Green Tea


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Green tea is the same type of leaf (plant) as black tea (regular -- ?) and has the same substances in it; only it has been processed a lot less, ergo it is the same type of tea we are not to drink. I think that it can be said that the caffiene content is not the be- all and end- all of a Word of Wisdom question. We may not really know exactly what the Lord had in mind in giving the health directives. Personally, I would never drink green tea as I feel that it is against the Word of Wisdom. Marijuana has health benefits, as well. Shall we have that conversation, lol?

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Grow your own mint plants, then brew up a pot of fresh herbal infusion. Nothing is better than fresh mint leaves brewed for 3 minutes in a pot of boiling hot water. Chop up some leaves and toss in with your next garden greens salad! Mince them up and top off your vanilla icecream with chocolate syrup!

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When we were living in Japan, we were served tea a lot. There were some kinds that were OK and others that were not. Since neither my husband nor I were interested in drinking it anyway, we didn't pay much attention, but I know the missionaries in the area could drink certain of the teas served in Japanese homes - kinda awkward when you're in someone's home and they serve you a drink you can't have, I imagine.

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It has 2 X as much caffeine, it will keep you up

I have to respectfully disagree with you, Winnie. Green tea has about 1/4 the caffeine of black (regular) tea... 15 mg vs 60mg. (Decaf coffee has 3 - 4, and Coke has 34, regular coffee around 100, for comparison.) So it's really quite a small amount of caffeine. I keep intending to drink it once a day for health reasons, but am not doing so well because I'm not crazy about the taste.

I keep on top of all this, as I limit my caffeine intake to 2 drinks a day.

The component in green tea that makes it so healthy is EGCG. You know the polyphenol, resveratrol, in red wine that is so good for your heart? EGCG is twice as powerful as that. Many believe this is why heart disease is so rare in Japan, even though 75% of men smoke.

Green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells and kills cancer cells without harming healthy cells.

Other health benefits include lowering LDL cholesterol, inhibits abnormal formation of blood clots, prevents stroke, people who drink green tea burn more calories (even when compared with those given just caffeine), prevents tooth decay, rheumatoid arthritis, infection, and impaired immune function.

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Shan the things you say about green tea sound pretty good. :)

We have been told that the Lord provided us everything we need to be healthy here on earth and the knowledge about the chemicals in modern medicine didn't come till later.

Yes, I'm starting to get more into natural medicine and trying to be aware of what's out there without getting fanatical about it. Green tea, I believe, is one of those natural miracles.

However, I also totally appreciate our latest medical technologies... and I know you do too! I guess I see the natural stuff like green tea as a possible preventative so that I hopefully won't need the 'medical marvels'. But if me or someone in my family need them one day, I will be so grateful they exist.

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Oh yeah, me too about the chemical medicines we have today. I think that is why we live longer with things like heart disease. But then I think of people generations ago who ate less chemicals in their food, and worked harder...

The image that I had in mind when I read some of the posts is an elderly person drinking their green tea in China. :)

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And what about the old-timers around my area in the South who ate biscuits, gravy, bacon, eggs everyday before they went out and worked round the clock? Maybe I should buy a farm so I can eat like that! It's all about the exercise. Unfortunately, many of us work at a desk all day. I have a measely envelope of instant oatmeal for breakfast each day and gain weight!

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...I keep intending to drink it once a day for health reasons, but am not doing so well because I'm not crazy about the taste.

shanstress, if you want to give it a try, visit an asian restaurant for some dim sum; they usually serve a pot of green tea with your meal. My family and I go out for dim sum often enough and can go through 2 pots. It's the perfect drink with the meal. :)


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...I keep intending to drink it once a day for health reasons, but am not doing so well because I'm not crazy about the taste.

shanstress, if you want to give it a try, visit an asian restaurant for some dim sum; they usually serve a pot of green tea with your meal. My family and I go out for dim sum often enough and can go through 2 pots. It's the perfect drink with the meal. :)


Thanks Maureen. We have a restaurant here called Kanki - it's a typical Americanized Japanese steak house - AND my favorite type of food! They serve it that way too.

I just had a cup of Celestial Seasonings green tea that is part of our gourmet hot drink station at the office. It's the first time I've tried that brand and it was really quite good. I'm going to replace my afternoon cup of coffee with it from now on.

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I have been reading a lot about the good facts of green tea. What I am wondering is, is green tea against the word of wisdom? We use some herbal teas when we're sick but I don't know if green goes in the ok column or the bad column.


Hello, green tea has been proven to be of benifit and we have been told herbs can be used medicinally. Even coffee was used as a medicine in the past. At one point it was the only medicine known to stop an asthma attack and could save a child not able to breathe when there was nothing else to use. Tea is a natural diuretic and was used to combat edema and lung congestion from too much fluid when it was the only substance known to work. A wet tea bag on a toothache could stop tooth pain. When I asked a stake president about the use of herbals, teas and medications in relationship to to word of wisdom. I was told that all things are for mans good and thier use for medicinal value would not be against the word of wisdom. It continous use for recreational enjoyment that is the issue. "The intent of the heart" is a big one hear. Just as a prescribed narcotic is acceptable for short term use after surgery is not wrong while buying the same medication on the street for use at a party would be against the word of wisdom. With herbal teas especially green teas read the label or go to celestial Most herbal teas do not contain tea at all. Some green teas contain mixes of green and black teas and are have caf. True green teas are pure green tea and maybe mixes of spices and herbals with no caf. Many herbal teas have tea added to them so you have to read the box to be sure. The definition of a tea is an infusion. An infusion is not against the word of wisdom. But use of coffee and tea as drinks, not medication is and should be not just caffiene but the nic. acids in them and by products they create are not good for us and taken on reg. basis are unhealthy. Take a look at the full Word of Wisdom as well. Note the reference to grains. There are grain beverages that are very good and healthy and use of grains reduces use of meats and we are told that that is best for man by his creator. Heavenly Father knows best. :)

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Some green teas contain mixes of green and black teas and are have caf. True green teas are pure green tea and maybe mixes of spices and herbals with no caf.

Not true... pure green tea has naturally occurring caffeine... just not as much as black tea. Any green tea that has no caffeine has been through the decaffeinating process.
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  • 7 months later...

Your logic is flawed.

Green tea is the tea leaf in unfermented form.

Here is the appropriate logic given the processes involved in making black tea:

Green tea is to black tea as grape juice is to wine.

If you accept this to be true, and I leave it to you to make that decision, you may decide that you can drink green tea afterall.

Green tea is the same type of leaf (plant) as black tea (regular -- ?) and has the same substances in it; only it has been processed a lot less, ergo it is the same type of tea we are not to drink. I think that it can be said that the caffiene content is not the be- all and end- all of a Word of Wisdom question. We may not really know exactly what the Lord had in mind in giving the health directives. Personally, I would never drink green tea as I feel that it is against the Word of Wisdom. Marijuana has health benefits, as well. Shall we have that conversation, lol?

One more post on this subject:

Here is what Brigham Young has said on two different occassions regarding tea and green tea:

Remarks by President Brigham Young,

The Word of Wisdom

Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, April 7th, 1867.

[Reported by David W. Evans.]

As found in the Journal of Discourses, Vol 12.

Now, there is no harm in a teapot, even if it contains tea, if it is let alone; and I say of a truth that where a person is diseased, say, for instance, with canker, there is no better medicine than green tea, and where it is thus used it should be drank sparingly. Instead of drinking thirteen or fourteen cups every morning, noon, and night, there should not be any used. You may think I am speaking extravagantly, but I remember a tea-drinking match once in which fourteen cups a-piece were drank, so you see it can be done. But top drink half a dozen or even three or four cups of strong tea is hurtful. It injures and impairs the system, benumbs the faculties of the stomach, and affects the blood, and is deleterious in its nature. If a person is weary, worn out, cast down, fainting, or dying, a brandy sling, a little wine, or a cup of tea is good to revive them. Do not throw these things away, and say they must never be used; they are good to be used with judgment, prudence, and discretion. Ask our Bishops if they drink tea every day, and in most cases they will tell you they do if they can get it. They take it when they do not need it and when it injures them. I want to say to the Elders in Israel, this is not our privilege. We have a great many privileges, but to indulge in liquor or other things to our own injury is not one of them. We have the right to live, labor, build our houses, make our farms, raise our cattle and horses, buy our carriages, marry our wives, raise and school our children, and then we have the right to set before them an example worthy of imitation, but we have not the right to throw sin in their path or to lead them to destruction.

Discourses of Brigham Young

Chapter XVI

The Word of Wisdom—This Word of Wisdom prohibits the use of hot drinks and tobacco. I have heard it argued that tea and coffee are not mentioned therein; that is very true; but what were the people in the habit of taking as hot drinks when that revelation was given? Tea and coffee. We were not in the habit of drinking water very hot, but tea and coffee—the beverages in common use. And the Lord said hot drinks are not good for the body nor the belly, liquor is not good for the body nor the belly, but for the washing of the body, etc. Tobacco is not good, save for sick cattle, and for bruises and sores, its cleansing properties being then very useful. 13:277.

Granted, this is Brigham Young speaking in the 19th century. We are living in the 21st century. But if you are looking for quotes from presidents, these are the two that exist out there on the subject. I am not suggesting that the answer is yay or nay with respect to the consumption of green tea. I personally think it is between you and the Lord.

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Green tea is out. Same as drinking Lipton. I lived in Japan after my mission as well, and if you drank green tea you didn't get a TR. Oolong tea is the same, in my opinion.

My wife and I made the decision early on that if the tea came from a tea leaf of any kind we wouldn't drink it. In Japan they drank barley tea and other types as well, and those are okay.

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Ok I'm still new to this all, but my understanding was the WoW prohibited all tea? :dontknow:

Reading some of the older posts on this thread, I see some saying that certain herbal teas are ok? :dontknow:

Or is this one of those kinda gray areas where certain people don't do it for personal feeling relating to other doctrines but there is no official doctrine against it. Kinda like cola drinks, or am I completely missing something here?

I'm confused now :blink:

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