George Zimmerman Case winding down


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Threats of riots if he is acquitted of a crime he should never have been charged with...but thanks to race hustlers like Reverend Al and a politically motivated special prosecutor and MSNBC...that's what happens. If riots occur and property and lives are lost...should MSNBC and others be held accountable? I think so...I know Zimmerman is suing MSNBC.....and I hope he is a wealthy man as a result.

Ann Coulter made some excellent points in the article below:

This week, instead of attacking a Hispanic senator, Marco Rubio, I will defend a Hispanic citizen, George Zimmerman, on trial for the murder of Trayvon Martin. (Zimmerman would make a better senator.)

It's becoming painfully obvious why no charges were brought against Zimmerman in this case -- until Al Sharpton got involved. All the eyewitness accounts, testimony, ballistics and forensics keep backing up Zimmerman. We should send a big, fat bill for the whole thing to Sharpton, courtesy of MSNBC.

With the prosecution's witnesses making the defense's case, the inquisitors' last stand is to claim that, if the races were reversed, the black guy would have been instantly charged with murder. As explained in The New York Times:

"Had Mr. Martin shot and killed Mr. Zimmerman under similar circumstances, black leaders say, the case would have barreled down a different path: Mr. Martin would have been quickly arrested by the Sanford Police Department and charged in the killing, without the benefit of the doubt." (Also, CNN could have dropped the "white" and referred to Zimmerman exclusively as "Hispanic.")

The people who say this are counting on the rest of us being too polite to mention that it is nearly impossible to imagine such a case in a world where half of all murders and a majority of robberies are committed by blacks. To reverse the races with the same set of facts, first, we're going to need a gated, mixed-race community, similar to the Retreat at Twin Lakes, that has recently experienced a rash of robberies by white guys. The only way to do that is to enter "The Twilight Zone."

There were at least eight burglaries in the 14 months before Zimmerman's encounter with Martin. Numerous media accounts admit that "most" of these were committed by black males. I'm waiting to hear about a single crime at Twin Lakes that was not committed by a black male.

Just six months before Zimmerman's encounter with Martin, two men had broken into the home of a neighbor, Olivia Bertalan, while she was alone with her infant son. She had just enough time to call 911 before running upstairs and locking herself in a room. The burglars knew she was home, but proceeded to rob the place anyway, even trying to enter the locked room where she held her crying child.

Bertalan had seen the burglars just before they broke into her house -- one at the front door and one at the back. They were young black males. They lived in the Retreat by Twin Lakes.

In another case, a black teenager strode up to Zimmerman's house and, in broad daylight, stole a bicycle off the front porch. The bike was never recovered.

Weeks before Zimmerman saw Martin, he witnessed another young black male peering into the window of a neighbor's house. He called the cops, but by the time they arrived, the suspect was gone.

A few days later, another house was burglarized. The thieves made off with jewelry and a new laptop. Roofers working across the street had seen two black teenagers near the house at the time of the robbery. When they spotted one of the teens the next day, they called the police.

This time, the roofers followed the suspect so he wouldn't get away. The cops arrived and found the stolen laptop in his backpack. This was the same black teenager Zimmerman had seen looking in a neighbor's window.

The only reason it's hard to imagine the Zimmerman case with the races reversed is that it's hard to imagine a white teenager living in a mixed-race, middle-class community, mugging a black homeowner. This is not a problem of society's reactions, but of the facts.

There is, however, at least one case of a black homeowner fatally shooting a white troublemaker. He was not charged with murder.

In 2006, the ironically named John White was sound asleep at his nice Long Island home when his teenage son woke him to say there was a mob of white kids shouting epithets in front of the house. The family was in no imminent danger. They could have called 911 and remained safely behind locked doors.

But White grabbed a loaded Beretta and headed out to the end of the driveway to confront the mob. A scuffle ensued and White ended up shooting one of the kids in the face, killing him.

White was charged and convicted only of illegal weapons possession -- this was New York, after all -- and involuntary manslaughter. He was sentenced to 20 months-to-four years in prison, but after serving five months was pardoned by Gov. David Paterson.

With all due compassion for the kid who was killed, the public was overwhelmingly on the father's side -- a fact still evident in Internet postings about the case. The kids were punks menacing a law-abiding homeowner. Even the prosecutor complained only that Paterson hadn't called the victim's family first. The local NAACP had campaigned aggressively on White's behalf. There were no threats to riot in case of an acquittal.

The centerpiece of White's self-defense argument was his recollection of his grandfather's stories about the Ku Klux Klan. George Zimmerman's memory of young black males committing crimes at Twin Lakes is somewhat more recent.

John White wasn't jumped, knocked to the ground, repeatedly punched, and his skull knocked against the ground. He wasn't even touched, though he claimed the white teen was lunging at him. Talk about no reason to "follow," there was no reason for him to leave the safety of his locked home. White's son knew the kids by name. They could have waited for the cops.

So, yes, this case probably would be very different if Zimmerman and Martin's races were reversed. It is only when the victim is black that we must have a show trial, a million-dollar reward paid to the victim's parents and the threat of riots.

Edited by bytor2112
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Amazing at how brazenly racist and hypocritical the media is. Calling him a "White" hispanic. How come I've never heard the president refered to as a "White" black.

I hope that America wakes up turns on the modern slave owners who rule this country thru propaganda, division and fear.

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Amazing at how brazenly racist and hypocritical the media is. Calling him a "White" hispanic. How come I've never heard the president refered to as a "White" black.

I hope that America wakes up turns on the modern slave owners who rule this country thru propaganda, division and fear.

Although...I have heard of a white ninja named Haru

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On a positive note, early this year while walking home from school my son ran down a black kid who swiped a necklace right off a girls neck in broad day light after he threw her to the ground. My son chased him into a low income apartment complex and was soon surrounded by about 15 black kids who blocked his path so the perp could get away.

He recognized one of them in church a couple weeks ago sitting with the missionaries.

There is hope.

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Amazing at how brazenly racist and hypocritical the media is. Calling him a "White" hispanic. How come I've never heard the president refered to as a "White" black.

I hope that America wakes up turns on the modern slave owners who rule this country thru propaganda, division and fear.

Obama was actually referred to as the "magic negro" by an LA Times columnist and Rush Limbaugh made a song parody to the tune of puff the magic dragon with words from the likes of Reverend Al and of course he was excoriated as a racist...but the LA Times writer got a pass.

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Here's a novel thought...if there is rioting, how about we blame the rioters? Oh, I think MSNBC is horrible--worse than some countries' state-run medias...but adults should be accountable for their actions (sorry...been spending too much time on the Kate Hunt story...)

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Here's a novel thought...if there is rioting, how about we blame the rioters? Oh, I think MSNBC is horrible--worse than some countries' state-run medias...but adults should be accountable for their actions (sorry...been spending too much time on the Kate Hunt story...)

Of course they should be held accountable...but Rev. Al and MSNBC should not be allowed to skate off and look for other opportunities to agitate and poor gas on smoldering embers.

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I'm actually a little more optimistic about the threat of riots. I think part of the Rodney King issue was that the verdict was wholly unexpected.

In this case, I would venture to guess that all this talk of riots has created a subliminal expectation that Zimmerman is going to be acquitted. So I'm cautiously hopeful that the verdict, while unpopular, won't have quite the same impact as the Rodney King verdict did.

Nevertheless: If I lived in Florida, tonight I'd either be stocking up on guns and ammo or planning a trip out of state, posthaste.

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Of course they should be held accountable...but Rev. Al and MSNBC should not be allowed to skate off and look for other opportunities to agitate and poor gas on smoldering embers.

I could track with this if I believed that anyone--even liberals--took the Irrev. Al and his network seriously. ;)

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I'll be honest, I haven't kept up with this story, except for a few short and brief highlights. I'm just not entirely convinced that Zimmerman is at fault and the kid was a saint. From the tidbits I saw, Zimmerman looked like he rumbled with that kid quite a bit and got hammered pretty well, before using lethal force. Again, I haven't followed the case closely, I haven't seen all that's been presented. Only tidbits. And I'm just not convinced it was cold blooded murder.

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Citing Anne Coulter is disappointing, as she only adds fuel to burning fires which keeps her in the limelight. and her facts are wild distortions.

A trial is necessary, given the strange circumstances surrounding the unnecessary death of anyone. What is more alarming is that a trial was originally not considered.

Ann Coulter is spot on as usual and is not making wild sounds like you know very little about the case.

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And I respectfully disagree with PB. I shouldn't have to blow a million bucks in legal fees just because some junior mint thug decided he wanted a piece of me, and found out-too late-that I was packing heat.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Ann Coulter should never be consulted for news, just as Faux News should not be considered a source, or even Bill O'Reilly.

Mr. Zimmerman was "patrolling", the neighbourhood packing a weapon, was directed not to follow Mr. Martin by 911, but still did so. Even if "Stand your Ground" law was in effect, it seems pretty strange that someone would stalk another person, without authority, as a vigilante and then shoot Mr. Martin. Regardless of what Mr. Martin's intentions were, Mr. Zimmerman was obviously looking for trouble.

What other result could there be, given that Mr. Zimmerman was walking around with a gun, following someone with questionable intentions? He had intent.

Guess I don't know what I am speaking of, after all.

By not holding a trial, the state was saying that Mr. Zimmerman was justified in his actions and that immediately spawned theories as to why and of course its going to spark racial tensions. Now that a trial is underway, of course people will be suspicious of the outcomes. The gun lobbyists will be screaming some junk about gun rights, but nobody seems to want to focus on the killing of a man, regardless of gun "rights" or race.

Edited by Praetorian_Brow
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Ann Coulter should never be consulted for news, just as Faux News should not be considered a source, or even Bill O'Reilly

Ann Coulter wasn't reporting news...she was commenting as we are on the trial and situation and adding some important nuances that are missing from the story. Fox News is an excellent news shouldn't confuse editorial and entertainment programs like O'Reilly with news forums at Fox.

Your characterization of the fact is distorted to say the least. Stalking, as a vigilante and then shoot....yeah, distorted. The neighborhood had been robbed by aggressive young black males numerous times, he was part of a neighborhood watch and only shot after he was followed, sucker punched to the ground and was having his head bashed into the sidewalk by a young man, not the twelve year old the news media portrayed.

Good thing , Mr. Zimmerman had a gun or he might be the one that was dead and Trayvon on trial. I wonder if Rev. Al and MSNBC would have cried racism if it was a dead "white-hispanic"?

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If you consider Faux News an excellent news source or Ann Coulter as credible, then there is no point in continuing to offer any of my perspective.

I pray for your soul.

Offer your perspective PB..without distorting facts. More people watch Fox than the other cable news organizations combined...the ones who rail against it usually find comfort at MSNBC and Ann Coulter is awesome and I love her strait forward call it like it is style.

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