Dating, virginity and parenting


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My thoughts for this post are the result of the Kate Hunt "statutory rape" case, coming out of Sebastion, FL. However, my thoughts are broader. I grieve for our culture. Some of the arguments put forth:

1. If the parents of the 14-year old knew the girls (again 18 & 14) were dating (i.e. they hung out together), then it's their fault for letting them do so. The implication seems to be that "hanging out together" = dating, and dating = sex.

2. The parents of the victim should just accept their 14-year old as a lesbian, love her, and leave the older "child" alone. Yeah, except there are some studies showing that at 14 as many as 30% say they do not know for sure what their sexual orientation is. Makes sense since less than 10% have had sex. By 18 the uncertainty is less than 5%, and those who've lost their virginity are well above the 50% mark.

Adolescent sexuality

3. The victim's parents must be mean and disconnected because they did not know what was going on--so they should handle their own guilt, rather than take it out on the innocent 18-year old. I note that most arguing that line are mid-teens. How ironic that they want to protect an 18-year old who chooses a bathroom stall for a romantic randevuous--calling her detractors judgmental--and yet, these same folks are willing to condemn the parenting of people they have never met.

4. Many "free Kate" supporters, and many in the LBGTQ commnity, seem to be calling for an abolition of statutory rape laws. At minimum, they want these cases reduced to misdemeanors. As a parent, I want the government to help me protect my child--including her virginity. We can argue about limited government on other strings, but would not even Libertarians agree that minimal government still must protect the weaker and more defenseless?

A culture that assumes hanging out together leads to sex, that values the perspective of adults willing to experiment with their sexual orientation on very young adolescents over the views of that child's parents--and one that seems bent on pushing downward the protections against child molestation (younger ages and reduced penalties)...all of these things grieve me. I suspect they grieve our Lord as well.

Edited by prisonchaplain
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I'm not disagreeing with your post but think we need to ensure that we as followers of Jesus highlight that we advocate purity for both boys and girls. I understand that you said "her" as that reflects your situation but in the past it has often appeared that people emphasized girls more than boys.

Abstinence before and fidelety within marriage for both sexes.

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An 18 year old is an adult. They should know better than to try to have sexual relations with someone who is under the age of 18.

A part of our society will degenerate more and more because they continue to reject God and His commandments that keep a society together.

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An 18 year old is an adult. They should know better than to try to have sexual relations with someone who is under the age of 18.

What's the difference between someone who is 17 years and 364 days old, and someone who is 18 years and 1 day old?

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What's the difference between someone who is 17 years and 364 days old, and someone who is 18 years and 1 day old?

2 days.

What is the age difference between someone who is 20 years and 364 days old, and someone who is 21 years and 1 day old who legally is able to buy alcohol?

2 days and the law.

What is the difference between someone who is 15 years and 364 days old, and someone who is 16 years and 1 day old who legally is able to drive?

2 days and the law.

What is the difference between someone who is 11 years and 364 days old, and someone who is 12 years and 1 day old who is able to receive the priesthood - office of deacon?

2 days and the law (policy, guidelines, practice...whatever).

What is the difference between Patrick Stewart, 70's, and his wife to be 35?

Love is blind... :huh:

Yes, yes, you don't have to say it Wingnut...I'm :cool:


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What's the difference between someone who is 17 years and 364 days old, and someone who is 18 years and 1 day old?

Legally being able to work, participate in contracts, vote, marry, give sexual consent, and join the military.

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I'm just wondering what it is about those two days that makes them suddenly magically able to "know better." A stupid teenager is still a stupid teenager.

I think a wise man once said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

The law. That is the difference. What is the difference between 365 days of a "young adult" who is 21 -- able to drink -- and 20 year old "young adult" who isn't able to drink, but is more wise than his counterpart who is able to drink? The law.

As JAG shared, the "slow" teenager still needs to obey the law. Stupid is not an excuse to break the law, otherwise many other people would claim stupid to get off scot free.

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I think a wise man once said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

The law. That is the difference. What is the difference between 365 days of a "young adult" who is 21 -- able to drink -- and 20 year old "young adult" who isn't able to drink, but is more wise than his counterpart who is able to drink? The law.

As JAG shared, the "slow" teenager still needs to obey the law. Stupid is not an excuse to break the law, otherwise many other people would claim stupid to get off scot free.

The Law is the difference... However in all the counter examples related to Law the addition of two days makes things that were not Legal before to be Legal now. An expanding of privileges.

So far this is the only example of were something that was Legal (not necessary moral or right) becomes illegal with just the passage of time. Thus the just turned 18 year old without doing anything different is suddenly a criminal. Kind of like the difference between Innocent until Proven Guilty and Guilty until Proven Innocent... You think they are a simple mirror image of each other but the impact is huge.

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I'm just wondering what it is about those two days that makes them suddenly magically able to "know better." A stupid teenager is still a stupid teenager.

And that's always the argument, isn't it? Kate's parents knew this, so they fudged both ways. Our kid was 17, theirs 15. Except that Kate was 18, and the victim 14. Florida law says anyone under 16 cannot consent. So, really, we're talking two years, not two days. Alas, the free kate folk say, mommy didn't lie...We're talking a hundred days--Kate turned 18 in August. Of course, even as a 17 year old, she could have been charged in juvenile court, and still might well have received a penalty harsher than the plea offered by the government.

I understand the argument, but I hate it. Fudge, flex...let's put downward pressure on those protections for our children. 15 or 14 is old enough to consent, but 18 is not old enough to be held responsible. Is that really our bottom line??? I love post modernism. Nothing is black and white. Victims get judged and predators get sympathy--and can market rubber bracelets to celebrate their cause.

Yes, my heart grieves...

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What's the difference between someone who is 17 years and 364 days old, and someone who is 18 years and 1 day old?

Here's the literal answer...the one who is 17 and 364/365th years old:

Anyway, this is what the Florida law says, "An offender less than 18 years of age who commits lewd or lascivious molestation against a victim 12 years of age or older but less than 16 years of age commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084."

Of course that assumes the parents aren't angry, and the prosecutor does not decide to push for the day-less-than-18-year-old to be tried as an adult--a strong possibility.

So far this is the only example of were something that was Legal (not necessary moral or right) becomes illegal with just the passage of time. Thus the just turned 18 year old without doing anything different is suddenly a criminal. Kind of like the difference between Innocent until Proven Guilty and Guilty until Proven Innocent... You think they are a simple mirror image of each other but the impact is huge.

As the above shows, it's not the turning 18 that makes the predator a criminal, it's what guarantees that the charges will bring the possibility of harsher penalties. Even 16 year-olds could be charged for sexually molesting a 14-year old--again, regardless of consent (a legal impossibility).

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Kind of like the difference between Innocent until Proven Guilty and Guilty until Proven Innocent... You think they are a simple mirror image of each other but the impact is huge.

Are you implying "you" as in a general or specifically "you' as in "I, Anddenex, think...."?

If "you" implies solely myself, then you have largely misinterpreted my statement. "I" don't believe "Innocent until Proven Guilty and Guilty until Proven Innocent are "simple mirror image" of each other....but thank you for implying what "you" think "I" believe.

I agree, the difference in these two phrases and the outcome of what happens are not mirror images in the least, and they have a huge impact on the individual. We find evidence constantly of "Guilt until proven Innocent" which isn't good.

I don't agree the argument of expanding and restricting privileges is synonymous with the coined phrase previously mentioned referring to guilt or innocence.

Whether our privileges are expanding, or our privileges are restricting the law is the law...and it can't be avoided; and yes, they have a huge impact on our society and the individual who honor or break it.

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After pondering such things, I'm grateful for the Law in matters such as these. We can argue about maturity and knowledge and whatnot until the cows come home, but I bet any conclusion would be arbitrary. Slapping an age on these things makes life so much simpler. Maybe still not the best, but better than anything else.

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