Not mad. Just a tad frustrated!


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I'm making homemade crockpot chili tonight for dinner. After I browned the hamburger and onions, (along with all the seasonings), I heard the timer on the dryer. Knowing I had shirts in the dryer that needed to be taken out immediately so they wouldn't get wrinkled, I asked my husband if he wouldn't mind putting in the cans of tomatoes I had sitting out, into the beans in the crockpot, along with the browned hamburger concoction. I suggested, if he wanted, he could cut up a fresh tomato and put into the chili also. I go downstairs and fold the batch of laundry and start a new batch in the washer. I come up stairs and look at my chili. It looks disgusting--like puke. I ask, "what did you do to my chili?" DH just laughs, and tells me he added a can of turkey chunks, and a can of beef chunks along with all the other ingredients I had told him to put in.

I admit, I was upset. I felt like he ruined my chili. DH loves to experiment. I know what I like, and I've worked on my homemade chili recipe to get it to where I like it. I'm trying to decide why I got upset. The chili isn't ruined. It tastes okay, though not the way I like it. And to me it doesn't look appetizing. Why would something so minor upset me like it did?

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because you worked so hard to make it perfect. :)

Been there done that and had hubby or one of my children through the wrench in. lol

P.S. With me some of the anger and frustration is usually connected to past issues that aren't resolved and the new wrench is just more on top of it all.

DH loves to experiment when he cooks. He loves meat. To him, the more meat, the better! I'm not a meat lover. I probably got a little more frustrated with him than usual because of his past cooking experimentations, when all the kids are saying "Ugh, dad! This is awful!". (His experiments aren't always awful, just different to what we're used to). I'm thinking I had categorized the chili as "my" chili, and wasn't expecting his additions to it.

Edited by classylady
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DH loves to experiment when he cooks. He loves meat. To him, the more meat, the better! I'm not a meat lover. I probably got a little more frustrated with him than usual because of his past cooking experimentations, when all the kids are saying "Ugh, dad! This is awful!". (His experiments aren't always awful, just different to what we're used to). I'm thinking I had categorized the chili as "my" chili, and wasn't expecting his additions to it.

My husband not only experiments but he uses the same spoon, spatula, or knife to do so. Then he doesn't wipe his hands off before opening cupboard doors.

After a weekend of his cooking and baking my kitchen is....well... disaster isn't strong enough.:lol:

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And here we have a couple of ladies who do not appreciate, nor understand the manner of their husbands creativity :D

Oh I most definitely appreciate his cooking. He makes BREAD!!!! Yes! Homemade, knead the heck out of it bread! And his chocolate chip cookies are to die for.

BUT....... can't he clean up after himself? And can't he follow directions when I need his help with what I'm doing? I don't sabotage his creativity.:eek:

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My wife and I have worked out a great system. I stay out of the kitchen while she cooks, unless she asks me for help. And when she does, I follow her instructions to the letter. Her cooking is a work of art and I wouldn't dare try to 'improve' it. After she is done and the meal is eaten, she doesn't come into the kitchen while I clean up the mess and do all the dishes. We have been doing this for over 20 years.

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My wife and I have worked out a great system. I stay out of the kitchen while she cooks, unless she asks me for help. And when she does, I follow her instructions to the letter. Her cooking is a work of art and I wouldn't dare try to 'improve' it. After she is done and the meal is eaten, she doesn't come into the kitchen while I clean up the mess and do all the dishes. We have been doing this for over 20 years.

But the question must be asked, now many years did it take for you two to come to this arrangement? ^_^

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My wife and I have worked out a great system. I stay out of the kitchen while she cooks, unless she asks me for help. And when she does, I follow her instructions to the letter. Her cooking is a work of art and I wouldn't dare try to 'improve' it. After she is done and the meal is eaten, she doesn't come into the kitchen while I clean up the mess and do all the dishes. We have been doing this for over 20 years.

You are a smart man! :twothumbsup:


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But the question must be asked, now many years did it take for you two to come to this arrangement? ^_^

Not long at all. I knew right from the beginning I couldn't compete with her cooking. I believed it was only fair if she was going to slave in the kitchen making my dinner, I was going to clean up the mess afterwards.

And speaking of chili, I can't get enough of my wife's beef chili and her chicken chili. Both are simply amazing.

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DH and I, after 30 years of marriage usually have a good relationship in the kitchen. For certain meals we work side-by-side. Whenever we have roast, I get it out of the freezer to thaw out. He is the one that salts and peppers it, and puts in the oven. I peel the potatoes, he cuts them up and puts them in the pot. When they're done, he drains the water, and mashes them. He also makes the gravy. I make any vegetables and salad we have with the meal. Plus, I bake the rolls if we're having rolls. It goes pretty seamlessly.

Thanksgiving, pretty much the same as above, except switch the meat to turkey. All the side dishes, I'm the one preparing most of them, along with all the pies.

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My son had two friends over last night. They, along with DH devoured the chili. I couldn't eat my bowlful. I asked my son how he liked the chili. He says he liked the thickness of it better than my thinner chili. I guess in the future I need to thicken my chili a little more. It's a creation in progress. But, I won't be adding canned meat chunks to it.

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