Attn converts!


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Hello converts!

Just reaching out in hoping anyone else felt the way I do.

I feel HORRIBLE for my life before LDS, it's like I can't shake the guilt of everything I have done (whilst not knowing what I was doing was so wrong). It just makes me want to cry, from the big things like sex before marriage to the small things such as the fact I'm sitting here DYING for a cup of coffee and the realisation as to why LDS do not drink it. IT REALLY IS ADDICTIVE. I'm so disgusted in myself that I was unaware of this and that it was this bad. Today was the day I decided to only drink water (I know LDS drink other things haha but I want to be healthy and everything has SUGAR! - just a personal choice)

I'm trying to not give in & I'm getting just so discouraged by it all.

It's such a life changing thing to join LDS and so hard to give up everything you're so used to doing and being oblivious to it all! If you were brought up LDS your whole life and reading this - please know how lucky and blessed you are to have always known the true church of jesus christ.

anyway this is just a bit of a rant.

I'm basically just feeling discouraged like it's too hard. I don't want to be judged my first day at church, I regret so much in my life now, I even feel slightly as though I'm not good enough to be LDS. I question if I can do this, but I know I have to because it's what i believe to be true. isn't it funny how my family and friends are so misinformed about who mormons are and what they believe. I've been judged by them most! I have been ridiculed for my choice and yet I'm more worried about being looked down on by other church members.

Did any other converts go through trials joining the church? What were they & how did you over come them? If you were made fun of - how did you deal with it? (HAHA WOULD APPRECIATE ANY ADVICE MY FELLOW "CULT" MEMBERS) MUAHAHA!! hahaha!

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Probably not much of a comfort, but I was raised LDS and I'm grateful for the blessings of having the gospel at that time.

I can tell you I didn't appreciate it much when I was younger. All my friends got to do fun know party, get ripped, sleep with girls..haha Waking up at 4 in the morning everyday for seminary wasn't much fun either.

But I do appreciate it now, I appreciate it very much.

I just want you know that members are not perfect. When I sin (we all do) there are times I don't feel like being in church, that I feel like everyone is judging me. Everybody has struggles, most people put on a brave face (their best face) for church. As an example my wife had to call her parents Relief Society president in tears because they are good Mormons and putting on a perfect face, when they are really struggling, her father is dying and her mom is struggling post-op and when asked they say everything is fine and refuse help so you almost have to force it on them.

Anyway I wish you the best, please forgive yourself for your past and future mistakes. If someone who is perfect can (Heavenly Father) then certainly you should.

Now I'm going to go back to worshiping my picture of Joseph

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I'm sure you didn't mean it this way, but there are some of us who object strongly to using the word "cult" in relation to our beliefs and testimony. I am not a cult member unless you want to use the literal meaning of the word--which then puts any of us in a religion, or club, or PTA or whatever into the realm of "cult."

I converted at the age of 19. I've had my own share of struggles through the years of my membership. Trials and temptations will never go away for the convert or the born in the covenant person--anyone who tells you that is flat out lying to you. The key, though, is to remember your covenants, your solemn promises, your testimony and your faith. It is only by relying on God that I can resist the temptation to go back to some of my habits prior to baptism. Do those things that bring the Spirit into your life more fully and you will find ease to your burdens.

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Good Morning beefche! I hope you are doing well. :)

I'm sure you didn't mean it this way, but there are some of us who object strongly to using the word "cult" in relation to our beliefs and testimony. I am not a cult member unless you want to use the literal meaning of the word--which then puts any of us in a religion, or club, or PTA or whatever into the realm of "cult."

I believe that was sarcasm. She had just mentioned that her family is being very critical of her decision to join the Church and she was looking forward to speaking with fellow "cult" members ;). My guess is that her family is telling her that we are cult members.



Edited by Finrock
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Good Morning beefche! I hope you are doing well. :)

I believe that was sarcasm. He had just mentioned that his family is being very critical of his decision to join the Church and he was looking forward to speaking with fellow "cult" members ;). My guess is that his family is telling him that we are cult members.



If you read the very first part of my first sentence, I note that he didn't mean too much by it. However, I wanted to point out that calling Mormons "cult" isn't very nice in case he decided to do so again or even call someone in his ward a cult member.

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Good Morning beefche! I hope you are doing well. :)

I believe that was sarcasm. He had just mentioned that his family is being very critical of his decision to join the Church and he was looking forward to speaking with fellow "cult" members ;). My guess is that his family is telling him that we are cult members.



He is a She actually

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I think its hard for all of us. Even "born in the covenant" members struggle with WoW issues and make mistakes, even sin.

Once we go through the repentance process then its up to us to forgive ourselves.

I struggle with an addition to Diet Coke/Pepsi. I just called it Diet Caffeine now. LOL I stopped drinking it completely until about 4 years ago when my son got custody of his son and moved home. I'm co-parenting with him and its really rough chasing a baby, then toddler, now 5 year old at my age and with no energy and health issues. I can't make it through the day without a nap and if I try to stop drinking the diet caffeine I crash. I haven't figured out how to raise a child at my age without the caffeine boost. :(

While I would prefer to get this out of my life, I also refuse to beat myself up for the problem. The Lord knows the intent of my heart and I'm sure eventually, with His help, I'll be able to be done with it.

I wish you all the best. Make the desires and feelings of guilt part of your prayers. With Christ all righteous desires are possible.

I wish you all the best.

P.S. The word cult is a bit touchy among some LDS, as you can see. I got right away you were using the word in jest. I can only imagine how hearing it from family members who don't agree with your choice of religion make you feel when they use that word. I hope that as you move forward in your faith and life, that your family will become more accepting as they see the positive changes you're making.

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If you read the very first part of my first sentence, I note that he didn't mean too much by it. However, I wanted to point out that calling Mormons "cult" isn't very nice in case he decided to do so again or even call someone in his ward a cult member.

I am pointing out that if it was sarcasm then she didn't actually call the LDS Church a cult. She was, in fact, saying the opposite; that the Church is NOT a cult. :)



Edited by Finrock
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Hello converts!

Just reaching out in hoping anyone else felt the way I do.

I feel HORRIBLE for my life before LDS, it's like I can't shake the guilt of everything I have done (whilst not knowing what I was doing was so wrong). It just makes me want to cry, from the big things like sex before marriage to the small things such as the fact I'm sitting here DYING for a cup of coffee and the realisation as to why LDS do not drink it. IT REALLY IS ADDICTIVE. I'm so disgusted in myself that I was unaware of this and that it was this bad. Today was the day I decided to only drink water (I know LDS drink other things haha but I want to be healthy and everything has SUGAR! - just a personal choice)

I'm trying to not give in & I'm getting just so discouraged by it all.

It's such a life changing thing to join LDS and so hard to give up everything you're so used to doing and being oblivious to it all! If you were brought up LDS your whole life and reading this - please know how lucky and blessed you are to have always known the true church of jesus christ.

anyway this is just a bit of a rant.

I'm basically just feeling discouraged like it's too hard. I don't want to be judged my first day at church, I regret so much in my life now, I even feel slightly as though I'm not good enough to be LDS. I question if I can do this, but I know I have to because it's what i believe to be true. isn't it funny how my family and friends are so misinformed about who mormons are and what they believe. I've been judged by them most! I have been ridiculed for my choice and yet I'm more worried about being looked down on by other church members.

Did any other converts go through trials joining the church? What were they & how did you over come them? If you were made fun of - how did you deal with it? (HAHA WOULD APPRECIATE ANY ADVICE MY FELLOW "CULT" MEMBERS) MUAHAHA!! hahaha!

I am a convert and my life before joining the Church was far from perfect. I am actually grateful to be a convert. I know what it is like to be without the Church and I think for me, it makes me value having the Gospel so much more. I look back now at those days and I don't feel shame, I just rejoice in what I have now, and not the emptiness that was then. I'm a believer that when we make mistakes, learn the lesson. That's how we grow. So instead of feeling guilt, look at the lessons and what kind of person you are now because of them.

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Stay strong, sister. You are loved and valued in the Church. We know change is difficult; even lifelong members have to make some painful changes sometimes. Don't give up. Stick with us. ("Us" as Church members, not necessarily "us" as people who post on

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Hello converts!

Just reaching out in hoping anyone else felt the way I do.

I feel HORRIBLE for my life before LDS, it's like I can't shake the guilt of everything I have done (whilst not knowing what I was doing was so wrong). It just makes me want to cry, from the big things like sex before marriage to the small things such as the fact I'm sitting here DYING for a cup of coffee and the realisation as to why LDS do not drink it. IT REALLY IS ADDICTIVE. I'm so disgusted in myself that I was unaware of this and that it was this bad. Today was the day I decided to only drink water (I know LDS drink other things haha but I want to be healthy and everything has SUGAR! - just a personal choice)

I was born with my parents being members of the church, but neither of my parents have been or were particularly active in the Church. However, I have been and was influenced greatly by the Church growing up. I am grateful for that.

I have also made many, many, mistakes. Some horrible mistakes and sins. Others not so horrible but still sins. I have a hard time forgiving myself too and all I can say is that hang on to what you know is true even when you don't feel it.

There are times when I've had to just hang on with my intellectual nails through the storms of life because my heart has failed me. What I'm trying to say is that even if you might feel like the path is hopeless and that it is easier to give up and you don't feel that spiritual power lifting you up, even in those times, just hang on and keep plugging away at living the gospel.

Relief will come. Hope will come. God loves you and He wants you to be happy. He is there even when we think that He is not. And don't use other members to judge your life or yourself by. Use the scriptures and the words of the prophets as a standard by which you judge yourself. Don't believe the lies of Satan who would have you to believe false and destructive things about yourself.



Edited by Finrock
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I am pointing out that if it was sarcasm then she didn't actually call the LDS Church a cult. She was, in fact, saying the opposite; that the Church is NOT a cult. :)



And what I'm saying is that sarcasm is not always understood--written or verbal. Calling Mormons a cult is not going to go over well if the sarcasm is lost. I meant it as a gentle warning that unless she knows her audience well, calling someone a cult may be offensive, even if she meant the exact opposite.

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And what I'm saying is that sarcasm is not always understood--written or verbal. Calling Mormons a cult is not going to go over well if the sarcasm is lost. I meant it as a gentle warning that unless she knows her audience well, calling someone a cult may be offensive, even if she meant the exact opposite.

Anyone who fails to see how "HAHA" and "FELLOW" and "MUAHAHA" and "hahaah!" as anything other then humor and an attempt at feeling some kind of camaraderie does not belong on an advice forum.

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Anyone who fails to see how "HAHA" and "FELLOW" and "MUAHAHA" and "hahaah!" as anything other then humor and an attempt at feeling some kind of camaraderie does not belong on an advice forum.

Tripple thanks Windseeker! If I could hit the button ten times I would.

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Anyone who fails to see how "HAHA" and "FELLOW" and "MUAHAHA" and "hahaah!" as anything other then humor and an attempt at feeling some kind of camaraderie does not belong on an advice forum.

Ok, I'll stay out of the advice forum and allow people to offend others at will. Especially, if they VERBALLY use that word with a Mormon.

Thanks. It's nice to know that my sincere effort to help a convert is so appreciated.

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Ok, I'll stay out of the advice forum and allow people to offend others at will. Especially, if they VERBALLY use that word with a Mormon.

Thanks. It's nice to know that my sincere effort to help a convert is so appreciated.

Seriously? I really wonder how many members get offended over the use of the word cult? Maybe I am a wierdo, because I could not care less. If anything it opens up a good discussion if someone uses it and means it.

Raise of hands.... who is offended?

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