Quiting pepsi, why is it so hard?


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I gave up drinking coffee once. Not sure how I succeeded, other than the doctor thought it would help my digestion to do so. A year later I told him I didn't think quitting had any effect. He says, "Then go ahead and drink it." My jaw dropped, the sun came out, a chorus of angels were singing...

Where was I going with this...oh yeah...having a strong motivation (doctor's counsel, etc.) sure helps. Since soda is merely seen as potentially unhealthy, the one thing that may get you through is becoming convinced that the Holy Ghost has given you a personal restriction. Anything addicting detracts from God's pull on our lives...so if it controls you, the Holy Ghost may wish to put a barrier up for you.

Listening to the voice of God can be a more powerful motivation than the doctor's finger wagging.

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I gave up drinking coffee once. Not sure how I succeeded, other than the doctor thought it would help my digestion to do so. A year later I told him I didn't think quitting had any effect. He says, "Then go ahead and drink it." My jaw dropped, the sun came out, a chorus of angels were singing...

Where was I going with this...oh yeah...having a strong motivation (doctor's counsel, etc.) sure helps. Since soda is merely seen as potentially unhealthy, the one thing that may get you through is becoming convinced that the Holy Ghost has given you a personal restriction. Anything addicting detracts from God's pull on our lives...so if it controls you, the Holy Ghost may wish to put a barrier up for you.

Listening to the voice of God can be a more powerful motivation than the doctor's finger wagging.

Was that the year that Starbucks announced a tremendous drop in their annual revenue?

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Anything addicting detracts from God's pull on our lives...

So true. Thank you for posting this! So many of us need to heed this counsel.

The guardrails on either side of the strait and narrow are NOT to trap us.

The guardrails are there for our protection. But if we really want to, and we are foolish enough to do so, we can climb over the guardrails at any time and wander around in the mist of darkness without the protection of the guardrails and without the guidance of the iron rod.

The choice is ours. ~TG

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:lol: They drink skim milk and Kool-Aid. I am sure all the sugar from the Kool-Aid is bad too. :huh:

When I was a kid we drank OJ (frozen concentrate), lemonade (frozen concentrate), 2% milk (reconstituted powdered skim milk added to fresh from the cow milk - equal parts), iced tea, iced coffee and Kool-Aid.

Since Mom and Grandma survived the ration years, we never had anything with the required amount of sugar. Pies, cookies, cakes, puddings, drinks.

So with Kool-aid, it was 1/2 to 2/3 cup sugar. The only time we had Pop (Soda Pop) was on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. We each got an 8oz glass. With out ice.

The reason why it is so hard to quit drinking any caffeinated drink is because you get addicted to the caffeine. Same as getting addicted to alcohol, drugs, even aspirins and otc pain killers.

As for the withdrawal headaches ~ it took me two weeks for the headaches & shakes to stop. When the headaches were more than I cold tolerate, then I took Advil or Ibuprofen. A headache has to be pretty bad before I will take pills for it. From the time I was in the 8th grade (1967) until 1999 I was plagued with blinding, incapacitating migraines. If I had weaned myself, I never would have quit. I was drinking 3 pots of coffee a day. 150 oz a day. Drank it mildly hot to ice cold. I tried drinking decaf. Nasty stuff! I do really like Pero though. I boil the water, then add two or three ice cubes to cool it down.

I drink my Pero mildly hot, and my coffee iced w/cream, TBL of chocolate syrup (or hot fudge sundae) whipped in a blender.

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Cutting caffeine and sugary drinks is so hard, but it is possible. I had a 6 pack/day of Dr. Pepper habit. I cut out caffeine and soda because I was concerned about the effects on my heart. That was big motivation! I slowly tapered over the course of a week. During the week I tapered I seriously increased the amount of water I drank. This is essential!!!! I was fatigued and head-achy for a couple weeks, but afterwards I felt great! My heart rate and blood pressure lowered in a big way. I hope you will be successful. It is worth the effort. If you miss something fizzy, try Perrier or LaCroix with lime.

Edited by Irishcolleen
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Guest gopecon

"Perhaps it is time for the 1st Presidency to pray, ponder and seek revelation as to the consumption of coffee, tea, & caffeine laden drinks. In 1833 when the WOW was given to Joseph Smith, the variety of drinks has increased greatly. The cold drinks that were available to that era was all natural: fruits & herbs, with no extra caffeine, BVO, GMO created sugar substitute, etc. added to enhance the appearance. Today, there are so many man made chemicals added to "enhance" the look, flavor and to extend the shelf life." - IGGY

Perhaps we members need to not be so reliant on being commanded in all things. When the WofW comes up in Conference talks, the phrase "addictive substances" or "habit forming" is often mentioned. If we know that something is addictive or otherwise harmful, we should stay away from it, even if it will not keep us from getting our temple recommends. The Brethren have spoken about this stuff, they have just not raised to the level of an interview question.

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I agree with gopecon. I would love to see the Saints be so filled with the Spirit and so in control of their own spiritual destinies that they don't need special revelations or even wise counsel from the General Authorities to know that drinking Red Bull (or Mountain Dew) is something better left undone.

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I agree with gopecon. I would love to see the Saints be so filled with the Spirit and so in control of their own spiritual destinies that they don't need special revelations or even wise counsel from the General Authorities to know that drinking Red Bull (or Mountain Dew) is something better left undone.

What we too often get instead is people insisting that Activity X is just fine because it's not contrary to any specific revelation, and if some General Authority cautions against it, they're just old and out of touch and can thus be safely ignored while we continue reveling in Activity X, imagining that the Spirit of God cannot possibly be offended because, after all, there's no specific canonized revelation on the matter.

Zion will never be established in its fulness as long as we keep such petty hypocrisies to justify our own pet vices. At some point, we will need to grow up as a people and leave behind such childish things. I doubt it will happen in my lifetime, but maybe my children will see it, or my grandchildren. I hope so.

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