with them.

If you want to feed the missionaries, take some groceries to the church on Sunday and give it to them at that time. Don't even drop off food at their place because it would be too easy to just stay "a little while to chat."

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In my ward, missionary dinners are for ward members who have a friend or two over who are non-members and would be open to an introduction to a missionary. It's another way to invite non-members to learn about the church similar to inviting them to sacrament meeting on Sundays or inviting them to ward activities.

It's not at all just a "shoot the breeze with a missionary" moment. Missionaries have a mission. This mission occupies all of their time. ALL of it.

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The once a week, standing DA got so out of hand, that the mission I live in banned all DA's unless it was with a non-member, or a family who invited a non-member. It was lifted after a year when the wards and missionaries got the idea. The wards were instructed to stopped passing around the dinner calendar and to NOT call a specific person to make sure the elders had dinner (and my ward the person included lunch) every single day of the week.

But I really despise those members who feel it their duty to have the elders over every single week on a specific day and get ticked when someone else intrudes on "their" time. So many times my family tried to schedule the missionaries to come over for dinner, only to be denied because some other family had a "standing appointment" on the very and only time we were able to clear because of our busy schedule. It's selfish and unnecessary.

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Missionaries around here have the meals sign up sheet passed around each Sunday for evening meals. We rarely have missionaries in the ward for more then 12-weeks & then go 24 to 36 weeks without any.

I see the missionaries at my place weekly for 3 or 4 hours of farm work & then lunch.

For my area, work with non-members & inactive members has been virtually impossible except thru non-threatening contact thru service projects. Most frequently that contact has at least initially been thru time spent helping the more active members & those members inviting non-member & less-active friends to help too.

White shirts & ties around here get lots of looks but makes few friends. Blue jeans, gloves, & work boots with a willingness to do whatever needs done makes A LOT of friends real quick! & that opens the door to some converations about the gospel.

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yeah the elders stop by my house with a priesthood holder at all times and they do come over once a week and most of the time i do have them over for lunch or dinner. I was inactive for a while i think that's why they comes over once a week to read with me.. no i'm not even over that last missionary so no i'm not going to fall for anyone right now.. i'm just still a lil sad but i'm doing better. i'm not going to allow myself to fall for another missionary period because i know better now..

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yeah the elders stop by my house with a priesthood holder at all times and they do come over once a week and most of the time i do have them over for lunch or dinner. I was inactive for a while i think that's why they comes over once a week to read with me.. no i'm not even over that last missionary so no i'm not going to fall for anyone right now.. i'm just still a lil sad but i'm doing better. i'm not going to allow myself to fall for another missionary period because i know better now..

Okay, I am confused. WHY are they coming to your place weekly? The only weekly visits to a single, female, active member around here would be for the new member lessons that continue for a short time after baptism.

As for weekly dinners with single females (again I am going by what happens around here...which is part of why I am asking)...it just doesn't happen here, even with when accompanied by a mature priesthood holder. The only time single females are part of missionary dinners around here is when married couples and/or families are also part of the dinner. But consisting solely of single females and a lone "chaperone"? Doesn't happen here.

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I would suggest it really depends on the mission.

My mission, we always had dinner with single mothers, even if there was no other priesthood holder there.

Sometimes, a single sister would bring over a male counter-part, not a priesthood holder, and teach discussions.

Other times, we would come in, have a prayer, eat, share a message, and then leave.

The real question, are you uncomfortable with it? If you are uncomfortable with it, don't have them over so often.

Edit: Also, my mission covered University of Texas, and our Zone Leaders would knock on single sisters/women's doors all day. They asked the Mission President, "Do we just ignore the single women and only speak with the males?" At this time there were no sister missionaries there, due to specific reasons that had happened. The Mission President, "Discern the atmosphere, if you feel safe/fine, go in and teach them. If you feel they are sincerely interested, then let the Sister Missionaries know and hand them over on your next visit."

Edited by Anddenex
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I don't really know why either.. but i've had missionaries over my house with priesthood holder for over 6 months now at least.. i don't mind.. i think the missionaries in my ward do go to other members house not just my house. I'm not sure though but they come over once a week..

You have had missionaries coming weekly to your house for over six months...but you have no idea why? And haven't ever bothered to ask? And neither the missionaries nor the older companion have ever stated a reason? They just have randomly shown up on your doorstep weekly with no explanation?

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I would love to have the missionaries over more than once a year.

Both DW and I work late, we're just getting home from work when the missionaries need to be out teaching. The signup sheet for the missionaries goes to the RS first - but DW teaches Primary so the weekends are always taken by the time either of us see the signup sheet.

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When I was married, we had the missionaries over to our house for dinner about once a month. When we separated, I stopped inviting them.

One Sunday, they had signed my 16 year old son up for "splits" but since he didn't drive, I had to go with them. I mentioned that I missed having them over for dinner and they told me that I could still invite them, because my son was living with me.

Before he left for college, I mentioned that I would miss having them over once he left, and they said that since I was over 30, they could still come over. I don't know if mission rules have evolved but no one has an issue with me having them eat dinner with me.

I really think that it varies depending on the mission president.

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yeah seeking peace it's probably is depends on mission president when i was living around one area. I barely have missionaries over but since i'm in the area that i'm in right now. they are here once a week and would always have another male member with them and if they happen to stop by real quick to deliver something or pick something up from me. they would just stay outside and chat for a min. or so and they wouldn't even come into my house.

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