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I don't think any American no matter what their political leanings should tolerate fraud.

Many Americans are happy to tolerate fraud that perpetuates their own worldview. This is particularly common among the True Believers, a group made up largely (though not entirely) of those who voted for our current President.

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Many Americans are happy to tolerate fraud that perpetuates their own worldview. This is particularly common among the True Believers, a group made up largely (though not entirely) of those who voted for our current President.

The True Believers are nutcase Tea Partiers. I guess no one saw the extremely long voting lines in poor and non white areas? No one thought it was odd to have Romneys son buy the voting machine company in Ohio, the major swing state? No one paid any attention to the open attempts to suppress voting by the poor? Even the words of the Ohio governor saying that with the voter suppression they ought to be able to give Ohio to Romney? Did you see the news on the company under investigation for destroying democrat voter registration forms? I guess the True Believers dont watch any moderate news so they wouldnt have seen any of that.

Obama supporters worked hard to get out the vote. Romney supporters worked hard to suppress the vote. Who would be the most likely to commit voter fraud?

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Obama supporters worked hard to get out the vote. Romney supporters worked hard to suppress the vote. Who would be the most likely to commit voter fraud?

I guess it depends on who you listen to. I've heard the exact same thing only reversed.

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Secession is blatantly unconstitutional, as well.

Of course secession is unconstitutional. You don't secede by suing somebody. Yo secede by a successful revolt.

In today's climate, it might not be as bloody as the Civil War. There's a universal distaste for death even in war. And with Russia splintering, it's not too far-fetched to imagine America going that route. I don think it's going to happen, but you never know...

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The True Believers are nutcase Tea Partiers. I guess no one saw the extremely long voting lines in poor and non white areas? No one thought it was odd to have Romneys son buy the voting machine company in Ohio, the major swing state? No one paid any attention to the open attempts to suppress voting by the poor? Even the words of the Ohio governor saying that with the voter suppression they ought to be able to give Ohio to Romney? Did you see the news on the company under investigation for destroying democrat voter registration forms? I guess the True Believers dont watch any moderate news so they wouldnt have seen any of that.

Obama supporters worked hard to get out the vote. Romney supporters worked hard to suppress the vote. Who would be the most likely to commit voter fraud?

* * * * * * *

So, then, did you hear whether or not our overseas military was ever allowed to vote?

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I guess it depends on who you listen to. I've heard the exact same thing only reversed.

I would sure like to know who. It is known that poor tend to vote democrat so why would democrats try to suppress their vote? Unless you are saying that the middle class were not able to get to the polls and had to stand in line for hours past how long my bladder would have survived.

I am trying to figure out how republican voters were stopped. hmmm Hurricane Sandy? I did

hear that one.

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I got it. I think this is what she's talking about:

First, the Republucan view: Yes, Obama really is suppressing military vote

And then the Democrat counterpoint: Obama Accused Of Suppressing Military Vote By Withholding Absentee Ballots - Forbes

You decide which version you think is true.

Well for anne that's a no brainer. I know which one she'll believe. :P

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? No one thought it was odd to have Romneys son buy the voting machine company in Ohio, the major swing state?

We thought it odd. Then we did some random googling and discovered it was a lie.

No one paid any attention to the open attempts to suppress voting by the poor?

Or the international election observers who were absolutely flabbergasted that in the USA we don't require photo ID? Or the flood of tweets from people openly boasting about casting multiple ballots, or the captured secret video of Obama partisans telling people how to register in multiple states? No one cared about the forcible eviction of GOP observers from multiple polling places, or the "quality control" teams creating Democratc party-line ballots and stuffing them into ballot boxes in Allen West's Florida district?

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I would sure like to know who. It is known that poor tend to vote democrat so why would democrats try to suppress their vote? Unless you are saying that the middle class were not able to get to the polls and had to stand in line for hours past how long my bladder would have survived.

I am trying to figure out how republican voters were stopped. hmmm Hurricane Sandy? I did

hear that one.

The Democrats do not attempt to suppress the vote of poor Americans. Instead they enact policies that keep them poor and create more poor so they continue to have power.;)

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Of course secession is unconstitutional. You don't secede by suing somebody. Yo secede by a successful revolt.

I just wanted to make that point because the people who are currently advocating for secession are the same people who bash everybody who isn't as patriotic as them for not respecting the Constitution enough. Remember the Jon McNaughton paintings? Remember all the Ezra T. Benson facebook posts during the 2008 cycle about how the Constitution is inspired? I thought the Tea Party were supposed to be the final authority on doing things the constitutional way. Now they're the ones wanting to throw it all away. So, sure, people can advocate for secession all they want, but they lose any pretense of honoring the Constitution in the process.

In today's climate, it might not be as bloody as the Civil War. There's a universal distaste for death even in war. And with Russia splintering, it's not too far-fetched to imagine America going that route. I don think it's going to happen, but you never know...

The only people who are saying anything about another Civil War are the ones advocating for secession. This "I'm not saying a war will happen, but a war will happen" philosophy I keep hearing from my conservative facebook friends is almost dangerous.

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The only people who are saying anything about another Civil War are the ones advocating for secession. This "I'm not saying a war will happen, but a war will happen" philosophy I keep hearing from my conservative facebook friends is almost dangerous.

Of course those Occupy Wallstreeters were...civilized and completely harmless and I dare say not Tea Party folks. Where did they go btw?

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Of course those Occupy Wallstreeters were...civilized and completely harmless and I dare say not Tea Party folks. Where did they go btw?

As much as I hate feeding an obvious threadjack, as far as I can remember, the Occupy movement was a protest against entrenched wealth inequality, not the existence of the Union itself.

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As much as I hate feeding an obvious threadjack, as far as I can remember, the Occupy movement was a protest against entrenched wealth inequality, not the existence of the Union itself.

Advocating for succession is a bit different than destroying millions of dollars of property, defecating in the street and committing random acts of violence...like rape as a means of agitating for the current administration which is what Occupy did. But, your probably right...your conservative facebook friends are dangerous.


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I just wanted to make that point because the people who are currently advocating for secession are the same people who bash everybody who isn't as patriotic as them for not respecting the Constitution enough. Remember the Jon McNaughton paintings? Remember all the Ezra T. Benson facebook posts during the 2008 cycle about how the Constitution is inspired? I thought the Tea Party were supposed to be the final authority on doing things the constitutional way. Now they're the ones wanting to throw it all away. So, sure, people can advocate for secession all they want, but they lose any pretense of honoring the Constitution in the process.

The only people who are saying anything about another Civil War are the ones advocating for secession. This "I'm not saying a war will happen, but a war will happen" philosophy I keep hearing from my conservative facebook friends is almost dangerous.

Little... People may feel strongly about the Constitution, but if the government is trampling on the Constitution what use is that document? Sometimes the only option open is a revolution. This is how America got formed, this is how the Philippines got rid of Marcos, this is how Georgia became a country seceded from USSR. And on the other side of the coin, this is how East and West Germany united into one nation.

It is dangerous... War is not something you can brandish about as a sore-loser sentiment. Usually, when war gets put on the table it is a bad sign that the political climate is so divisive as to ferment a revolution. Americans are not pacifists. Especially the right.

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Little... People may feel strongly about the Constitution, but if the government is trampling on the Constitution what use is that document? Sometimes the only option open is a revolution. This is how America got formed, this is how the Philippines got rid of Marcos, this is how Georgia became a country seceded from USSR. And on the other side of the coin, this is how East and West Germany united into one nation.

Yes, and I'm not saying creating new governments from old ones is a bad thing. However, a belief in the Constitution being an inspired document makes the difference in this case, at least to me. In my opinion, we've overcome too much as a Union to throw it all away now.

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I for one am glad the election is over...I can plug my phone back in. I like Mitt, BUT, I really liked the most boring man livings positions...Gary Johnson.

Favorite Gary Johnson quote," My next door neighbors dogs created more shovel ready jobs than President Obama :-)

Oh and Ron Paul...while a bit of a nut burger had some interesting idea's as well.

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Yes, and I'm not saying creating new governments from old ones is a bad thing. However, a belief in the Constitution being an inspired document makes the difference in this case, at least to me. In my opinion, we've overcome too much as a Union to throw it all away now.

That's not the intent of the seceders. Their intent is to separate from their perceived Constitution Abusers to implement a purer Constitutional government from the same inspired document.

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I thought the Tea Party were supposed to be the final authority on doing things the constitutional way. Now they're the ones wanting to throw it all away. So, sure, people can advocate for secession all they want, but they lose any pretense of honoring the Constitution in the process.

Hey! The Constitution's a living, breathing document, intended to be adaptable to the needs of the people in perpetuity. If we need it to allow for secession, it allows for secession - and prior interpretations be darned!

(Seriously: I think secession is crazy talk and a bad, bad idea practically speaking. But "unconstitutional"? We could have a very interesting talk about that. The very drafting of the Constitution was a flagrant violation of the Articles of Confederation that preceded it. And let's not forget who drafted that opinion you cited - Lincoln's ex-Treasury secretary.)

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Everyone who voted can take comfort in the part they played in our democracy. Whether our votes were on the side of winners or losers, we fulfilled our obligation. One comfort a lot of LDS can take from this (whether pro-Romney or not) is that many Evangelicals voted for 'the Mormon candidate,' and did so a good deal of enthusiasm. Keep in mind that President Obama officially is a traditional trinitarian Christian (the church he attended is TRINITY United Church of Christ).

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