4x4 truck forum and religion do not mix


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I happen to be part of a 4x4 forum and help many with automotive mechanical issues since I own a 4x4. There are times, the guys really stoop to low and are mean, crewl and so on. We have a sweet female member who will chastise the guys for there behavior. But this is what made my blood boil.

It has to do with that stupid theatrical "Book or Mormon" that is going from city to city. I never knew just how awful the show portrays the faith until one of forum users were quoting the parts of it and laughing out loud. I was thinking to my self, does he really believe this act at real ? or is he making fun of our faith by the presentation? Am I over reacting? I feel like ripping into him but now, I am really disappointed in him, and others making fun of the topic.

If I were to say something that is a powerful message to this forum user, what should I say ? or should I forget about it?

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I happen to be part of a 4x4 forum and help many with automotive mechanical issues since I own a 4x4. There are times, the guys really stoop to low and are mean, crewl and so on. We have a sweet female member who will chastise the guys for there behavior. But this is what made my blood boil.

It has to do with that stupid theatrical "Book or Mormon" that is going from city to city. I never knew just how awful the show portrays the faith until one of forum users were quoting the parts of it and laughing out loud. I was thinking to my self, does he really believe this act at real ? or is he making fun of our faith by the presentation? Am I over reacting? I feel like ripping into him but now, I am really disappointed in him, and others making fun of the topic.

If I were to say something that is a powerful message to this forum user, what should I say ? or should I forget about it?

I'd say, you know, our country is busy apologizing for a certain low-budget, super crappy video denigrating a particular religion that is causing a lot of riots in the Middle East. You're lucky Mormons are not prone to riots. And just so you know, I'm Mormon.

See how much mileage you get out of that.

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I just ignore it. For every inappropriate comment you see/hear about the LDS Church, there are a thousand more on an even more inappropriate level. There are nationally accredited colleges that have graduate courses in anti-mormon research for cryin' out loud.

One of the constants in all dispensations is that the true believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ have been/will be looked down upon and mocked. That's what the great and spacious building in Lehi's dream was all about. I just take comfort in knowing that one day, that building will fall. I just hope I'm at the tree, where Christ wants me to be.

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I wouldn't treat it as a confrontation. I would treat it as a great opportunity to teach.

In my experience people who are deliberately rude about religion online will become contentious when you offer to teach them. They rarely apologize or see that their remarks are hurtful and inappropriate. It turns into a confrontation regardless of how careful you bring it up.

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Whatever you decide to do, it'll get a whole lot easier if you can keep boiling blood out of it. Caring to the point of anger about what random loudmouths are yellin' about on the internet? Sounds like not the best use of energy to me.

Stated by someone whose username is Loudmouth_Mormon. :P

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Most people are quite dense and will not know if they have offended you are not unless you tell them.

Many years ago in another life I served in the military. The language was simply unacceptable to me and I took every opportunity to make it known that certain language offended me. While in basic training I thought at the time that everybody hated me for this stand and were constantly making fun of me - including a few LDS members and other Christians. One very hot day during training for combat for weapons of mass destruction of biological and nerve agents (gas); our instructor asked if there were any question or comments. I raised my hand and asked if the instructor would use more respectful language. The instructor responded with a seething rebuke filled with obscenities. Then he said something that turned out to be rather interesting as he referenced that he had heard about “The #$%#$% Mormon” in the company and that I better get use to the obscenities. To make a point he asked if anyone in the company agreed with my concern to stand up - The entire company immediately stood up in unison.

The Traveler

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Tempted to make my own site but thats about it.

BTW, long long time ago, I had two missionaries visit me. they gave me what was a book of mormon "I forget if it really was". They visited again, they said if I read the book and said I misplaced it. It was in my house but did not know where it was. They looked a little angery. I said I am sorry, but do not have the time to talk right now and so they left. I think that was the reorganized church down the street.

The funny thing is, I never ever once in my life, heard the term Mormon or LDS in my life. I was 24 at the time when they visited.

I even passed though salt lake city on my way to a military base in New Mexico. Drove to some ornate building near the Cities capital and visited some museum. Inside where to young 20 something year old attendant with black badges on. The young girl said to another visitor "can I help you for something?" the young male attendant said to her "Did you know he was a 70 member?". She was so embarrassed. I had NO CLUE what they were talking about, because, I never knew what a Mormon was.

This shows that even if you are in Mormon land, if you have not be teached what LDS is all about, and are flooded with wrong information about the faith, you have then made up your mind.

BTW, I want to put some info in that 4x4 forum the POWERFUL things the church as done such as flying a 747 with emergency goods to the the Tsunami stricken areas of Sumatra Indonesia. Can anyone here make some powerful statements about the church how they have helped mankind in disasters that are NON arguable?

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I know, we have one in our ward. He was tough and onry and a failing marriage years ago before he joined. He got up and spoke his testimony and it was indeed very moving. He has a nice and interesting personality :)

People can change...but they have to reflect on the outside looking at what they have done in there life to get them to that point of wrecking there life and doing something about it by asking god for help.

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IThere are nationally accredited colleges that have graduate courses in anti-mormon research for cryin' out loud.

Is this really true?! Sorry Buddha, not meaning to doubt you, but it just sounds remarkable that an accredited college could offer such a course. I don't think it would ever happen in this country, not because we limit academic freedom, but because nobody would ever be remotely interested in taking such a course.

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IThere are nationally accredited colleges that have graduate courses in anti-mormon research for cryin' out loud.

Is this really true?! Sorry Buddha, not meaning to doubt you, but it just sounds remarkable that an accredited college could offer such a course. I don't think it would ever happen in this country, not because we limit academic freedom, but because nobody would ever be remotely interested in taking such a course.

I took an anti-Mormon class at a Protestant church in 1977, I assure you they were fired up and wanted more. It was mostly illogical emotional arguments about unusual doctrines and personal attacks on Joseph Smith and others I hadn't heard of at the time. Back then I didn't know a Mormon from a Methodist.

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