Difference between a ward, stake, and meeting house??

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A meeting house - is your church building

A ward is what we call a unit of the church - the same as Anglicans have a Parish

A stake is a group of wards and branchs (branches are smaller versions of a ward) that lead by a priesthood leader - I guess you could say it is our version of a dioceses (sp?)

Hope that helps

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In fact, it resulted in a kind of confusing, yet amusing situation for me.

I met with a local missionary for the first time today. I was incredibly nervous but they kindly allowed me to meet them at the church instead of at my home. It is the first time I've ever been to an LDS church. Interestingly, I must have driven by it a thousand times in my life and NEVER knew it was there although I knew the area well. I sat with the two missionaries for about two hours and really gained a lot from it and it just felt like.. home.

I was so moved and touched by how they explained the restoration and these colorful picture books about faith and conquering fear and Jesus showing us by example through baptism that I agreed to arrange for my own baptism.

Then the subject of where I lived came up and apparently there was a great deal of confusion lol. You see, apparently, the online missionaries referred me to them, but that isn't the church or meeting house closest to where I live and so apparently I needed to be referred to members of a DIFFERENT ward. Thankfully, they contacted some other missionaries in my neighborhood. I'll be going to church with them tomorrow morning... my first LDS church service. The shocking thing.. an LDS Church is right around the corner from my house, maybe two blocks away. I could literally walk to it and I've lived here nearly 20 years... and I never knew it was there. At all. Amazes me, that does.

Anyway, Now I get to deal with two NEW missionaries. Irony is I think now I've been passed through about 6.. (the first two online missionaries got missions and had to leave to other countries so they passed me on to two more who then referred me to these local ones). For someone being shy I'm sure having to meet a bunch of different people. Maybe it's a screening process?

I just hope it's the last time. I'm already scared enough.

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I does happen sometimes like that! Its not a screening process just a process of making sure you are taught by the missionaries who are in your area - and sometimes that means you might meet extra missionaries but I believe that you met those missionaries for a reason and the ones that you meet next will also be the same. How did you find church today?

In theory once you meet your new missionaries they will be with you unless they are moved - but it is rare for both missionaries in the companionship to be moved at the same time.

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In theory once you meet your new missionaries they will be with you unless they are moved - but it is rare for both missionaries in the companionship to be moved at the same time.

Not usual, but not that rare. We've had it happen twice in the past year or two in our ward, and my missionary son was "flushed in" to his first two areas, where he and his companion replaced both previous missionaries.

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My husband went through 10 different missionaries when he was learning about the Gospel. We looked online for a ward to attend in the Denver area where he was from. Turns out the one closest to his house was not the ward he was supposed to be in. Then they sent him to a singles ward then another ward. Different missionaries each time. The message is the same no matter who teaches you. Listen with your heart (it sounds like you already have!) and know that you don't have to be nervous.

A funny story about stake centers... When I was growing up we went to stake dances once a month. I invited a friend to a stake dance and was suprised to see my fun-loving friend kind of disappointed at the end of the dance. I asked them what was wrong and they told me that they were expecting steak at a steak center! I giggled and explained.

Best wishes to you,


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My husband went through 10 different missionaries when he was learning about the Gospel. We looked online for a ward to attend in the Denver area where he was from. Turns out the one closest to his house was not the ward he was supposed to be in. Then they sent him to a singles ward then another ward. Different missionaries each time. The message is the same no matter who teaches you. Listen with your heart (it sounds like you already have!) and know that you don't have to be nervous.

A funny story about stake centers... When I was growing up we went to stake dances once a month. I invited a friend to a stake dance and was suprised to see my fun-loving friend kind of disappointed at the end of the dance. I asked them what was wrong and they told me that they were expecting steak at a steak center! I giggled and explained.

Best wishes to you,


Lol that is funny. All the location titles still confuse me. Even the things like my ward vs my stake (well I don't mean MINE.. but if I join they will be mine).

You mentioned a singles ward?!? What is that?! I'm a single male.. so does that mean I'm gonna have to switch wards again?!? I don't know if I like the idea of being shipped off somewhere else lol. And if I get married do I have to switch wards once more? I'm the kind of person that I kinda like consistency.. the same people. I like the feeling of belong to a family.. a spiritual family if you will. I don't know if I want to have to get used to whole new sets of people all over again..

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A "singles ward" is a ward composed almost solely of unmarried men and women (except for the bishop). It is designed to increase the concentration of single people to the point where dating, rating, twitterpating, and mating* can take place more easily, hopefully wthout the waiting or the hating.

*"Mating" in the sense of getting married, just to be clear, after which begins the procreating.

If you are unmarried and of the right age (18-30, I believe), you are welcome to go to a singles ward if one is available in your area. But you are always welcome in your own home ward. Many singles eschew the singles ward in favor of staying in their own regular family ward.

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A "singles ward" is a ward composed almost solely of unmarried men and women (except for the bishop). It is designed to increase the concentration of single people to the point where dating, rating, twitterpating, and mating* can take place more easily, hopefully wthout the waiting or the hating.

*"Mating" in the sense of getting married, just to be clear, after which begins the procreating.

If you are unmarried and of the right age (18-30, I believe), you are welcome to go to a singles ward if one is available in your area. But you are always welcome in your own home ward. Many singles eschew the singles ward in favor of staying in their own regular family ward.

Thanks. Luckily, I'm older than 30 by a few years. I'm all good for that. I don't really need companionship. Just spiritual fulfillment.

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  • 9 years later...

   Hi there Hyena, 

   I first want to thank you for having the courage to share your journey and concerns with all of us. Secondly, I'm so glad you're willing to learn and to press forward even when there has been some upheaval recently in your life. I believe once you become an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and you choose where you wish to attend (family vs single), then I think things will settle into place, as far as moving is concerned.

   My own Grandparents have been members for years, but recently moved from out of state. They also found out that their ward wasn't "just around the corner" but somewhere else. However, after learning about a need in the chapel (church building) next to their house, they were blessed to be able to have accommodations so that my Grandma didn't have to load my Grandpa (who had a stroke a few years ago) into their van and have to expend extra energy just to go to Church. The chapel next to them happened to be a Branch that needed a pianist for the Primary (classes for young children -3-12years old), and as my Grandma had been both a Pianist and Organist, she has been happy to fulfill her voluntary (and temporary) role as the Primary Pianist. 

   I bring this up, because there have been times when even life long members have needed to adjust to new areas, new callings (volunteered positions-temporary ones) and need to find a place to settle in. 

    I myself have recently switched from one group of Single's Ward to the next. My previous one was for those who are ages 18-30/31 years old. And now I'm in the Mid-Single's group ages 31/32-45 years old. They have one for even older than this, but whichever age you are, you're certainly welcome to go to a family ward, while still showing up for the single's ward activities. Over the years of being in a Single's Ward, I've been able to make friends and have a fun time!  I also love the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with my own peers and talk about how the Scriptures relate to our lives. It's nice to know that peers my same age have the same struggles and triumphs and I know they can help me when I've needed help and vice versa.

   Life certainly isn't perfect, even with the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and people themselves aren't perfect. Heck! I know I fall short of my potential every day. But I also know that I can come to Church, feel the Spirit, and recently, I have seen and noticed God's care and awareness for me Personally. 

    For example, one day I woke up super depressed and anxious for seemingly No reason, other than perhaps my own self doubt and personal insecurities I felt at the time. (I want to explain that my new Ward members have Always been kind and I knew that they cared about me. This was just my own internal struggle.)
So this particular day, I wished I could stay in bed and not go. We still had virtual Church and so it could have been so easy to just sit in bed and watch. However, I got up, dressed, and exercised my Faith and attended In Person.    (This wasn't my first time where I had planned to attend something and hadn't felt like doing so, but during those times it was usually just the fact that I was tired and the said event was an activity like a Ward Dance or BBQ Dinner.)

      I soon learned that there was a Mental Health professional (can't remember if it was a Psychologist or Psychiatrist) who would talk to us in the second hour of Church. (The First hour, as you already know, is Sacrament Meeting.) During this second hour of Church, our guest talked about how having Depression and Anxiety doesn't give us Black or White Days, but that we can still find joy even when we're having a rough time. And sometimes our "Good days" might have a Winnie the Pooh "Rain cloud" right in the middle of our "Picnic". I took notes as I listened and realized that although I hadn't wanted to come initially due of my concerns earlier that day, God was Very aware of my needs just then and I became grateful for this tender mercy God had extended to me that day. 

While I still struggle with myself from time to time, I am grateful for the Mercies and Awareness I have found recently as I have been attending my new Ward. 


I don't know all your struggles, but I think if God's aware and willing to help me, He will Love to Help you in your Journey towards Him! 
I hope you will find peace during this Journey and that things will settle into place with God's Help. 
Remember to Pray to Father in Heaven, in the Name of Jesus Christ, asking for directions for the next step in life, and continue your Study of the Scriptures as best you can. 

P.S. I just thought about a Hymn of ours for you. Not sure if you need it but here it is*:


Here's another one:

*(Just click on the headphone icon to listen to the hymn. It plays twice. Once with a choir, and the other instrumental.)

Edited by Jenny G.
For grammar, clarification, and word choice. eg. "Because" changed to "initially due to".
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