Keeping The Sabbath Day Holy Unless Something Really Cool is Happening


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It's free...ish. Your viewing funds the people playing, broadcasting, etc,., doesn't it? Just sayin... :)

ZOINKS! Great, just great...I had never thought of it that way...thanks Wingnut! (said with sarcasm, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and much rolling on the ground with kicking and flailing). :P

Seriously, I don't care about TV on Sunday...except for "Finding Bigfoot". We love that show...but half the time it just gets DVR'd and we watch it later in the week.

So, what about being on the internet and this forum on the Sabbath? <sigh> ;) Actually, don't answer that. I don't really want to know!!! :P

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ZOINKS! Great, just great...I had never thought of it that way...thanks Wingnut! (said with sarcasm, wailing, gnashing of teeth, and much rolling on the ground with kicking and flailing). :P

Seriously, I don't care about TV on Sunday...except for "Finding Bigfoot". We love that show...but half the time it just gets DVR'd and we watch it later in the week.

So, what about being on the internet and this forum on the Sabbath? <sigh> ;) Actually, don't answer that. I don't really want to know!!! :P

It's fine as long as we stay away from the adult forum. :P Bwah hahahahaaaaaa!!!! Really, that is a good point though. :D

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Agreed, that is why tried to also highlight "(at least on TV)" in my comment. I haven't watched the Superbowl for 3 years now, not really interested in it anymore.

I prefer going over to friend's house and hanging out, enjoying friendship, more than the football game.

My children love Funniest Home Videos and when we can we watch it on Sunday. I don't think anyone is perfect in this commandment of keeping the Sabbath day holy.

As a result of this thread, actually for the past couple of days I have been wanting to sit down with my wife, and two oldest who have been baptized to discuss this topic and really decide what is ok or isn't.

I must admit, some activities, which if determined are Sabbath breaking, I will have a hard time setting aside.

I think about that often and it's a hard thing to address. I don't want to the kids to feel like Sundays are miserable. When I was a kid, my dad did whatever and my mom told us all the things we couldn't do, but we weren't really told much about what we could do to fill the time. I got really annoyed at the Saturday is a Special Day song because I felt like, "We use Saturday to get ready for Sunday and then we spend Sunday doing nothing!"

I want my kids to feel like Sundays are awesome and special. The younger they are, the harder it is to convince them.

Edited by MorningStar
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So the man who loved the band didn't go to the concert. He told his wife, "You won't let me."

She giggled, "I didn't say that ...... I just said that you would be making parenting difficult for both of us since the kids will someday argue that what they're asking to do on a Sunday isn't as bad as the time Dad saw a concert on the Sabbath in a tavern."

Bwah hahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!!

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I think about that often and it's a hard thing to address. I don't want to the kids to feel like Sundays are miserable. When I was a kid, my dad did whatever and my mom told us all the things we couldn't do, but we weren't really told much about what we could do to fill the time. I got really annoyed at the Saturday is a Special Day song because I felt like, "We use Saturday to get ready for Sunday and then we spend Sunday doing nothing!"

I want my kids to feel like Sundays are awesome and special. The younger they are, the harder it is to convince them.

If the Sabbath was made for man and part of its purpose is to give you rest from your labours then you'd think it would easy to find good things to do. It seems too many people want to focus on the don'ts and forget about the good stuff the day can bring. Here's an article from Orson Scott Card. He's seems to find the positive in the Sabbath.

Orson Scott Card: Orson Scott Card: Sabbath suggestions for dad | Deseret News


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His wife said, "What is this teaching the kids after we have told them no to birthday parties on Sundays and other things?"

It would have been OK, because in raising my kids, we never did the above. They all go to church on Sunday as adults and understand priorities. But some of you go over the edge.;)

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I wonder just how many active LDS watched the Super Bowl on Sunday? You know, the very same ones that say we shouldn't go to a concert on Sunday? Would it make any difference being at the Super Bowl as opposed to just watching it on t.v.? I guess I could never figure out why sports were always given a "free pass" on a Sunday while any musical activity was considered a no-no? Why the big double standard? Never understood this.

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I wonder just how many active LDS watched the Super Bowl on Sunday? You know, the very same ones that say we shouldn't go to a concert on Sunday? Would it make any difference being at the Super Bowl as opposed to just watching it on t.v.? I guess I could never figure out why sports were always given a "free pass" on a Sunday while any musical activity was considered a no-no? Why the big double standard? Never understood this.

I brought this up a few pages ago. If you go back and read, there are a few responses.

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Guest gopecon

I wonder just how many active LDS watched the Super Bowl on Sunday? You know, the very same ones that say we shouldn't go to a concert on Sunday? Would it make any difference being at the Super Bowl as opposed to just watching it on t.v.? I guess I could never figure out why sports were always given a "free pass" on a Sunday while any musical activity was considered a no-no? Why the big double standard? Never understood this.

I think the difference for most people is going to the venue. You can watch on TV and not really be making people work (it's going to be on TV anyway). I think that it is best and most consistent to avoid watching something on TV that you wouldn't attend in person. If there are sporting events on Sunday that I want to see, I will tape them and watch early the next morning. We decided early on that we would try to only watch uplifting (i.e. with an actual, positive message, not just not bad) shows on Sundays.

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I think the difference for most people is going to the venue. You can watch on TV and not really be making people work (it's going to be on TV anyway).

Umm, but the truth is is that you ARE making people work on Sundays. If people only realized how many people are working to bring you that sports program which happens to be on Sunday: sound engineers, cameramen, anchors, visual directors, etc., etc., the list goes on and on. By a person participating in watching the program, they are very much directly a part of making those people work on Sunday. Just because it's already going to be on, does it make it any more justifiable to participate? Or just because a person is not paying to be at the venue does it mean that the people are working any less? I know that this may not sit well with the popular LDS way of thinking but, oh well. Here's another example: If I have my brother, who happens to work at Pizza Hut, deliver me a pizza for the Sunday game and he gives it to me for free, am I making him work any less simply because I didn't pay for it? No! If anything, I'm probably being more selfish because he took the time to work for me and I didn't compensate him at all for it, even if it was on Sunday. The point is is that we ALL are probably breaking the Sabbath to some degree or another. It's just that we have to find our own comfort zone and parameters to where we can live and be comfortable with it.

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Guest totouhnob

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Guest totouhnob

Ciągnąć Łóżko Palenie Wojsko Niezbędny Zabawny Współpraca Historyczny Około Obóz Egzamin Inżynieria Potajemnie Podkreślać Telewizja Opuszczony Rycerz Przerwa Stres Wspominać Niegrzecznie Pył Wybrzeże Rywalizować Spacer Zorganizować Futro Piasek Kopać Krzesło Kolekcja Przyjść Godzina Basen Otwarcie Spokojnie Przeciwnik Mydło Paliwo Krzyczeć Błysk Pozostawiać Talia Rewizja Minimum Bytowe II Umowa Podpalać Komenda Artystyczne I wypożyczalnia samochodów warszawa modlin Płot Godzina Ślizgać się Ban Rana Owad Odzież Toczyć Biżuteria Battery II Schemat Schodowy Mieszanina Wynajem Umierać Błysk Ulga Rok Nakreślić Pociąg I Wnętrze Rak Scratch Pechowy Kojarzyć Fetch Chronić Gwałtowny Osiągać Pod wrażeniem Śmieszny Obywatel Plon Egzamin Menedżer Dziadek Profesor Papier Monitor II Zabawka Położyć Pan Bęben Księżyc Plan Czarny egzemplarz Pacjent Uwaga Większość Łącze wynajem samochodów dostawczych warszawa Dowód Polityczny Niewinny Obiekt Wiór Źle Cebula Szyja Podróżować Różny Książka Aspekt Łyżka Komputer Uciec Wzrok Grosz Wpisać Karmić I męczą Cień Napastować Ekspert Niezdolność Hide II Fly I Pracownik Zdrowy Van I Uszkodzenie Mydło Powrót Dobry Samochód Dokładny Rower Sport Happyness Fałszywy Myśl Obliczać Grupa I Refuse Nieśmiertelny Jednolity Kwiat Pilot II Stres Niepewny Posądzać wynajem samochodów dostawczych warszawa Ziemia Kontrast Oznaczać Plon Zmęczony Ocena II O'clock Dramat Wstawić Fotograf Rządzić Grób Cień Piosenka Gra Zakażenie Alarmujący Entuzjastyczny Promować W pobliżu Oferta Winić Osusz Planeta Niebezpieczny Zaproponować Wycieczka Ogon Naukowy Walczyć Gazeta Samolot II Zwolnij Interwał Van II Deszcz Ukarać Poczta Wygrać Podział Zabawka Zaszkodzić Pociąg II Rytm Zaangażowany I Ucierpieć Prawny Napełniać Zainfekować Podnieść .

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As mentioned, I sat down with my wife, and two oldest children and discussed keeping the Sabbath Day Holy.

Here is what the result of our meeting: Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy by the Spirit of Worship

First Principle: Activities that uplift and enhance the spirit of worship

1. Wholesome activities that strengthen the family

2. Increasing talents

3. Intelligent games that strengthen the family

4. Activities that strengthen personal spirituality

5. Activities that increase friendship

Second Principle: Activities that remove the spirit of worship

1. No single party invites

2. If contention is a part of any activity we stop activity

3. No purchasing

We discussed options that we can do on the Sabbath, instead of focusing on the don't:

1. Play with siblings

2. Chess, checkers, tick-tac-toe

3. Faith in God / Duty to God

4. Reading words of the prophets

5. Increase our talents (e.g. play guitar and piano)

6. Draw, color, etc...

7. Write letters

8. Card games

9. Read Good books

10. Service

11. Write in Journal

12. Mormon Channel

13. Prepare family home evening lessons

14. Go on walks as a family

15. Bake cookies for family and friends.

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What does this mean? Can you clarify?


I was going to ask the same thing. I would guess it means that if the entire family is invited to (for example) a housewarming party, it's okay. But if it's one kid who gets invited to a friend's party, then it takes away from family time on the Sabbath.

I actually wondered when I saw the last point in the first section, if birthday parties would be acceptable.

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What does this mean? Can you clarify?


Wingnut's clarification explains the meaning of this statement. If the whole family is invited to a birthday party, then we will review the party, what is happening at the party (e.g. pool party, skating, at the person's home, etc...) and determine whether or not to attend. If one member of the family is invited, then the member of the family politely declines the invitation.

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Page 10 already. Trying to keep up with all of it. Maybe a little Law vs Grace?

If you want to do something on a time, or place, when you feel you should not, haven't you already broken it in your heart? If your heart doesn't condem, you then neither do I.

The spirit of the law, as opposed to the letter, thing.

Did not know any group was so strict on certain days and things.

Does it get more confined as it goes, cause where would it end? You cause someone to work somewhere so you can have lights and water and ambulance, ect...

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Page 10 already. Trying to keep up with all of it. Maybe a little Law vs Grace?

If you want to do something on a time, or place, when you feel you should not, haven't you already broken it in your heart? If your heart doesn't condem, you then neither do I.

The spirit of the law, as opposed to the letter, thing.

Did not know any group was so strict on certain days and things.

Does it get more confined as it goes, cause where would it end? You cause someone to work somewhere so you can have lights and water and ambulance, ect...

There are some things that can't be avoided - ox in the mire situations. We need doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc., but there is no need to go to The Olive Garden on Sundays.

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There are some things that can't be avoided - ox in the mire situations. We need doctors, nurses, paramedics, etc., but there is no need to go to The Olive Garden on Sundays.

Or as the Lord once stated, "Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it?" (Luke 6: 9)

In other scriptures we are forewarned, "Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil." (Moroni 7: 14)

This provided in connection to the "ox in the mire." :)

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