A question about Holy Ghost


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I just watched a sermon that was held in Taiwan, it was a general christian gathering, from all different christian churches.

The sermon was great, the pastor seems so passionate, and really devoted to the Lord.

Then, at the end, there was something strange to me. People came to him, and as the pastor touched them, they all fell to the floor, and it was explained that they were touched by the Holy Spirit.

I'm just curious, is it really possible? seriously? I don't know any LDS that was knocked off by the HG like that:p To me, when I feel the HG, it's always calm and peaceful and lovingl, I love it, I don't think I'd fall to the floor with this feeling.

Does anyone know? I'm sure the pastor was good, he seriously preached for Jesus. This is what I like most from his sermon. "to feel the power of God, it not only depends on how much faith you have, but also how much you are willing to surrender to Him."

Well, does anyone know about Holy Spirit knocking off people??:huh:

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I don't know. But I believe that Heavenly Father loves all His children and wants them to live the commandments so they will be happy. I also believe that Heavenly Father works within the culture or language that the people can understand. This hit me really strongly one day while I was listening ot the soundtrack of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat...I thought wow, everyone was having dreams and respecting Joseph's interpretation of them.

If Pres. Monson told us in Conference that he dreamed a dream, we would accept it of course, but it would be unusual. It wasn't though for the people of Joseph's time and the Lord used it to fulfill his purposes.

Perhaps the Lord gives the people in that church what they will understand/accept to help them? Some might say Satan did that, but I don't think Satan wants people to go to church. I could be wrong. Who knows?

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I don't know. But I believe that Heavenly Father loves all His children and wants them to live the commandments so they will be happy. I also believe that Heavenly Father works within the culture or language that the people can understand. This hit me really strongly one day while I was listening ot the soundtrack of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat...I thought wow, everyone was having dreams and respecting Joseph's interpretation of them.

If Pres. Monson told us in Conference that he dreamed a dream, we would accept it of course, but it would be unusual. It wasn't though for the people of Joseph's time and the Lord used it to fulfill his purposes.

Perhaps the Lord gives the people in that church what they will understand/accept to help them? Some might say Satan did that, but I don't think Satan wants people to go to church. I could be wrong. Who knows?

I got your point, but it was a general gathering, it's not just from one church, I would have went there too if I had been in Taiwan. There were popular singers and actors there too. It was really general. I don't think it's Satan of course, because it was really a good sermon. I was just really shocked by the scene. :o Everyone that was touched by the pastor fell on the floor! hehe And I never heard anyone from Taiwan in our church had this kind of experience with the HG.

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Yes, "being slain by the spirit" as some call this is possible, however I don't believe being overwhelmed by the spirit is accomplished in this manner.

In the Book of Mormon we read about two people specifically who were overwhelmed by the spirit that it caused them to faint -- one individual was so much overwhelmed that people thought he was dead.

Thus, we have evidence that the spirit is able to consume the body, and that the body experiences such joy or an awakening, that their personal frame is unable to handle the experience and they faint.

I do not believe that this type of experience, as seen on TV, is driven by God.

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As a young boy i attended an Assemblies of God church and there were many such occurrences like the one described. Lot's of shouting and speaking in tongues and people standing and interpreting the one speaking in tongues. Laughing hysterically, running up and down the aisles....quite a show. I was told that the Holy Spirit lived within me when I accepted Christ as my Savior....I didn't feel any different.

I do not know if the people acting in this manner were faking, possessed or just filled with a kind or religious fervor that was expected by the congregants. I do not believe it was from God. I know that Satan offers counterfeit experiences designed to deceive.

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I just watched a sermon that was held in Taiwan, it was a general christian gathering, from all different christian churches.

The sermon was great, the pastor seems so passionate, and really devoted to the Lord.

Then, at the end, there was something strange to me. People came to him, and as the pastor touched them, they all fell to the floor, and it was explained that they were touched by the Holy Spirit.

I'm just curious, is it really possible? seriously? I don't know any LDS that was knocked off by the HG like that:p To me, when I feel the HG, it's always calm and peaceful and lovingl, I love it, I don't think I'd fall to the floor with this feeling.

Does anyone know? I'm sure the pastor was good, he seriously preached for Jesus. This is what I like most from his sermon. "to feel the power of God, it not only depends on how much faith you have, but also how much you are willing to surrender to Him."

Well, does anyone know about Holy Spirit knocking off people??:huh:

No, I don't believe for the smallest moment that the Holy Ghost takes this modus operandi.

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Good evening Faith_Grace. I hope you are doing well! :)

I just watched a sermon that was held in Taiwan, it was a general christian gathering, from all different christian churches.

The sermon was great, the pastor seems so passionate, and really devoted to the Lord.

Then, at the end, there was something strange to me. People came to him, and as the pastor touched them, they all fell to the floor, and it was explained that they were touched by the Holy Spirit.

I'm just curious, is it really possible? seriously? I don't know any LDS that was knocked off by the HG like that:p To me, when I feel the HG, it's always calm and peaceful and lovingl, I love it, I don't think I'd fall to the floor with this feeling.

Does anyone know? I'm sure the pastor was good, he seriously preached for Jesus. This is what I like most from his sermon. "to feel the power of God, it not only depends on how much faith you have, but also how much you are willing to surrender to Him."

Well, does anyone know about Holy Spirit knocking off people??:huh:

I can think of at least one example in the scripture that is similar. Nephi briefly describes some experiences he has had with the Spirit in 2 Nephi 4:

"21 He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh (2 Nephi:Emphasis added)."

What did Nephi mean by that? What would happen to our bodies if we were filled with God's love even unto the consuming of our flesh?

In this example, this is a little different. Here Moses is filled with the Spirit for a period of time, and then afterwards he collapses:

" 9 And the presence of God withdrew from Moses, that his glory was not upon Moses; and Moses was left unto himself. And as he was left unto himself, he fell unto the earth.

10 And it came to pass that it was for the space of many hours before Moses did again receive his natural strength like unto man; and he said unto himself: Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed (Moses 1)"

I'm not saying that what you witnessed was a true manifestation of the Spirit, but what I am saying is that perhaps what you are witnesses is an imitation of something true.



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Alma 29:8 tells us that the Lord reveals himself and his gospel to every people, to the extent they are ready to receive it. What these people experience could be from the Lord, as it is the experience they seek from Him. However, it is not the form in which they can gain truth and revelation via the Holy Ghost. It sustains the level of faith they have, but no more.

For this reason, they do not receive more. They are happy with the level of light and truth they receive.

Comparing the experience they have with the Spirit with the LDS experience is like comparing a breakfast of donuts to a full and healthy meal. They are filling their bellies with things that are sweet to them, but it does not compare to the nourishment found in a real and complete meal. (Do you think Michelle Obama would applaud me for using this metaphor?).

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I just watched a sermon that was held in Taiwan, it was a general christian gathering, from all different christian churches.

The sermon was great, the pastor seems so passionate, and really devoted to the Lord.

Then, at the end, there was something strange to me. People came to him, and as the pastor touched them, they all fell to the floor, and it was explained that they were touched by the Holy Spirit.

I'm just curious, is it really possible? seriously? I don't know any LDS that was knocked off by the HG like that:p To me, when I feel the HG, it's always calm and peaceful and lovingl, I love it, I don't think I'd fall to the floor with this feeling.

Does anyone know? I'm sure the pastor was good, he seriously preached for Jesus. This is what I like most from his sermon. "to feel the power of God, it not only depends on how much faith you have, but also how much you are willing to surrender to Him."

Well, does anyone know about Holy Spirit knocking off people??:huh:

I have never understood this and I am not Lds. People in denominations that practice this seem to love the Lord, but this practice is unusual. In my opinion (take it or leave it) it isn't Biblical for a few reasons.

1. Throughout the Bible we see God as being a lover of things being done in order- not confusion. This "falling out" certainly doesn't seem orderly.

2. The Bible frequently speaks of self control. This doesn't appear that when "falling out" a person is in control of their emotions.

3. I don't think the indwelling of the Spirit is an emotional reaction. I believe it is manifest by obedience and submission to the will of God, not by the display of sign-gifts.

4. Groups that practice this also practice speaking in tongues (not as the LDS believe in speaking in tongues) They speak what appears to be gibberish. In Acts, at Pentecost, when the believers were speaking in tongues each person heard the speaking in their own language- not gibberish. God revealed to Paul that speaking in tongues was to be orderly- in a real language, one person at a time, an only when someone could interpret for them.

I don't know what is happening when people do this. Perhaps they have been conditioned to do this. Perhaps a few people started it and others followed so they would appear to be holy- an Emperor's New Clothes type of thing. Maybe it is Satanic, as Satan is a deceiver and will tell 99 truths to get someone to believe one lie. Anyway, this is my opinion.

I generally don't like TV preachers. There are a couple good ones, but many are suspect. Always compare what they say and how they act with the Bible.

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May I offer a scripture, Moroni 10: 8-20 ( 1908 edition)

I would love to hear your opinion about this scripture. :)

Do you think it's the Holy Spirit that got into the people that they would even fall, and they could unconsciously "speaking tongues"? Do you think it's the gift God gave them?

I remembered this scripture, that's why I was so curious to know if it's really the Spirit.

To me, when I was watching it, I didn't feel the same purity as I felt while watching the General Conference. But I definitely love the sermon, and their zeal and passion towards Jesus. I even got some "aha" moment. It just bothered me a lot at the end to see everyone fell...as they "received" the Spirit.

Edited by Faith_Grace
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I have never understood this and I am not Lds. People in denominations that practice this seem to love the Lord, but this practice is unusual. In my opinion (take it or leave it) it isn't Biblical for a few reasons.

1. Throughout the Bible we see God as being a lover of things being done in order- not confusion. This "falling out" certainly doesn't seem orderly.

2. The Bible frequently speaks of self control. This doesn't appear that when "falling out" a person is in control of their emotions.

3. I don't think the indwelling of the Spirit is an emotional reaction. I believe it is manifest by obedience and submission to the will of God, not by the display of sign-gifts.

4. Groups that practice this also practice speaking in tongues (not as the LDS believe in speaking in tongues) They speak what appears to be gibberish. In Acts, at Pentecost, when the believers were speaking in tongues each person heard the speaking in their own language- not gibberish. God revealed to Paul that speaking in tongues was to be orderly- in a real language, one person at a time, an only when someone could interpret for them.

I don't know what is happening when people do this. Perhaps they have been conditioned to do this. Perhaps a few people started it and others followed so they would appear to be holy- an Emperor's New Clothes type of thing. Maybe it is Satanic, as Satan is a deceiver and will tell 99 truths to get someone to believe one lie. Anyway, this is my opinion.

I generally don't like TV preachers. There are a couple good ones, but many are suspect. Always compare what they say and how they act with the Bible.


Thank you very much for your neat and well organized reply! I love it. It makes sense!

I generally don't like TV preachers neither, but this one was quite special.

He was the one that practiced some "dark" mental power, that when he fight with others, he doesn't feel any pain. And he heard voices telling him to steal, and to do whatever that was bad. He hated himself, hated all people, and he actually planned suicide.

Then, he said, in the interview, because of what he practiced, he could not understand Bible at all, not at all. (his mom was a believer). He one day was so angry, that he teared the Bible and stepped on it, spitted on it, and cursed God. He then felt someone hit him, physically, though he was alone in his room, and he fell, and he felt his heart beating really slow, like dying, then he heard someone saying "Forgive him, I forgive him." That's the first time, he witnessed Jesus. He went on with his experiences in the interview, it was just fascinating, that's why I searched to see what he'd been preaching. And then I saw this sermon, I love it, but the end just shocked me!

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The early LDS Church also had to deal with its fair share of "holy rollers". In fact, it was because of phenomena like these that Joseph Smith received the revelation that is now D&C Section 50.

I certainly read this scripture, but I've never noticed the reason it was given! Thank you very much!

together with the scripture Moroni 10, it explains everything about HG perfectly then, I think. :)

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Comparing the experience they have with the Spirit with the LDS experience is like comparing a breakfast of donuts to a full and healthy meal. They are filling their bellies with things that are sweet to them, but it does not compare to the nourishment found in a real and complete meal. (Do you think Michelle Obama would applaud me for using this metaphor?).

"Comparing the experience they have with the Spirit with the LDS experience is like comparing a breakfast of donuts to a full and healthy meal. They are filling their bellies with things that are sweet to them, but it does not compare to the nourishment found in a real and complete meal. "

I love this!!:bouncingclap:

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